Chapter 50

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Chapter 50


The disgrace we've been experiencing isn't what we are having but when the world changes to a corrupt government with a cruel system of dividing the standards of living by every person. A poor mindset and develops a system in which aren't qualified to everybody. A fate they can never run away from, but to accept the fact that these so-called smart people ruin the freedom of everybody to justify what they foresee to the future.

They were so afraid that the world would be so occupied with more than seven billion of people and they should be 'cause after decades it rises up to fifteen billion people where most of it has been ambushed to kill to promulgate the rising number of population.

The two standards of living namely Licit and Null people. Those tow standards divide half of the population in which the Licit can have their own freedom, peace and wealth. Those are people who didn't get to experience real life. I mean, they are in means of the power within money, politics and total manipulation of people. They are the ones who are living in wealth but striking the other standards with their dirty tactics. And all those experienced by the Null people.

Even though Null people experience the wrong side of life, at least they got through every problem heading into them. In a simple matter, Null people are much way stronger than the physical attributes of the Licit because the people living in Waste Land has become more than anything. They've got nothing but life around the waste of the Noble Land but they make everything useful, worthy in every way.

The pain and all the things they have done would come to an end when the High Council realizes their mistakes of dividing people into two standards. The unfair system classifying whether the person has the capacity to live his life in a better place.

And as we are moving forward, we are changing their ways.

We were the last one stayed at the hideout of the defectors. Most of them already left and what's a good thing about it were three-fourths of the Waste Land has come into the line of fighting against the High Council. We encourage them to fight, stood up with their bravery and follow their guts to get what they deserve. And all I can see now is a world where no system defying every individual right.

"Are everybody clear now?" I asked Conrad.

He patted my shoulder, "yeah, I think they are now."

With the plan established by Conrad were now on the process of accomplishing it. I wouldn't doubt my brother's plan because I do think with all we've got would be enough to attain what we want.

"C'mon buddy, we're leaving now."

"Uh, how do we do that? Mom, Al, and Thea used our car. What about that?" I asked him.

He chuckles, "well, I need you to see something."

My forehead creases when he talks about it. We stood up from where we seating—at the edge of the stage and lead his way as I follow him heading to a hallway that directed into a metal door on the end of it. When we reach the door, he opened it and made me come first in the room. There was darkness until he opened the lights that bring a glow to the room. The only thing that surprises me was the big dusty cloth covering a big thing on it.

"Wanna see?" Conrad said, sneaking a laugh.

"Of course!" I giddily said.

When he walks closer to it and pick up the hem of the cloth and with his strength, he pulls out the cloth covering what's in it. The next thing happened blew me away. I never thought I would see it on Waste Land and I couldn't believe that their group could have a hold of this transportation.

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