35.0 | The Friends

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~Luna's POV~

I walked out the bathroom after taking a shower and saw David was just waking up. "good morning" I said walking across the room and to the closet. "good morning" he said rubbing his eyes.

I walked into the closet and changed into high waisted dark shorts and a black t-shirt then I put on my checkered slip on vans. I walked out and walked back into the bathroom to see David brushing his teeth. "so I was thinking" he said spitting out the water. "we should tell our friends and fans" David said as I looked at him in the mirror. "You wanna tell our fans this soon?" I asked surprised. I didn't care but I mean it took him a while to tell them we were dating and getting married. "yeah I was gonna record our friend's reaction and put it all in a vlog" he said as I smiled at him.

"that's perfect," I said as he smiled "okay good cause I didn't know," he said running his hand through his hair. I knew David needed my opinion about it he always needed reassurance about things.

"I'm gonna take a shower then we can go," he said starting the shower. "Okay I'll be downstairs," I said grabbing the brush. I walked out the bathroom brushing my hair as I walked downstairs. I walked into the living room and my phone started ringing. I looked at the caller I.D. and saw it was Elena.

I smiled as I picked up my phone I answered it and saw she was in her room. "hey" I said smiling at her "hey" she said smiling back. "who's home right now?" I asked setting my phone on the living room table. "everyone why?" she asked confused "get dad and Marco in the room" I said as she looked at me confused. 

"okay?" she said getting off her bed as I laughed she walked out the room and I sat back on the couch. A couple of seconds later she came into the room and sat down in front of her phone. "Ciao Luna!" my dad said smiling and sitting down. "Ciao!" I said smiling as Marco sat down next to my dad. 

"why did you want us in here?" Marco asked confused "because I have to tell you guys something and Francisco and Mateo are too young to understand," I said as they all looked at me confused. "well David and I found out that I'm pregnant," I said smiling at them.

Elena and Marco looked at me shocked as my dad smiled big. "you're having a baby!" he yelled as I laughed. "yeah" I said nodding my head "holy shit I hope it's a girl" Elena said as my dad hit her arm "don't say that" he said as I started laughing. "I wish I could hug you I'm so happy for you!" Marco said as I smiled. 

"Grazie!" (thank you) I said clapping my hands together. I heard David coming down the stairs and I picked my phone up. "I'm about to leave but I'll talk to you guys later bye!" I yelled "bye!" all three of them yelled as I hung up the phone. 

"who was that?" David asked walking into the room. I looked over at him and noticed he has his hair done and was wearing black shorts and a black t-shirt with red vans and a black bandana. "you look so good" I said looking at him up and down and making him smile. "thanks but who was it?" he asked confused. 

"My family I told them the news and they're all happy, I said smiling and standing up. "good, he said sighing of relief as I laughed shaking my head. "when are you telling you're family?" I asked as he thought about it for a moment. "I kinda want to do it in person, he said looking down at me as I looked at him confused. 

"like fly there?" I asked as he nodded his head "you can I love your family but I have to stay here I have two magazine covers this week" I said smiling as he nodded his head. "It's cool they'll understand, he said shrugging his shoulders. "now let's go I can't wait to tell Mariah, I said smiling as I walked into the front room. 


We walked into Toddy and Jason's house and walked into the backyard to see Zane, Heath, Toddy, Olivia, Jason, Mariah, Carly, Erin, Liza, Natalie, Josh, Jeff and Jason's kids were here. Literally, everyone was at their house today because Jason wanted to have a cookout. I loved when Jason would do this because it was like a real summer day.

"Hey!" I heard Mariah yell I turned my head and saw her sitting down on the couch with all the other girls around her. I smiled and waved and then turned to David. "let's tell them first then the guys" I said as he nodded his head. We walked over to them and I noticed that they were all drinking wine like 40-year-old moms. 

"where's Harper and Diamond?" I asked confused "they couldn't make it today, Olivia said as I nodded my head. "sit down get comfortable," Erin said patting the seat next to her. "well actually we have news," I said as she looked at me shocked. "okay which is?" Natalie asked confused "hold on I have to vlog this" David said turning on his camera as I laughed rolling my eyes. 

He held his camera up and I turned to the girls "so David and I found out that we're pregnant" I said smiling at them. "you're having a baby I'm so happy!" Mariah yelled standing up as I laughed. She hugged me and I hugged her back "a little Dobrik baby," Carly said as we all started laughing. "I'm so happy for you guys," Liza said standing up and hugging me "thank you it means a lot," I said smiling at her as she pulled away. 

"I can't wait to tell Jason," David said looking over at the guys "they don't even know yet?" Erin said surprised. "no but we're gonna tell them now so be right back," I said laughing. We walked away from the girls and over to the built-in bar where Heath, Zane, Jason, Jeff, Josh, and Toddy were all sitting. 

I walked to the end of the bar where Josh was sitting. "hey luna" he said smiling at me "Hey Josh" I said returning the smile. "guys" David said as everyone turned to look at him and I saw him vlogging. "why are you vlogging you gonna shoot us with a paintball gun or something?" Jeff asked as everyone laughed. 

"actually no" David said as we laughed "we have something to tell you, I said perking up in front of David. "no are you?" Josh asked as I looked at him amazed, how the fuck did he know that. "I'm pregnant, I said smiling and looking at them. "I knew it!" Josh yelled hugging me "I'm so happy for you guys, Jason said walking over and hugging David. "is it a joke for the vlog?" Jeff asked confused. 

"right I feel like you're lying" Zane said as I laughed "we're not lying I found out two days ago with Kristen and Diamond" I said as Zane smiled. "okay I believe you now" he said laughing "well shit congratulations" Jeff said smiling at us. "thank you" I said smiling back at him "now I feel like an asshole for not believing you" he said as we laughed. 

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