Interaction 1: Apart

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Two months ago, the sun was setting, you were alone. This was because Komaeda had to stay after today. So even though your parents were gone, and you wanted to wait for him to come over, he insisted you have a day to yourself. You were still unsure as to why he was so insistent on not letting you wait for him today. Then again, you and Komaeda had only been friends for a mere 3 weeks at this point so maybe he still wasn't comfortable with you yet.
Your other friends and classmates had slowly stopped coming to school at all. Regardless, this would be at least one day, where you could finally go to your secret special place. You hadn't been there in a while, and you were slowly building stress, having failed at keeping the class together. You had three weeks to do something, something that mattered but it wasn't enough.

Walking past the normal route to your home, you walked towards a wooded area. No one else ever seemed to go that way, not even you at first, but you had your reasons.

Once, when you were younger, your bike had fallen down the hill and into these woods. You remembered fondly how you had found the special place. At first the woods seemed scary because you'd gotten lost in them, but eventually you started to look around and realized just how pretty the woods were. So even though you hadn't found your way out for a while, you had found a beautiful meadow outside at the other side instead. So...the wooded area was perfect for adventures, finding cute animals, and picking berries, overall, a fun place to be. Outside the woods, at the side opposite of your house, the meadow was calming, and you could pick flowers, stand by the lake, and eat whatever food or berries you had brought or picked while shielded from the sun by the trees. You'd came here constantly for years now, and you hated to admit it, but even though it was your special place, you hadn't been here at all since meeting Komaeda, and the only other friend you had ever been here with was gone. You wiped away your tears at the sudden bitter thought. It'd been years now, and they wouldn't want you to cry.

Now laying down in the meadow, you basked in the sunlight and let your thoughts wander. Your mind was clearing up, and you left the worries and confusion behind. Staring up at the sky you could see the stars finally coming up.

It's hard to be friends with everyone, it always has been. And it's rare to have even one friend that's closer to me than others. You sighed. 'Maybe Komaeda-kun is a blessing in disguise then. I haven't connected with a person this well since my childhood friend, and it's only been a few weeks!' You chuckled. Was it finally possible for you to share secrets with someone? Not that you had many, but now whenever you needed to, you could confide in someone, and...  They could confide in you too! Right? This friendship could last all of your high school years, neither of you would have to feel alone. Even better, you could understand how to help people more, you could help him more, your help could matter right? You hoped it could... You knew the world could find true hope in happiness.

Your unorganized thoughts started to melt away as you finally fell asleep. The still warm air, and the warm dimming light of the sun was perfect. Everything was perfect.

Waking up to a buzz on your phone, you sat up and looked around curiously. "Oh...!" You reached into your pocket and pulled out your phone. Answering it, you heard a soft raspy voice on the other side. It was Komaeda of course. "Hi, (L/n)-san, where are you right now?" He asked. "Oh... Um..." You looked around trying to think of an excuse. You couldn't find a way to tell him... You didn't want to lie to him either, but you weren't quite ready to tell him about this place yet. "I-I can't tell you... Sorry..." You looked up at the stars in the sky, it must've gotten pretty late... "It's fine... I was just asking because I'm at your door, but you don't seem to be here." He chuckled. Your ears perked up and your eyes widened. "WHAT-!? I-I'M SO SORRY! I can't believe I forgot...!" You sprung up with a yelp. "It's fine... Really (L/n)-san... I just wanted to ask if this was a bad time..." He said, his voice lowering in worry. "Are you OK (L/n)-san? I'm sorry if I scared you.." His voice sounded so calming. You hummed, "No, you didn't scare me, I'm just upset that I left you outside! I fell asleep... a-and I wasn't supposed to...! B-But I'll be there right away, I promise!"

"Huh? There's no need to rush for someone like me (Y/n)." He chuckled. You sighed and rolled your eyes with a light smile. It was a gesture he obviously couldn't see, and after, you both said your goodbyes and you made your way back home.

Finally making it back home, you jumped at him, very out of breath. "Hey Ko-kun!" It had only taken you 5 minutes to get there since you ran most of the way and it wasn't really far, but you were really soaking up all the air you could take in one breath as you hugged Komaeda. He hugged you back and began to pet your head as you caught the rest of your breath. A sudden crisp cool breeze interrupted the moment to give you shivers, so you let go of Komaeda and put your uniform jacket back on. Finally you unlocked your house door and the both of you walked in. You turned your eyes towards the nearest clock in the room.

7:48 pm

You both sat on your couch awkwardly, neither of you knowing what to say. It was pretty late... But you really wanted to ask him. "Why were you so insistent on me leaving you at the school...?" You had been troubled about it for a bit, so you were excited to maybe get an answer.

"Huh?" He seemed confused.
"Weren't you stressed?" He asked. 'What?' You looked back at him, sharing the same kind of confusion. He closed his eyes and laughed lightly. "Ahaha...I guess you don't know what I mean..." Sighing lightly he opened his eyes and continued. "You've been stressed right? It's pretty obvious, I see you try so hard to help people, and despite everything, they leave one by one. You feel like nothing you do is enough, like your failing at your talent, right? You would look around the classroom and then look down at the floor while smiling sadly, but it would seem empty." He said. He could read you like a book, and at this point he'd started moving closer to you until he was inches away from you. "I told you you could leave me alone so you could relax. Someone as amazing as you should never have to stress, plus, you can't possibly be failing. Your helping me afterall! The only reason why I even have the nerve to try and help you like this... it's because you gave me that kind of courage. After only three weeks, it's funny right?" He chuckled again and leaned away in the process. His lean body held still against a wall, his hands were in his pockets and he looked down at the floor. "And I could never ask for a better friend than you. Though that may not seem like much coming from someone like me." You lit up at his kind words. "Komaeda, thank you for giving me a day off... I missed you even while we were apart today, everything you do for me matters more than you know... And I really did get to calm down, and now that my mind is clear, I know what I want to do!" Your eyes gleamed with hope. You were gonna help him have the best days of his life here. He smiled at you, happy that someone of his low level status could help someone as important as you. Maybe, there really was hope for him in this world?

The Ultimate Sweetheart: Book One- Luck Arc (Nagito Komaeda x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now