36.0 | Tea Time

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~Luna's POV~

I woke up to David shaking me I opened my eyes and saw him standing above me. "baby you gotta get up and take me to the airport" he said as I looked over at the alarm clock which read 5:36. "I'm getting up," I said running my hand through my hair.

I sighed as I sat up, I looked over and saw David in the bathroom with the light on. I got out of bed and walked over to the window I moved the curtains and no light came in because it was still dark outside. "David it's still dark out," I said walking to the bathroom. "I know," he said laughing. 

I walked out of the bathroom and to the closet, I changed into leggings and one of David's black hoodies. I put on my black uggs and walked back out of the closet. I walked into the bathroom and put my hair up in a ponytail then I put my glasses back on. "okay let's go," David said walking into the bathroom "okay," I said sighing and walking back out the bathroom. 


David parked the car and we both got out of the car and David walked to the trunk. He got his bag out and closed the trunk walking to the other side. "please be careful and don't fall asleep while driving" David said handing me his Tesla keys. "I won't I'm wide awake now," I said putting the keys in my pocket. 

"Bye I love you," David said hugging me "Bye I love you too," I said as he leaned down and kissed me. "text me when your plane lands" I said as he walked back "and text me when you get home" David said as I walked to the other side of the Tesla. "I will!" I yelled back as I opened the car door and getting inside. I started the car and looked at the clock and saw it was 6:46 and I had to be at a shoot at 8:00 and it took an hour to get home. 


I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing. After my photo shoot, I got home at around 12 and I took a nap. I touched around the bed and found my phone I held it up and saw it was Zane face timing me. I answered the phone and sat up in the bed "Luna!" Zane yelled as I rolled my eyes smiling. 

"yes Zane," I said noticing he was in the passenger seat of a car. "you trying to do coffee talk with me, Heath and Matt? we're right by your house" he asked as I thought about it. "yes because I want coffee" I said getting out of bed as he laughed. "okay I'll text you when we get there" he said as I walked into the bathroom. "okay" I said "Bye!" Zane yelled "byeee!" I said hanging up the phone. 

I took a shower before I had a shoot so I just brushed through my hair and freshened up. I walked to the closet and changed into a white t-shirt, dark washed ripped jeans and white slip on vans. 

I heard my phone start dinging 20 times and I picked it up seeing it was Zane telling me he was here. I ignored him and walked out of the room walking downstairs. I grabbed my cross over purse and put it on as I walked out of the house to see Heath's truck. 

I walked over to the car and got in the back seat to see Matt. "Luna!" they all yelled as I laughed "How you doing baby!" Zane said turning around to face the back seat. I looked up to see that he was vlogging. "I'm doing good baby!" I said putting on a sassy voice. 

We vlogged for a little bit and ended up driving to Starbucks to get some coffee. We were parked in the parking lot and Zane was filming with his camera on the dashboard. Zane was telling a story about this weekend when I got a text. 


Hey, girl you doing anything tonight? wanna help me and Carly with a video?

Hey, I'm not doing anything tonight so yeah what are you trying to film?

We want to do a vlog squad gossip video with you Carly and I can come over around 6 if that's okay?

Yeah I don't care I'll be home then

Great we'll see you then


It was a couple of hours after Heath dropped me off at the house. I cleaned up the house for Carly and Erin and even myself. David and I had a room upstairs that we used as a filming room and I set everything up for Carly and Erin. 

There was a knock on the door and I walked into the front room. I opened the door and saw Carly and Erin holding their camera and laptop. "Hey!" I said smiling at them as they walked into the house. "Hey," they both said as I closed the door locking it. "I set the upstairs room up for us," I said walking past them and up the stairs with them following me. 

"you went all out just for us?" Carly said as I laughed. We walked to the end of the hall and I opened one of the doors. We walked inside and the room was just a basic room with a couch and a tripod with a ring light behind it. 

We set everything up and I sat next to Erin who was in the middle of Carly and I. "okay 3 2 1" Erin said as we all looked at the camera. "Welcome back to our Sunday video!" we all said laughing. "we're doing another vlog squad gossip video but with Luna this time," Carly said gesturing to me. 

"I think this is your first time on our channel," Erin said looking at me confused. "It is and I'm really excited I've watched these videos before," I said as they laughed. "Okay let's get into it I'll look up your name," Erin said turning to the laptop and typing. 

"they're all gonna be about David," I said as they laughed. "I feel like Luna is only with David for money," Carly said making a disgusted face. "I hate when people say that," I said shaking my head and rolling my eyes. People say that all the time and it makes me so mad "I've been with David for 5 years and we make about the same amount each and we're happy" I said while staring at the camera. 

"and she got a ring so get your facts straight," Erin said as I started laughing "exactly," I said laughing with them. "The next one says where did Luna come from," Erin said while laughing. "I don't know to be honest," I said laughing with her.

My phone dinged and I looked down seeing it was David's mom. "hold on David's mom texted me I gotta check" I said as Carly and Erin started laughing. "It's cool," Carly said as I picked up my phone. (I have no idea what her real name is so it's gonna be rose lmfao)


Oh my god, you're pregnant! I'm so happy for you guys! 

thank you so much! I'm pretty happy and can't wait

I wish you could've come it would've been nice to see you again 

me to but I'll see you soon I'll make sure we fly you guys out soon

"Okay sorry," I said locking my phone and looking up at the camera again. "Okay now it's tea time," Carly said fake sipping on tea with her finger up. We all laughed as I shook my head.


It was about two hours later and Carly and Erin had left. I had so much fun filming with Carly and Erin. I always loved hanging out with them it was fun and I enjoyed being around them. I walked upstairs and I took a shower when I got out I changed into black sweatpants and one of David's hoodies. I crawled into bed when my phone started ringing I looked over and saw it was David face timing me. 

I smiled as I answered the phone "hey" he said smiling at me. I noticed he was in a hotel room and I assumed he was by himself. "hey" I said smiling back at him "are you about to go to sleep?" he asked as I shook my head. "No I want to talk to you," I said as he laughed "okay good," he said as I laid down getting comfortable. "tell me how your family reacted what did they say?" I asked excitedly. "okay so basically," he said setting his camera up as I smiled at him taking a screenshot of the facetime. 

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