Chapter Twenty: A Different Person

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"Sir, are you okay?" I said, getting him up.

"It's been years since an incident like this happened. It's true what she says, I did develop multiple personality disorder over the years. And she was the one to get me out of that place officers," President Kimblee said, having his left hand over his stomach. "Sorry."

"We can't let this happen again sir. We are a team now. So we must not let our emotions take control of ourselves," I said, walking away from them. "If anybody needs me I'm going to the training yard with my sister."

I walk through the hall, and saw Lily with her friends. I walk near the door to listen.

"Emanuel died during the surgery. The amount of blood caused his heart rate to drop. After the surgery I noticed that the President was a different person," Lily said.

"What do you mean?" Niko asked.

"What I can see, his readings don't match. I scanned him before we came here, and now it looks like he's a different person.That's when I scanned him again, that he had multiple personality disorder. That's why he attacked me earlier," Lily's said. "Just keep your eyes on him, and report to us only."

"We will."

I walked away from the door and walked back from it. I heard a click.

"Oh hey. Umm what are you doing here?" Lily asked.

"I wanted to find you," I said.

"Well you can come with me to the training yard," She said.

"Umm sure," I said

She turned and walked to the training yard. I followed her.

Few Minutes Later

I grabbed some earplugs, and handed some to lily but she said no.

"On the field you won't have earplugs."

"Oh okay."

Placing mine inside my ears, and grabbing my snipper. We shot a few rounds and reloaded. Lily looked over and got my attention. She throw some ammunition's.

"What's this?" I asked.

She looked over at me after placing her ammo in.

"It is some ammunition that I made of copper and lead. It's more accurate than the ones in the military," Lily said. "Give it a shot."

"Alright," I stated, aiming at the targets.


I watched the Colonel and Agustina from the window. I can't believe that I attacked her. The Captain's death must have triggered something that I was unaware about.

The colonel fired hitting the center of the target.

"Wow! Whoa, it's really accurate and smooth," The Colonel said.

Agustina pulled out a few boxes of the same ammo.

"Here you can have some of these," She said.

"Whoa your giving me these?" The Colonel said.

"Yeah I can tell that you like them and plus I got some more of you need it." Agustina said.

"Alright then, thanks!" The Colonel said.

"You want to meet up with everyone else?" The colonel asked.

"Sure let's get a plan of attack up." Agustina stated.

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