41.0 | Birth

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~Luna's POV~

It has been around two months since David told me he was going on tour and he was leaving this morning to go on tour and I was actually really sad about it I knew I was going to miss him. "David wake up," I said gently while shaking him "no I don't want to go," he said turning over and burying his head into a pillow.

"I've been trying to wake you up for an hour now get the hell up" I said shaking him harder. "what's your pregnant ass gonna do about it?" he said as I started laughing. "you're annoying as hell now get the fuck up" I said taking my pillow and hitting him with it hard. "okay okay I'm getting up" He said standing up and putting his hands up in defense.


"Bye, I love you," David said hugging me "I love you too," I said as I pulled away and he leaned down kissing me. When he pulled away I looked behind him and saw Jason and Toddy walking into the airport. "you're gonna miss your friends" I said pointing at them as he turned around to look at them.

"who cares?" he said looking back over at me. "now call me if you need anything," David said looking at me up and down. He was nervous about going because I was supposed to be giving birth soon so he was scared that he was going to miss it but I kept telling him that it wasn't possible.

"I will now go before you miss your flight," I said laughing and pushing him back a little. "okay just be safe," he said while walking backward. "I will now go!" I said laughing as he smiled at me. "I'll see you later!" David yelled as he turned around and walked into the airport. I sighed as I turned around and walked back to the car.


When I got back home from the airport I tried to watch a movie in the living room but I just ended up falling asleep and not watching anything. I slept for about four hours and when I woke up it was 8 in the afternoon. I woke up and I was really sweaty and hot. I got off the couch and walked over to the thermostat and turned the AC down a lot.

I turned back around and went to turn the TV down when I got a sharp pain in my side. I stopped in my tracks and turned forward because it hurt so bad. It felt like I couldn't even move the pain was constant and I had no idea what it was. I sat down on the ground an started breathing hard because it hurt so bad.

All of a sudden it hit me to what was happening. I was having contractions. I took my phone out of my back pocket and dialed David's number. I knew his flight was delayed so I didn't know if he was on the plane or not. It rang for a little bit but he didn't answer I hung up the phone and didn't know what to do. I knew Diamond and Harper were both busy so I couldn't call them. I went through my contact list and called Mariah.

~David's POV~

Our plane kept getting delayed so we sat at the airport for about 4 hours until it finally came in. We all went inside and everyone was putting their bags up. I sat down on the plane next to Jason with Heath and Toddy sitting across the aisle from us. Heaths phone started ringing and I looked down seeing it was Mariah. I turned my head and looked out the window seeing that they were closing the bridge to the plane.

"finally" Jason said taking the words out of my mouth. "uh David" Heath said as I looked over at him. "Luna's going into labor Mariah's on her way to the house" Heath said catching me off guard. "what?" I said confused "you need to get off the plane" Jason said as I nodded my head standing up. I walked past Jason and saw a flight attendant walk up to me.

"sir you need to sit down the planes going to be taking off shortly" she said giving me a fake smile. "no I need to get off my wife is going into labor" I said as she made a shocked face. "I'm very sorry but the gates closed" she said shaking her head. I didn't care what I had to do but I was going to get off of this plane.

~Luna's POV~

"Mariah slow down I'm gonna be okay" I said gripping onto the door as she turned the car. "sorry Im really nervous right now" she said slowing down the car a little bit. "I'm gonna be fine I just need David to be there" I said taking a deep breath as another contraction happened.

~David's POV~

after about 20 mintues of refusing to sit back down now me, Toddy, Heath and Jason were all standing up. "sir I understand but there's nothing we can do" the attendant said now mad at us. I was about to say something when I was cut off. "Hey what's the holdup?" a piolet asked as he was standing at the end of the isle.

"I need to leave my wife's giving birth" I said walking past the girl and to him. "I told him no sir" the lady said from behind me. He looked at me up and down and then looked at the lady. "nancy just open the gate so we can go" he said shaking his head as I smiled at him. "whatever you say" she said sighing and walking past both of us.

"thank you so much" I said smiling at him and shaking his hand. "be safe" he said as the attendant opened the plane door for me. "keep us updated!" Jason yelled as I practically ran off the plane.


My uber pulled up to the hospital and I quickly got out. "thank you!" I yelled running inside. I ran to the third floor and I saw Mariah sitting down in a chair. She looked up and saw me then she stood up and walked over to me. "she's in room 304" she said as I nodded out of breath.

I walked past her and down the hall I looked at the doors and saw one that said "304". I opened the door and walked inside seeing two nurses look at me. "you're not allowed to be in here" one of them said walking up to me. "David!" Luna yelled from the bed. I ignored the nurse and walked to Luna's side. "it hurts so bad" she said with tears going down her face.

"It's gonna be okay I'm here now" I said holding her hand as she grabbed it hard as hell catching me off guard. "okay Luna come on you got this" one of the nurses said walking to Luna's other side.

~Luna's POV~

I heard a baby crying and I let go of my breath and sighed tilting my head back all the way. "are you okay?" David asked pulling my hair up for me. I nodded my head as I took a deep breath. "I'm happy to show you guys a healthy baby boy" the nurse said walking up to me. She held me the baby and I took him and held him to my chest.

I looked down at the crying baby and saw he already had brown hair and dark brown eyes and a cute small nose. "Chris let's name him Chris" David whispered to me as we both stared at the baby amazed. "he's perfect" I said as a tear fell down my cheek.

I smiled as I looked up at David. I watched him as he looked at the baby amazed. I noticed his eyes watering up as he looked up at me. "I love you thank you for always being there for me" I said smiling at him. "I love you to" he said smiling down at me.

Thought the years I never knew people could actually have tears of joy. But in this moment I was amazed by everything in my life. My life was perfect and everything was amazing I had nothing to complain about. I realized this was my family and was going to be my family forever. Because family was forever and always.

(A/N)  I hope you guys enjoyed reading my book as much as I liked writing it because unfortunately that was the last chapter (: but thank you guys for all the reads, votes and comments I love seeing what you guys have to say about it all

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