Author's note

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Hey everyone! This is Lilyanna Yang or @artso_mudskipperfish (on Instagram ) the author of the book The Broken Government! I am so happy to finish this book and I am also sad that it's over. I am happy to share this with you all! I started this book three years ago either in April or May and this is the third year anniversary of The Broken Government. This book all started with a single photo I drew. Which was of me with a gun jumping over a building (The me being my avatar character). After that, I started this! I know that many (basically all books) don't have this but I made it like a multiple endings video game. I had many different ending stories for each one in my head so I was like what would happen if this decision happened like in a video game (for example like RPG Japanese horror games like Mad Father, IB, The Crooked Man, The Boogie man, all those lovely horror RPG Games). So I made it like that. I started making stories for each ending expect the good ending (maybe I'll do one with just Riba, Phoenix, and Ethan) and end number 2. So check those out when I'm finished with them! This is my second book that I have completed and I have more coming soon! Thank you all for reading The Broken Government!

Why did you decide on calling the book "The Broken Government"?
The book title, I had trouble coming up with a title when I got to chapter eight or so. At the beginning, one of my book titles was "War" or something similar to that. I thought it was too simple and it wasn't unique enough for my standards. So I left it blank for a while. Until the beginning of eighth grade, a friend of mine helped me get to what the book is called today. Thanks for the name @Yoshi759 couldn't be able to get a book title on my own and I wouldn't end the story the way it would have ended without the title.

Who are these characters? How did you make this up?
In this book, most of the characters that are in this are people that are my friends and family that I know in real life. For example, the General and her team are my friends and some family members that I know. Granted, they aren't military officers and my friend that are in my group (my avatars groups) aren't actually test subjects of the lab Eclipse. This is not a true story! The other characters that are in this book are my own original characters.

What's with the weird names for countries?
The name Selvia was made because of this name Sylverna. I said it was pronounced like this->(Sel-v-ia) but it wasn't even close. All the other names came from a fantasy name generator.

Was there special references in the book?
I know that some people can't tell but, I placed all types of references inside this book. Most of them being my other books. I did a whole trail thing at the end for a forward movement but it was also a reference to Ace Attorney (Been really into ace attorney). At the bottom there is a list of all the references!

Whats with the dates and weird letter stuff?
Dates that are present in here are dates in real life. Dates that are used are listed in the reference area. The weird letters I can assume your talking about the case names like the DL-6 investigations. That is a police code name for that case. That's what it means. Some of those are references to a video game I watch.

What the hell is "Nunkish"?
Nunkish is a made up language (I think) that is used in the Netflix original called Violet Evergraden. It's an anime. A photo of nunkish is shown above. It's my little decoder that I use. For this book, nunkish is rarely used in Selvia. While in SosTax, it is used as a way to code stuff. Riba (the Colonel/General) has said that it is part of the Bradley family because they use it more than anyone else. The Bradley family are the only one that truly knows the language.

How did your ideas come about?
I listen to music from my Spotify playlist. I think the book has some lyrics from songs in it I don't remember (I didn't see any in the book. Don't worry). Most of the ideas just pop into my head sometimes. More times than not it comes when I'm doing something important. I even have scenes drawn out on paper and even had some of them voiced aloud and acted out.

Is this dedicated or a thank you to someone?
This is dedicated to my friends and family. I want to thank them for giving me ideas, there support, helping me with my bad spelling, everything they have done to further this book! Thank you to...

My friends: Celeste, Jade, Jenny (Jake), Niko, Yovany, William, Joselyn, Emily, and to the others I didn't mention.

My family: my parents, my sister Isabella, my cousins Nehemiah and Ariana, and to any others that I didn't mention. 

Thank you everyone! Thank you for giving me your ideas and support in this book!

References list -> IMPORTANT NOTICE! all rights of video game and anime references go to their rightful owners. I do not take/own any of the video game and anime references!

Inspired by a wattpad story The test Subject (I read it from like three years ago)

April 9 2016-
The day I drew the cover for my first book Mirror of Souls

Dr. Blade Kimblee-
Reference to the name Solf J. Kimblee from Fullmetal Alchemist and Brotherhood

Dr. Ross Geller-
Ross from the show Friends (I love Friends).

Trail Scene-
is inspired by Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney 

Third year anniversary-
referenced to the third year anniversary of The Broken Government beginnings

Lilyanna's quote during the training with the recruits-
Riza Hawkeye's statement when she is telling Edward about the Ishvalan civil war from Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood

The DL-6 investigations-
Ace Attorney case DL-6 Incident. Miles Edgeworth's case when he was ten (My Fav Character).

Trying to pull it (the helicopter) back to the ground -
I guess it's a reference to Captain America Civil war. I was watching it at the time so I guess. It's the part where Steve Rodgers is pulling down the helicopter when Bucky is trying to escape (Bucky is my fav).

We snipers always have a direct line of sight-
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood Riza Hawkeyes sniper line during the Ishvalan Civil War.

When Jesus died on the cross.

November 11, 2028 11:00PM-
The 11 of November was when the treaty of Versailles was sign to end World War I in real life.

A reference to the language used in the Netflix original Violet Evergarden

Riba Cale Bradley XXVI-
"Bradley" is a reference to the name King Bradley from Fullmetal Alchemist and Brotherhood.
"Riba" is also a reference to a very good Horror RPG game I watch called Mario (The Music Box) and also to the second game of that series with the same title but with Arc at the end of it. In that game a guy is named Riba in there.

December  12, 2031-
My brothers birthday. Rest In Peace big brother (He died before I met him).

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