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"He wants you to what?" Esme stopped digging in the dirt of her garden stunned.

"Yeah, he wants me to sleepover for sometime." River said.

"Are going to?" Esme asked.

"I don't know, maybe. Would you let if I did?" River asked.

"No of course I would. I want what best for you." Esme said.

River smiled before she continued to dig and plant. It was part of her schoolwork. It one of the things that was great because she didn't have to bury her head in a books, she can witness everything first hand. Also this way Esme can keep an eye on her and make sure she was doing her work.

"How about we get you something to eat?" Esme asked.

"Yeah." River said excitedly. Esme laughed before taking her gloves off.


After River was finished with her sandwich, she walked to the door,"mom, I'm heading out." River yelled.

"Alright sweetheart, take your jacket with you." She yelled back.

River grabbed her jacket and walked out. She ran through the forest until she arrived in meadow she and Edward found. She walked near the small stream close to it and set on the big rock. She took out her book and read it.

After a while she looked down on her watch to see it was lunch time at Forks high. Remembering it Bella's first day she got up and ran to the direction of the school. The school was small so she had no problem finding a way around it. It was not the first time she's been there. Even the receptionist and teachers knew her by now. They had no problem with her coming in. The Cullen kids were known for their none trouble and quiet behaviour.

She walked in the school cafeteria to hear an introduction of her family along the buzzing of the school kids as they talked in the cafeteria.

"That Edward Cullen gorgeous of course. But nobody here is good enough for him. Like I care right." Jessica said.

River frowned knowing she made a move on Edward just like almost all the girls in this school.

"The only reason he does, it because he has like girlfriend." Angela said.

"And she is super hot." Mike said day dreaming about her,"she's super model hot." Mike said.

"OK we get it. She is super hot but there is no confirmed information that they are together." Jessica said, jealously clear on her voice.

"What kind of information do you want? They have been seen together."

"Duh, they are siblings, they weren't holding hands or kissing or anything. Edward treats her like his little sister. " Jessica said so sure of herself.

"Whatever." Angela rolled her eyes.

"Did I mention she is hot?" Mike butted in.

"Yes, like a million times before." Angela said,"she's been seen with your dad several times. What is that about?" Angela asked.

"I have no idea." The new girl said.

River smirked at all the comments. She didn't want people wrapped up in her business special her relationship with Edward. If they knew they'll be watching her like hawk trying to figure out the next drama, fight or break up. This way they can spin their heads off trying figure everything about the Cullens. Things workout better if only a few people knew, right?

She noticed a brunette, a girl has never seem before. River knew that might be Bella. She followed her trail of eyes that landed on the Cullen's table.

"That her." Angela whispered in her group and everyone turned towards her.

She uncomfortable walked to the Cullen's table. In the corner as usually.

Edward got up to welcome her in a hug,"hey super hot model girlfriend." Edward whispered chuckling while River laughed.

"Hello gorgeous." River whispered back.

River set on the extra chair. They watched River as she went from one plate to another picking out food, she knew they were going to be thrown away anyway.

"You're always eating." Jasper said as he watched River.

"I'm hungry." She answered as she chewed.

"You're always hungry." Alice said.

"I haven't eaten since this morning. And I running is tiring." River said.

"I need you to stay away from the woods for while. There is strange activity and I don't want you being caught in it." Edward said.

"It alright Edward. I can take care of myself." River said.

Edward smiled hiding his worried expression,"I know you can but just in case."

"Besides you have a car." Emmett said.

River rolled her eyes,"cars are for roads."

"Yes which you should be driving on." Rosalie said slowly.

"Fine, I'll stay out of the woods for now." River nodded,"have you met Bella?" River glancing at Bella's table.

"No not yet." Edward answered while glancing at the table.

"Be nice please." River begged.

"Are you still nervous?" He looked back at her.

"I still think she doesn't like me?" River said.

Edward chuckled,"what's not to like?" Edward smirked.

River rolled her eyes while she smiled and blushed. She accompanied Edward to his next class.

"Stay." He begged after they've arrived.

"Nah I can't." She answered.

"Are you going to the hospital?" Edward asked.

"Yes, pick me up. Maybe we can catch a movie." River said.

Edward planted a kiss on her cheek,"okay, I will. See you later."

"Yeah." River answered,"be nice." She said seeing Bella coming.

"Yeah sure." Edward said.

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