What You Deserve

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"You should be resting." Carlisle said entering River's room. He saw River sitting up, tying and reading something on her laptop.

"I will, I just have to finish this." River continued to type away.

Carlisle smiled as he shook in head,"no, rest now." He ordered as he closed the laptop.

"Argh, dad." River whined.

"River..." Carlisle rolled his eyes as he mocked River.

Both River and Carlisle looked at the door when someone knocked on it,"Dr Cullen."

"Mrs Dwyer." Carlisle said surprised,"Bella."

"Hey." Bella responded, limping as she entered the room with cast on her leg.

"Hello, we wanted to visit River before I left for Forks." The woman, River didn't recognise said,"if that okay?" She asked.

Carlisle looked at River,"yeah sure." He kissed the top of her head,"I'll be back, okay?"

River smiles,"okay."

"Hey, sweety. I bought this for you." Renee puts a wrapped baskets of fruits and goodies.

"Thanks." River said unsure.

"Mom this is River. River, this is my mom."

"Renee." Renee said in an enthusiasm.

"Nice to meet you." River said smiling back.

"We just wanted to make sure, you were okay." Renee said with petty.

"I'm alive." River sighed with a small smile. The three of them fell into an awkward, deafening silence.

"Mom, can you give us a minute." Bella asked.

"Oh okay, I'll be waiting in the car." Renee said to Bella,"I'm glad I finally got a chance to meet you." Renee smiled at River.

"Same here." River smiled back.

Bella stood awkwardly by the door. River doesn't do anything and remains silent waiting for Bella to say something so she can leave.

"I wanted to apologise, River. I didn't know, you and Edward were together. And by the time I knew we were in to deep, I was already falling for him." Bella said in one breath.

"No, you knew there was a small chance, possibility me and Edward were together, you should have took it. But you didn't care, even though you knew it will hurt me." River said through a humourless smile.

"It not like that... I swear.." Bella desperately tried to explain.

"It okay, Bella. I don't blame you or Edward for it." River said being sincerely.

"Do you forgive him or me?"

River smirked but clutched her jaw,"for you, maybe, I can over look it. But forgiveness for Edward doesn't even cross my mind." She said,"I hate him." River said with passion," I hate him for making a fool out of me. For making me love him to point where it hurts. For promising me a forever." River sobbed but suddenly she was stoop, her eyes staring in a distance,"well stupid me for not realise forever to him will end so soon. I hate him for making me hate myself, for making me feel this way."

"Above all that Edward's a great guy. He deserves to be happy even if it not with me. I love Edward and I want the best for him. I could never hate him or you for following what your hearts wanted. It not his fault or yours." River said," All I ask is make sure life doesn't slip from his eyes. Make him know that he's not a monster and he deserves everything good in the world and much more because he's a great person. The time I spent with him was the greatest and I hope you get to experience that." River sadly through a brave but sad smile, with tears in her eyes.

"He intends to thinks he doesn't deserve to live and brood about it, do me a favour and slap him for me." River chuckled.

Bella smiled,"I will."

River quickly wiped her tears,"don't worry about me, I'll be fine and I won't be stepping on your toes."

"Thank you."

"No don't get the wrong idea. I'm not doing this for you or Edward. I'm doing this for my family and Charlie." River clarified.

"And I totally understand, I'll give your space." Bella said. After a while,"I'll leave to it."

River nodded,"Bella." She called before Bella could walk out the door,"I'm glad we had this talk."

Bella smiled,"me too." She said before she walked out.


Unknown to both Bella and River, Edward stood behind the door and listened to their conversation.

"I hate him." Those words rang through Edward's ears so loudly. It was like a weapon to his dead heart.

"Make him know that he's not a monster and he deserves everything good in the world and much more because he's a great person." She said.

Edward sighed in a hurt expression, she hate him but she wants him to be happy. Everyday River always finds a way to amaze him. Kindest, most selfless person he has ever known. It to the point where he doesn't know what he did to have a person like River in his life. He didn't deserve her kindness, he doesn't even deserve to be in her presence

As long as he shall live, he will cherish and love her forever. He may have broken other promises before this was one, he wasn't prepared to break. Ever! He was going to make things right with her. He desperately wanted her forgiveness but for now he wanted her to hate him, he deserved it.

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