26.0 | Carnival

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~Luna's POV~

I woke up the next morning and reached over grabbing my phone seeing it was 11 in the morning. I got out of bed and walked out of the bedroom I walked down the hall and looked into the guest bedroom's seeing that everyone was gone.

I walked downstairs and saw Corinna and Olivia were up talking. Corinna was sitting on the love sac as Olivia was sitting on the couch. "Oh hey guys," I said walking in the room and running my hand through my hair. "good morning," Olivia said as I walked over and sat down next to her.


It was about an hour later and Olivia and Corinna went home and I went upstairs to take a shower. When I got out I changed into shorts, and one of Davids hoodies on. I blow dried my hair and put it up in a ponytail. I washed my face and brushed my teeth and when I was done I walked out of the bedroom.

I walked down the stairs and turned the corner to go into the kitchen "Ahh!" David yelled scaring me and making me jump back. "you fucking asshole," I said laughing and hitting his chest as he laughed. "oh nice shirt," he said pointing the camera at it as I smiled.

"when did you come home?" I asked as he turned off his camera. "five minutes ago and I decided to scare you" he said laughing as I shook my head. "I missed you," I said as he hugged me "you wanna go out tonight?" David asked leaning down and kissing me. "like where?" I asked confused.

"well it's a surprise just yes or no?" he asked as I smiled rolling my eyes. "okay I'm down but only if you tell me where," I said smiling at him "still no," he said shaking his head and walking past me up to the stairs.


It was later that day and David and I were about to go out. We were upstairs in the bedroom and he was sitting on the bed "dress like normal?" David said as a question. "okay" I said laughing and walking to the closet. I changed into vintage high waisted shorts and a black long sleeve bodysuit then I put on my black vans.

I walked to the bathroom and curled my hair and did my makeup. I walked out the bathroom and saw David in all black with a black long sleeve shirt and his black hat on backwards. "you look good" I said smiling at him. I loved when he wore long sleeve shirts they looked good on him. He turned around and looking at me up and down "wow you look great" he said smiling at me.

I laughed and smiled as he walked over to me. "you're so cute" he said leaning down and kissing me. "I know," I said flipping my hair and making him laugh, he put his arm around me and we turned around. "so where to?" I asked as we walked out the room. "still not telling you" he said as we laughed and walked out the house.


We were driving for about an hour and I still had no idea where we were going. "wait!" I yelled turning down the music "is that where we're going?" I asked pointing at the Ferris wheel I saw in the distance. "yeah" David said as I looked over at him "oh my god yay!" I said smiling as he parked his car.


We walked into the fair and I was so excited. "dude this is awesome" I said as David held my hand. "you wanna be cliché and get me a stuffed animal" I said looking up at David as we both laughed. "okay bet" he said as we laughed "never say that" I said as we started walking where all the games were.

We walked up to some easy looking game where you threw a ball at the basket. "watch and learn" David said letting go of my hand as I rolled my eyes smiling. He paid the guy and handed David the tennis balls. David threw the ball and it landed in the basket. "okay now make one more" I said being cocky.

"watch," David said looking at me and throwing the ball. He missed and I started laughing "watch what?" I said as he laughed. "watch this" David said throwing the last ball into the basket and making it.

"Ohh" David yelled turning to me "what did I tell you," he said laughing as I laughed and rolled my eyes. "can I have the hamster," David said as the guy nodded. David gave me the animal and I hugged him he looked down at me and kissed me. "this is cute but why the hamster?" I asked as we walked away from the booth.

"because it's tiny and cute just like you" he said as we both laughed "tell me to not be so cheesy next time" he said as we both laughed. "let's go get food I'm so hungry" David said as I nodded my head "agreed also Carnival food is pretty fat but good" I said as David laughed.


After we ate we went on a couple of rides and played a couple of other games but couldn't win anything.

"I did it!" I yelled turning to David we were playing games for an hour trying to get prizes but we couldn't and I finally made a basket into one of the hoops. "can I have the elephant please" I asked the girl as she nodded. She grabbed the stuffed animal and handed it to me "you're welcome" I said handing him the elephant as he laughed.

"I'm supposed to win you stuff" he said as I laughed "It's okay you already did" I said holding up the hamster. "okay let's do one more thing but I pick" David said as I looked up at him "okay fine" I said as he looked around the park. "let's go on the Ferris wheel" he said smiling and looking down at me. "hell no I'm not riding that skeptical ass ride" I said as he laughed "come on it will be okay" he said laughing.

"uh no, I'm not trying to die," I said shaking my head. "Luna come on it will be okay," he said laughing as I sighed. "fine but I'm not looking down," I said as he shook his head smiling "okay that's fine," he said as we walked up to the line.


The guy opened the door to the car and David and I walked on "this tiny ass box" I said as David laughed. "It's okay," David said closing the door, we were the last ones on the wheel so we were gonna start now.

The ride slowly started going up and I gripped onto Davids' arm. "are you really this scared?" he asked looking down at me. "yes I hate this" I said as he laughed. David wrapped his arm around me and I moved closer to him.

"Luna look up" David said to me I listened and looked up and saw the view of L.A. "woah" I said loosening up a little bit "I told you" David said looking at me "okay this isn't that bad" I said looking around. "you're so beautiful" David said as I looked at him he was smiling at me and I blushed a little bit.

"You still make me blush," I said leaning back into his chest. "I love you," he said leaning down and connecting our lips. I smiled as he kissed me. We pulled away and I looked up at him smiling "I love you too" I said making him lean in and kiss me again.

 We pulled away and I looked up at him smiling "I love you too" I said making him lean in and kiss me again

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@daviddobrik: I made Luna ride a Ferris wheel for the first time today

liked by lunasmith, corinnakopf and 5,297,386 others

@lunasmith: I hate you for that

@corinnakopf: what a cute couple

@zane: y'all cute

@fanaccount: look how happy they are

@daviddobrik: lies you love me @lunasmith

@fanaccount2: omg i knew i saw you guys today

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