Summer's Final Break

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No one could manage to find Mikan, and it was really freaking you out. You didn't know if she was safe, what'd happened to her- She could be kidnapped or something! Or hurt by one of the 'paraders' that were getting angrier right outside of the school!! Or maybe you were the only one that paranoid. But honestly speaking of which, it was a wonder that you all were still supposed to come to school today. You thought the school might try to keep students safe by letting them stay at home- indoors at the dorms where they could be sure they wouldn't get hurt. And as optimistically as you wanted to think about things, it was getting excessively harder to do these days. You were also thinking of Chiaki's question from earlier and the possibility of Hajime being caught up in this mess too after all. So you all sat down or around in the classroom, you against the wall next to the door, defeated. The roars of the parade ringing outside distantly as you all spoke about your failed search for Mikan. Not even Gundam's Dark Devas had found a trace of her, and she wasn't in her dorm room. When the door opened, you didn't know who to expect but hopefully Mikan, so you stood up at the sound and almost looked.
"Speak of the devil, Hey girl!!-" Ibuki cut herself off quickly and the class groaned together in disappointment.
"Yeah sorry, still a dude." Nagito hummed lightly with a chuckle.

You froze, holding your breath. You were also disappointed Mikan didn't appear, but you couldn't help being a little relieved too. Even despite your previous paranoia, he of all people wasn't likely to get into any immediate danger. But there was still something keeping you from wanting to greet him all the same.
"It's been a while, I brought gifts!" He said, but you were still in your own head. Hiyoko, Peko, Ibuki, and a few others looked at you curiously, whether or not there were other issues, you would usually jump at Nagito after missing him for so long. You could even see Nagito looking around and his smile faltering when he saw you seemingly weren't there.
Chiaki explained the classes concerns, the fact that Mikan had gone missing had put everyone far too on edge to celebrate.
"Ok..." Nagito hummed, thinking for a brief second. Akane threatened to punch him for possibly forgetting her when he brightened up to say where he'd seen her.
"Are you absolutely sure!?" Mitarai said, grabbing Nagito's shirt and glaring in desperation. All of you were more than a little confused, but you were also waiting for the confirmation, hoping Nagito was in fact sure. After a few more words a confirmation, everyone beamed.
"Should we go get her?" Nagito asked. You stared out the window from the door shifting awkwardly and hoping he wouldn't look back.
"Yes, I want to know why she hasn't been here. We're owed an explanation." Everyone agreed with Chiaki, nodding and speaking their thoughts on the matter. You braced yourself, and as everyone else walked out, Nagito stayed facing away, so you slipped outside the door and waited.
While he took awhile to leave, speaking with Peko about something, you followed Chiaki down the hall. Nagito would catch up to you all later and you'd have a chance to speak with him then.

"(Y/n)... You really missed Nagito, why did you hide from him like that?" Chiaki asked, She grabbed an umbrella while you grabbed your own plus a small towel. "I was nervous... I hadn't seen him in a while and I realized I still didn't know what to say or how to feel about what he'd done..." Chiaki nodded, "Understandable, most of the class wonders how you're always so calm when he does things like that. But it's true, you're not always so ok with what he does, your love for him just sees past it easier than others." Chiaki hummed, waiting on you to leave the dorm room next to hers. You all had recently switched from home to dorms just to make some things easier and since your room was right next to hers, you two would usually plan or hangout in each others rooms. "Ready!" You said, holding your umbrella. "Should we go out to the back of the school since the paraders are still out front?" You pointed towards the back exit of the building and Chiaki nodded. "It'll take longer, but it's the safer choice, and I'm sure the others will do the same."

Sure enough Chiaki was right, and you all met up inside, including Nagito. 'Collect your thoughts. Collect your thoughts... Collect your thoughts...!' You muttered in your head and kept yourself from pacing. Turning away from him you covered your face with your hands. 'God, why didn't I prepare more for this moment... I thought we'd have a party to celebrate him coming back, but that didn't happen at all...! I'm such an idio-'
You froze.
"Hey... I'm guessing you don't want to see me right now... But I wanted to say sorry for what I did. I never meant to upset you, you know?" He walked around in front of you. You could hear your classmate's talking in the background, some already gone, the others discussing where to search.
"I got you something... As an apology. So you can-" His breath hitched as he slowly pried your hands away from your face. You hiccuped, tears threatening to spill as soon as you saw him. 'Dammit! I was so close to not crying." You tried to glare at him without triggering the spill.
"Please... Don't cry...!" Nagito looked a little panicked as he tried to wipe your eyes before they fell. You shook your head stubbornly. "I-I'm not crying you idiot!" Your head turned up so you could look him straight in the eyes but you were shaking. "I-I'm fine! I just couldn't seem to help being worried somehow... And-"
"Worried about Mikan right? Don't worry! She's okay. I saw her in the West district." He smiled.

"Yeah- But... No... That's not it Nagito. I was worried about you this whole time!" You laughed dryly to yourself. "But- I-I think I'm a little scared of you too Nagito..."
Chiaki, you, and Nagito all walked together. You barely said a word to each other after what you'd last said. You so badly wanted to know what he was thinking without having to look at his face, but even when you did get an undetected peek at him- His expression was never readable. He didn't seem hurt at all somehow, but you didn't know how to describe the look either. He was almost smiling though, which wasn't that unexpected. Even in the midst of something horrible, he had a habit of smiling at trouble. He expected trouble after all

"Hold on..."

"What is it?" Chiaki asked. You looked up at where your friends were looking. A statue of the principal? Yeah, though it was pretty far from the school... Not the most normal place to have one. "Why put a statue in a place like this?" Nagito walked up to it, admiring its intricacy for a second before reaching out to touch it. "Weird..." And as soon as he touched it, both his foot and hand triggered something. A low rumble sounded and ground in front of the statue opened up. "What the..." You stared nervously down the hole. "Komaeda look!" Chiaki, backed up a few steps too, both of you watching as stairs formed to the bottom of the cave like structure. "What in the world is going on." She finished. "Nagito, how in the world did you...?" You mumbled more to yourself than anything, poking your foot at the first step experimentally before looking back at him. "Woah. We found a secret passage... Cool! I really am super lucky, huh." Nagito smiled.
"Wait. You didn't know this was here?" Chiaki asked. But you already knew the obvious answer, and this show of his capabilities once again scared you just a bit. "Not a clue- Total chance." He said, and his voice deepened for a second.

"That's my thing."

The Ultimate Sweetheart: Book One- Luck Arc (Nagito Komaeda x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now