Something Big Is Coming

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After another sleepless night she got up. River didn't feel like herself because she was not herself. She was trying to figure out that dream, she dreamt about a few days ago. What it meant?

"Who are you?"

"I'm you."  She said.

River was still shocked, it was like she was staring at the mirror. Her reflection was looking back at her,"what are you? What do you want?"

"You're not meant to die here, like this, not now. You're meant for something more." Her reflection said,"That why you need to wake up. Now!" She yelled.

"No, what does that even mean? Don't make me go back."

"You'll find out soon enough. Wake up, River. WAKE UP!" Her reflection screamed.

She snapped away from that memory before going downstairs. She stopped in the middle of the stairs when she heard what they were talking about.

"Do you think Bella will like Italian food." Esme asked.

"Just because her name is Bella doesn't mean she is Italian." Edward chuckled,"and you don't have to cook." He said.

"Nonsense. I'm sure she will appreciate it." Esme said.

"Hey River, you're ready?" Jasper said sensing her presence.

"Hey, Jasper. Yeah, I'm ready." She said avoiding any eye contact with anyone.

"River, I think you're putting too much strain on your body. You're still recovering." Carlisle suggested.

"I'm fine, dad." River said.

"Can you at least put on some warmer clothes and shoes." Esme said concerned,"will you be joining us this afternoon?"

"No." River lazily said.

How could she even ask her that? After everything she's been through. She wanted her to come and witness her formal lover and his girlfriend.

Today was the day the Cullens were going to meet Bella. Even after she almost died they still wanted to invite Bella to this house despite River's feelings.

On the other hand she did understand why they had to. They wanted Edward to be happy. They wanted both her and Edward to be happy. Bella made Edward happy.

"You're coming?" River asked Jasper before opening the door and slamming it behind her. Jasper got up and followed her.

"You're all being insensitive. Edward just broke her heart a few weeks ago, now he's bringing his new girlfriend to meet his family. How messed up is that?" Rosalie said disgusted.

"We understand River is still hurt but Edward is also a put of this family, his feelings matter too." Esme argued.

"This is going to backfire." Rosalie looked at everyone before she looked at Edward who's head was down,"one day when you realise that you traded the amazing person who truly loved you, made you happy, accepted you and your flaws for a person who will always remind you of what you are and what you're capable of." Rosalie chuckled,"when that day comes, I'll make sure you remember this day and you never ever get a chance to hurt her again." Rosalie said before walking away.

River heavily breathed as Jasper knocked her on her back and placed a hand on her chest preventing her from getting up,"you're getting good. I should watch my back." Jasper smirked.

River rolled her eyes,"you're just saying that. I can never be as fast and strong like you."

"Patience. You will get there." Jasper said before getting up and offering a hand to River,"you should take it easy." He said concerned for the young girl's health.

River took his hand and let's him pull her up,"you're going back?" River asked ignoring what he just said.

Jasper sighed,"I have too or Alice will have my head."

River chuckled but soon died down,"well I'll catch you later. Thanks for sparring with me."

Jasper nodded before watching her run off, concerned, he can feel how she felt. It was overwhelming. He wondered how she kept calm. She never showed signs of weakness. She was broken, hurt more she was letting on. She was strong and he admired that about her.

River started running into the forest with no sense of direction. She really didn't want to be around anyone right now. Specially Bella and Edward. She made sure not to be around when she does come over.

The truth is she still loved Edward so much, so deeply. That why she tried her best to except Bella and Edward's relationship. Though it may be hard but she has no other choice but too. For the sake of peace within her family and Charlie. She didn't want to put them in a situation where they will have to choose between them.

Painful as it might be watching Edward and Bella falling more and more in love with each other. It was destroying her and the thought she had to keep it in and pretend that everything was okay, when it was not.

Her relationship with her family wasn't the same. She wasn't as close to them like they were before. They broke her trust and now she felt she didn't even know who were the people she was living with. What if they have been keeping other secrets from her.

Rosalie never liked Bella since day one and she hated Edward for what he did to her
. She was focusing all energy in hating them. She stood by her, defended her and comfort her during hard nights. Jasper and Emmett stood by her. She hated that there were sides to take. Her family was divided and it felt like it was her fault.

River cringed at that thought and stopped running after a while. She placed her hand on her chest as her heart clutched in her chest. The load of anger, sadness, frustration she has been keeping it in, was building up in her chest, it was getting heavier, she couldn't take it anymore. She wanted to scream so that what she did, she screamed and she released a wave of energy that echoed through out the forest.

The Cullens as if feeling it looked out the window as birds flue  away, something was coming, something big.

River didn't realise what she had just did, she has awaken forces from they slumber.

The crystal in the necklace glowed brighter than ever.

The crystal in the necklace glowed brighter than ever

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