I'll Always Come back To You

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River stood by the window and silently watched as the rain fell. She waited and waited. Day by day, night by night but he never showed. He never pulled in the driveway with his silver Volvo, a big grin on his face. He never came back to hold her and kiss her and told her, he loved her.

She breathed sharply when she felt a cold hand on her shoulder, snapping her out from her deep thoughts. River placed her hand on top of hers and smiled sadly at Rosalie before turning her face back to the window.

"Don't worry he will come around and come back home soon." Rosalie assured.

"I hope so." River said.


Edward looked through out the window wondering, over thinking everything causing his head to spin. He set on his bed and ran his fingers through his already messy hair.

No doubt in his mind the only thing he can think about was River, how much he loved her. She's everything he has ever imagined and more. He loved her that why he had to leave. He does not wish to break her heart. Cause if she came to know that her half sister, Bella was his bloodsinger, extremely, overwhelmingly attracted her, it will no doubt crush her. It will break her heart into pieces.

The only thing he can do is stay far away as possible so no one gets hurt. Specially River. Even if he had to kill himself slowly just to do so, just protect her. He will do it. That how much he loved River.

He turned his head towards his phone that was ringing constantly, nonstop. He sighed before leaving the room and leaving it behind. He set outside on the roof in the cold, snowy Alaska, watching the snow that covered the ground.

"Hey." A voice behind him said.

He turned slightly out of habit even though he knew who it was,"hi." He mumbled.

"Mind if I join you?" Tanya asked.

Edward doesn't say anything and just signaled her if was okay. They stayed in complete silent for a while, neither one of them spoke or made an attempt to break the silence.

"I heard you finally got together with River." Tanya began.

"Yeah." Edward responded.

"Does she make you, happy?" She asked.

Edward thought about all the time he has been with River, he was at his happiest, there was never a single dull moment when he was with her. She even made him smile whenever he was thinking about her,"very much."

"Do you love her?"

"More than anything." Edward said with passion, certain that no one will ever be above her in his heart.

"Than why are you here?" Tanya suddenly asked making Edward snap his head towards her,"why ain't you with her now?"

Edward looked away as he thought about the reason he can came here,"I'm trying to protect her. I don't want to hurt her."

"What did you do?" Tanya asked concerned.

"I meet my bloodsinger. Her scent was overwhelming attractive. I wanted her so bad I was willing massacre the whole class, alongside her." Edward explained,"I don't want to disappoint her." He said desperately.

Tanya doesn't say anything, knowing this was bad,"you said you love River and she makes you happy."

"Certainly, yes." Edward said.

"Than nothing else should matter. Don't give up everything you have for a moment of bliss. Everytime you feel yourself losing control, think about how important your family is, think about River, think about everything you'll be risking, you'll be losing, if you went through with it." Tanya placed her hand on his should and gave it a squeeze and tight smile before she got up to leave.

Edward set there and thought about everything Tanya had told him. The image of his family. What he will do if he ever lost them. An image of River's smiling face flashed before his eyes. He would rather die than to hurt her.


Another day went by still no return of Edward. River sighed before moving away from the window. She stopped when she heard a familiar engine. Edward's S60 Volvo engine. River smiled before looking out the window again. She saw Edward coming out of his car.

River ran outside and came to Edward who was smiling at her. He didn't except what was about to happen. A slap across his face. Cracking the skin of his cheek slightly

"I deserved that." Edward groaned.

River quickly regretted it,"I'm sorry." River said her voice breaking down in laughter and sadness. She crashed her body against him in a hug,"I'm just glad you're back." She rested her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around his waist.

Edward wrapped his arm around her neck and the other on the back of her head "I'll always come back to you." Edward pulled away smirking as he wiped her tears.

River smiled up to him before laying her head against his chest.

Edward kissed the top of her head and rest his on top of hers,"I love you."

"I love you too." She whispered into his chest.


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