Tentative Mind

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The storm lasted for a while, raged on till dawn actually, and you woke up to the soft sound of a beating chest. You didn't want to get up, but you did want to check the time, so you sat up anyways. Nagito was still sleeping peacefully, and you tried your best to get up without waking him. What a light sleeper he was, he woke up as soon as you got up, he just didn't say anything.

You continued quietly walking upstairs, the kitchen as far as you could remember had the nearest clock so you went there.

12:37 pm.

'Noon already...' You whined to yourself. It was likely school had been cancelled though right? How lucky you both were to not get hurt by the storm. Either way it wouldn't matter much to anyone... Except Mrs.Yukizome. You crept back down the stairs to Nagito, wanting to ask what he'd like for breakfast, you leaned down and looked at his cute supposedly sleeping face. 'So pretty', was the first thing that came to mind, and without thinking, you leaned down and kissed him on the cheek softly. "I won't wake him up yet..." You sighed aloud and tip-toed back upstairs. Nagito's eyes fluttered open and with a heavy heated blush, he raised a hand to the cheek you kissed.

You were back in the kitchen, tying on an apron you always brought with you for cooking with Teruteru (you helped out often). Next, you started pulling out ingredients for food you knew Nagito liked. Even if he wasn't awake to tell you what he wanted, you at least knew what he didn't dislike, he wasn't very picky afterall. "Eggs, bacon, and pancakes, I can manage that...!" You set the ingredients on the counter and began to cook.

Meanwhile, Nagito still downstairs, sat up. He kept having strange feelings, feelings he'd deny. Yet he wasn't stupid, he knew what these feelings could mean, but he didn't think he deserved your friendship let alone your love. You were wonderful for spending any time with him. So much as a glance his way made him happy. He must've had these feelings for a while though right? He just hadn't realized it until last night...

Thoughts swirled in his mind once again and began to reflect in his eyes. He replayed moments like projections in his head, moments where he'd blush at things you did. He often did feel different around you now that he realized it, he felt so comfortable having you around, yet so giddy at the same time in a way that was different compared to any of his other feelings.

'So I've been this way for a while without even realizing it, huh...'

Back to you, you were almost finished. It didn't take that long to make the pancakes, and you were now seconds away from finishing up with the eggs and bacon. You suddenly felt a presence behind you, and next a hand on each of your shoulders. "Ah!" You screamed in surprise. Shifting around, you were about to say good morning, and sorry for screaming... but you didn't get the chance to as Nagito hugged you tightly. "Huh...?" You blushed and stood still in confusion. He had just woken up and thought to hug you first? "Good morning Nagito! I take it you slept well?"  You looked at him with a smile, then quickly turned to the side to turn off the stove and move the food. He opened his mouth, but nothing came out. He didn't really know what to say, so instead he hugged you tighter. Strange behavior, but it was Nagito after all. "Good morning, (Y/n)-san." He finally said softly.

 "You're in a good mood, aren't you?" You giggled. "Oh! You don't look sick anymore and you aren't coughing either, does that mean you feel better?" You moved to tilt your head to the side curiously and felt your cheek land in the palm of his left hand. "Yeah, I've never felt better! Your tips from Mikan worked well again." He smiled shyly at you. "Thank you (Y/n) I owe you one, again." He blinked and suddenly let go of you, chuckling lightly. 'Of course, how could I forget... I can't feel this way for her, I shouldn't. I'm not anywhere near her level, so I'm in no position to be her friend let alone love her... Not only that, I haven't told her about my disease...'

 'Is he hiding something?' You looked into his eyes as he scratched the back of his head while smiling brightly. "I wouldn't want this breakfast to go to waste after you spent time making it for trash like me. Let's eat." He turned your attention back to the food.




"The game tournament of the month is this week, who are you betting will win?" Komaeda asked you. "Well, if Chiaki is playing in this one, I'm gonna bet it's her, I let Kazuichi enter this one instead of me after all. Wait... Actually I change my mind!" You looked at him excitedly. "I think you'll win! You are playing in this one right? I can tell you've been getting better!" Komaeda chuckled again, "That's just my good luck, even so, luck and my own mediocre skills are nowhere near enough to defeat Chiaki in gaming." Finally finishing his food, he changed the subject. "In battle you mean." you chuckled. "Anyways, what were you planning to make for the class this time?" he asked. You tapped your chin thoughtfully, "I'm thinking charm bracelets this time, the guys might not like them but I know the girls will, plus Hiyoko has been wanting one for a while now after getting her new kimono. Would you like to help?" You looked over to him as he sat on his couch. "Of course sunshine." He quickly looked away, he was embarrassed. Testing a nickname like that... What was he thinking? Had he already forgotten his place or something?

He'd expected you to be a little upset, but instead you gasped, looking at him with widened eyes. "That's so cute!! I'm blushing too hard Ko-chan! Why would you say that!?" You were right, your face lit to a vibrant rosy shade as you shut your eyes tightly and shook your head. You almost looked like you were on a sugar high as you tried your best not to explode. Komaeda stared at you, a blush rather obvious on his face too, then he laughed. He'd never been called cute before, it felt nice. Even if he didn't mean to let that slip out, he didn't regret it now. As a matter of fact, maybe he could get used to this selfishly sweet feeling.

Monokuma theater:
Finally done with all of my editing and fixing everything. All I gotta worry about now is the typical stuff, like school crap, and chores, maybe even my social life! Jk, jk, obviously this took a while longer then I meant for it to. A lot of stuff happened during the first few weeks of schools that I don't wanna talk about honestly. Anyways, I'm so glad I'm caught up! And my ideas for this story are still flourishing!~ So don't worry, I'll be back soon, next Friday I guess??

The Ultimate Sweetheart: Book One- Luck Arc (Nagito Komaeda x Female!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now