2.0 | Sick?

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I opened my eyes and immediately felt like I was going to puke. I stood up and ran to the bathroom. I opened the toilet and puked into the toilet. I stood up and flushed the toilet I walked to the sink and looked at myself. I looked really pale. I washed my face and I brushed my teeth then I got in the shower.

When I got out I walked into the bedroom and saw David in the closet. I walked in the closet and he was looking for clothes. "are you okay?" David asked as I was looking through clothes. "yeah why?" I asked looking at him confused. "you look whiter than usual" he said making me laugh.

"I mean I woke up this morning and puked but I took a shower and feel better now" I said as I changed into light washed ripped jeans. "text me if you don't feel good I can come home and get you medicine" David said as I smiled and put on a white oversized t shirt.

"okay but I feel better now" I said turning around and seeing he was wearing a black sweater and black jeans. "will you ever stop wearing all black?" I asked as he laughed. "never" he said shaking his head as we both laughed and walked out the closet.


"hey" I said holding the phone up to my ear. I was sitting at our kitchen island while on the phone with Diamond. "hey girl" she said into the phone "you wanna come over I'm off and David has interviews all day" I asked spinning around in the chair. "hell yeah bitch Harper has to work anyway" she said as I laughed. "I'm leaving now" she said as I stood up. "okay bet" I said walking into the living room. "bye" she said "byeee" I said hanging up the phone.

I walked into the front room of the house and suddenly got really dizzy and my vision went black. The last thing I remembered was falling to the floor.


"Luna! luna wake up!" I heard Diamond screaming. I opened my eyes and saw her hovering over me and shaking me. "are you okay? I walked in the house and you were just laying here" she said as I sat up.

"yeah I was fine then I got dizzy and my vision got black and I guess I passed out" I said as she helped me stand up. "are you sick?" she asked as we walked into the kitchen. "I mean this morning I puked but that's it" I said sitting down at the island.

"we should take you to the doctors" Diamond said as I nodded my head. "yeah let's go" I said standing up and grabbing my keys.


When we got to the doctors we called for an appointment so we didn't have to wait. We were in the back room and I told my doctor everything that was wrong with me. She did a couple little test on me and then left the room and we were waiting for her to come back. I sat back in the chair I had to sit on and decided to text David.


So I guess I passed out and Diamond came over and found me so we decided to go to the doctors

I locked my phone as I heard the door open I sat up and the doctor walked in. "So I put the test in and it turns out that you're anemic" she said as I looked at her confused. "what does that mean?" I asked her. "it means that you're really low on iron and it can cause you to be dizzy and pass out" she said as I nodded my head.

"how did I just become anemic?" I asked her confused. "usually people get it because their diet changed or their pregnant" she said as I looked at her wide eyed. I saw Diamond look at me confused "pregnant?" she said "am I pregnant?" I asked looking around the room.

"uh I don't know are you?" the doctor asked laughing. "I don't know" I said looking up at her as her smile went away. "I can run a blood test and the results will come in tomorrow and they'll tell me if you're pregnant or just having a diet change" she said as I nodded my head. "okay yeah let's do that" I said leaning back in the chair.

"I'll be back" she said walking out the room "Pregnant!" Diamond yelled standing up. I looked at her like I was scared "whats that face for you should be happy" she said smiling. "Diamond I don't want to be pregnant, I don't even want kids" I said looking at her like she was crazy. "I mean it wouldn't be the worst thing ever" Diamond said trying to change my mind. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair.


I set plates on the dinning room table as I looked up at the clock reading the time "6:02". I didn't tell David about the pregnancy scare yet actual it might not even be a scare it could be real. Me and David never talked about having kids before it just never crossed my mind. I didn't know if he wanted kids but I didn't I wanted him to respect that and understand.

I heard the front door open and I smiled as I set the rest of the food on the table. "wow you didn't have to make dinner you're already sick" David said walking into the room. "I'm not sick I'm fine and I wanted to" I said as he walked over to me and hugged me. He leaned down and kissed me. "I hope you like it" I said as we pulled away and sat down at the table.

"What did the doctor say?" David asked ignoring what I just said. "okay well" I said looking down into my lap. "is it bad?" David asked as he started eating. "well she said I'm anemic which is when you have low iron" I said as he nodded his head. "that's curable though it's because you changed the way you eat" David said, he clearly didn't know the other part.

"well it could be that or" I said looking up at him "I could be pregnant" I as he stopped eating and looked up at me wide eyed. "are you?" he asked trying to hold back a smile. "I don't know she's calling me tomorrow to tell me" I said as David sighed "what if you are pregnant? we would have a kid" he said smiling at me.

I thought it was cute that David was happy about this but I mean I wasn't that happy about this. "Yeah but David" I said as he looked at me confused "what are you not happy about this?" he asked as I sighed. "I mean it's just I don't really want kids and we've never talked about it before" I said as he turned away from me and looked down.

"don't be mad at me" I said putting my hand on his leg. "no it's okay I understand and you might not even be pregnant so it doesn't matter" he said shrugging his shoulders as I nodded my head. "right, thanks for understanding" I said smiling at him "I love you and I'll be happy as long as I have you" he said as he leaned in and kissed me. "I love you to" I said smiling at him.

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