Nothing to do with it

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"Just my luck" Nagito sighed as you both watched the heavy snow fall down. "Sorry... It's actually my fault... I forced you to go a cafe with me..." You stared down at your feet with guilt. "Huh? Don't worry, I don't mind the snow. That and... it's most likely my fault anyways, remember? My bad luck must be the cause of this... I'm just worried about you getting cold and the books getting wet..." You looked up at him, "Nagito, I don't care about getting snowed on either, so maybe we can just ask for a plastic bag for the books and run, you know?" He smiled, "Really? I don't want you to catch a cold though, we aren't dressed for snow... We should be quick about getting to your house." You frowned, "Nagito, my house is quite a bit farther than yours, and it'd mean you'd have to walk for even longer! You would catch a cold for sure... So how about... we go to your house for today? My parents aren't home this weekend anyways, so they won't know. I can even call them too if you want and ask if they won't mind!" Nagito stared back at you surprised. "You... really don't mind?" He thought a little more in his head. It would lessen the chance of you getting a cold, and you spending the night at his place again... The thought itself already made him giddy on the inside. He had to stop himself from wrapping his arms around his body to hold himself together. "O-ok, I'll ask for plastic bags then!" He said with a wide smile.

Nagito had managed to score not only the plastic bags, but an umbrella as well, one big enough for you both to share, but he was rather awkward about it. In the end, he insisted you have it for yourself, and you retaliated still. Both of you stepped outside, and in an instant, you closed the umbrella. He stared at you in blatant shock "(Y/n)..!" "I don't mind getting wet for you Nagito. And I really don't mind the snow either! Plus, what's an umbrella really gonna do against it anyway?" You giggled. He blushed and refused to say anything else for a second, smiling instead. He grabbed the bags of books and you kept the umbrella, then he turned to you and chuckled, "How about a race then?" You smiled back, "Last one there is a moldy orange!"

You rushed through the cold snow, Nagito tailing right behind and laughing happily. "No fair! How are you so fast!" He whined playfully. "I guess it's because you're holding more stuff!" You turned your body to him promptly and taunted before slipping on ice and falling on your back into a pile of snow. When you opened your eyes, you saw Nagito on top of you, but he wasn't moving. Could it be...? When you both fell, he must've fallen over onto you and momentarily knocked himself out... You had to admit, it was rather unlucky just how helplessly frail he could be, but... as wrong as it may be to say it, he was still so handsome. His face looked peaceful, and he looked even more adorable with flurries of snow blending in with his hair. You blushed. His full weight was pressing into you and you didn't know how to get up. You two were probably totally gonna catch colds later... Soon though, you could hear him groan lightly, and his eyes slowly started to open.

"H-huh...? (Y/n)... When did I...?" He looked up at you, pausing before his eyes widened and he realised he was laying flat against you. "(Y/N)! I-I'm so sorry!" He apologized profusely, frantically moving to straddle you instead. "Are you hurt?" He started checking your arms first, then his hand moved to your face, checking for any bruises or scratches. Suddenly, he hugged you. "Thank god, I wouldn't know what I'd do if I'd hurt you again..." You laughed, "I'm fine Nagito, just a little winded!" You looked away a bit and blushed, "So... um... Can you get up a bit...?" You giggled as his face erupted with heat. He stood up quickly, wobbling on his legs a bit before reaching down to pull you up into his arms.

"Sorry, Let's go home now."

Finally, you both managed to make it to his place. No more falling, and no more being stuck in the cold snow. You both hugged all the way back to his house just to conserve warmth, but that made the situation more intimate than you thought it would be. Him being as oblivious as he could be though, he just smiled like an idiot as you hugged him by the waist. You wouldn't look at him now. Your face was red and you didn't want him to know you were blushing. So you placed your shoes at the door as he asked you to standby while he grabbed some warm towels for you both to dry off and warm up with. When he came back, he offered to make you both some hot chocolate to warm up more. "Only if I make it!" You hurried to stop him. If you weren't sick already, you'd probably actually get sick from drinking his hot chocolate... You even briefly thought of the possibility that his tainted health was an effect of his terrible cooking, though you'd never voice that out loud...

The Ultimate Sweetheart: Book One- Luck Arc (Nagito Komaeda x Female!Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora