12.0 | jealously

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~David's POV~

I woke up the next morning and opened my eyes seeing Luna wasn't in the bed. I grabbed my phone and had no missed texts or anything from her. I eventually got out of bed and left the room. I walked downstairs to the living room and saw Diamond and Harper.

Diamond was dressed for day 2 already but Harper wasn't. "have you seen Luna?" I asked making Diamond and Harper look up at me. "I think she's in the kitchen," Diamond said as I nodded my head. I left the living room and walked into the kitchen to hear Luna laughing.

When I walked in I saw Luna and Jeff making food and laughing. "hey what's going on?" I said putting on a fake smile. "we're making pancakes want one?" Luna asked smiling at me. "no I'm good" I said walking over to her.

Jeff turned to the sink and turned it on "hey can we talk" I whispered to Luna as she looked up at me confused. "yeah what about?" she asked stirring the pancake mix. Before I could say anything I was cut off "Luna the stove!" Jeff yelled as she turned around. I looked at the stove and saw a mini fire.

~Luna's POV~

"Oh my god!" I said moving the pan off of the burner when I did that the fire went off. Jeff started laughing and I did to "not funny" I said turning back around. When I did I noticed David wasn't in the room anymore. "did David leave?" I asked Jeff as he turned to me "yeah I guess so" he said shrugging his shoulders. "but like I was saying" Jeff said as I turned my head to him again.


"David?" I said walking into our room. "I'm in the bathroom," he said as I shut the door and saw him doing his hair. I walked in the bathroom and pulled out my makeup bag. "so what did you want to talk about?" I asked David as I put my hair up.

"it's nothing important," he said walking out the bathroom. "David tell me," I said walking into the main room. "it was nothing," he said shrugging his shoulders "okay if you say so," I said turning back into the bathroom. I finished my makeup and did my hair leaving it straight and down then I changed into this.

 I finished my makeup and did my hair leaving it straight and down then I changed into this

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When we all got to Coachella we split up into groups again and I was with David, Jeff, Corinna, and Natalie. "so what do you want to do today?" I asked turning to David. "I don't know," he said shrugging his shoulders and looking past me. David's been acting weird all day and hasn't been acting like himself.

I was gonna say something but before I could I was cut off. "Luna, you want to take a picture?" Jeff asked as I looked over at him. "I'll be back," I said to David "sure," I said turning back to Jeff and walking over to him.

After we took pictures we decided to eat something. I walked over to the side of David "hey" I said trying to hold his hand. "hi" he said pulling his hand away from me "why are you being like that?" I asked giving him a dirty look. "what we're eating" he said pulling out his wallet. "you won't even let me hold your hand and you haven't even been acting like yourself" I said as we walked up to a food truck.

"I'm fine," he said looking up, I rolled my eyes and looked away from him. I can tell when David's lying because he won't look at me. "want something?" David asked as I saw Jeff, Natalie and Corinna sit down at a table. "I'm not hungry," I said walking away from him I walked over to the table and sat down next to Jeff with Corinna across from me.

"are you okay?" Jeff asked as I looked up at him "why do you ask?" I asked him. "your foot is tapping like crazy and you're staring into the distance," he said laughing a little bit. "okay guys listen," I said leaning onto the table as they looked up at me. "David's mad for some reason and won't tell me what's up so you guys should find out for me," I said looking up and seeing David walking back to the table. The rest of the night David barley talked to me and it was driving me crazy because I had no clue why he was acting like this.


We got back to the house later that night and I was pissed. David was ignoring me the whole day anytime I would try to talk to him he would shut me out. He wouldn't even walk by me or even look at me.

Everyone got out of the ubers and I had to talk to David. I walked up to him and grabbed his arm he stopped walking and looked down at me confused. "we have to talk" I said as he rolled his eyes and sighed. "what is up with you?" I said as he shrugged his shoulders "why do you care?" he asked as I gave him a dirty look.

"because I love you and wanna know why you're acting like this," I said as he rolled his eyes. "you don't care because if you really did you wouldn't be on other guys," he said as I looked at him confused. "who am I on?" I asked getting mad now "don't be stupid," he said looking away from me.

"excuse me?" I said giving him a dirty look "you've been on Jeff the whole day and making me seem less important" he said as I looked at him crazy. "okay first of all me and Jeff are just friends and I haven't done anything to him all day" I said confused to why he said that. "you were making breakfast with him, taking pictures and sitting by him" he said as I laughed.

"exactly we're friends!" I said yelling at him now, he looked at the house and saw Jason looking at us. "we'll talk about this later" David said walking away from me as I rolled my eyes. I walked back into the house and upstairs. I changed into leggings and a vlog squad long sleeved shirt. I put my hair in a ponytail and put on my white slip on vans.

The door to the bedroom opened and David walked in. I looked at him and sighed turning back to the mirror. It was really quiet and awkward and I looked over at him to see him staring at me. He was going to say something before the door busted open. "Luna the baby!" Diamond yelled as David and I looked at her confused. "It's being born we gotta go!" she yelled as I smiled realizing what was happening.

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