Born Between Worlds

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Morning came. Katherine couldn't stop stared at the baby in her arms. Her memories of how this baby was conceived. All her memories with her lover. Her heart ached.

What was she thinking? Involving herself with a human. A broken man who's had just divorced by his wife and took their daughter away to live in a whole new city far away from him. What was she thinking? Clearly the man needed a distraction not love.

She was no one, just a mistress, a home wrecker. She felt disgusted. She hated herself for ever being that weak, that vulnerable.

She looked down at this baby in her arms. How could she love another when she couldn't even love herself. How can she be a good mother, this baby deserved. If she wanted nothing to do with her.

"She needs a name, Katherine." The old white headed, a middle age woman said coming to stand next to her.

"I haven't decided yet." Katherine smiled sadly at the woman.

"What wrong child?" The woman asked noticing her down look.

Katherine looked down ashamed as tears welled up in her eyes,"I have done bad things to good people. I've caused people to suffer greatly for my reckless actions. This child is a result to that and constant reminder of everything I've done, every horrible decision I've made. How can I love her? When all I see when I look at her is regret, I feel ashamed of myself and I see myself unfit to be this child's mother."

The old woman huffs a hum before staring at the river before them,"Look." She says to Katherine,"the river. Calm, strong, flawless, graceful. We treasure it because without the river they is no life. That why we believe the source of life is the river. Everything that lives is connected to the river somehow. You came here for a reason. You gave birth to a beautiful baby girl in place where few have found it. All of it was for a reason." The woman said to Katherine," I believe." she looked at the baby in Katherine's arms,"she'll one of a kind, special. Even if you can't see it now but find it in your heart to love her enough to protect her, because she will bring great deal of happiness to you. She'll be the light to your dark times."

Katherine listened as she stared at the river as it gracefully flowed, it strong current yet calm, refreshing breeze. She than looked at the baby in her arms. No matter what she did, this baby was a part of her. A part of her, she had to protect.

Katherine smiled when the baby slowly opens it eyes. They were big with most amazing dark, scary blue with pecks of purple in them. She had the most beautiful eyes she has ever since.

The baby stared at her with curious and wonder. It reached out it tiny, little hands towards Katherine. Katherine laughed with tears in her eyes before she leaned her face forward to kiss her forehead gently. The baby grasped her cheeks as Katherine rested her forehead on hers before removing it to kiss it one last time.

Katherine stared at the baby for a while before removing her eyes from the baby to stare at the blue river with slight green to it from the algae. She stares at it little while longer, dazzled by it colour and purpose. She wanted that to reflex her daughter, she wanted her name to show much she loved her,"River." She said staring at the baby in her arms,"her name will be River Accalia. Accalia after my mother."

"A beautiful name for a beautiful baby." The old woman named Clara said smiling.

"We need to get ready for the ceremony." The old woman said.

"You didn't have to." Katherine said unsure smile

"Nonsense. We want too." The kind old woman said.


Katherine carried baby River in her arms as they walked to wooden crib offered to her by the villagers. She placed her inside before the ceremony began.

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