Events that followed

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River rested her head on Edward's chest. She listened to the silent of Edward dead non-beating heart. She traced different shapes on his chest.

Edward rested his head on his arm while other was wrapped around River. His hand moved up and down her arm, occasionally caressing it.

River suddenly moved away from the comfortable position.

Edward frowned at this,"Are you okay?"

River looked at him, trying to study him,"the question is are you okay?" She asked.

"What do you mean? I'm fine." Edward quickly answered.

River studied him further,"nevermind." She gave up as she got up and walked to her balcony.

Edward frowned as he desperately looked for better excuse for his behaviour,"River." He followed her.

"Why did you leave?" River suddenly asked even though she promised she would wait for him to tell her.

"It complicated." Edward simply answered.

"Did I do something wrong?" River suddenly asked.

"No, you did nothing wrong." Edward defended her,"you're perfect."

"Than what's wrong. I feel like you're pulling away from me." River stated.

"No." Edward avoided eye contact with her,"I'm just afraid."

"Afraid of what?" River peaked under his gaze to meet his eyes.

"Of losing you."

River frowned even more confused,"why? I'm here ain't I?"

"The accident made realise how easily I can lose you. A maniac can lose control over his car and it can drive through you and end your life. What if I'm not there to protect you." Edward partly lied. He was afraid of losing her but not to the reason he was giving her now. He knew River was capable of protecting herself but if he hurt her. He might lose her, no he will lose her. That scared the hell out him.

River cupped his cheeks, lifting his face up,"you don't have to feel that way. You know more than anyone that I'm more than capable of protecting myself."

"I know."

"You'll never ever lose me. As long as I still love you, I'll fight death to be with you." River said.

Edward smirked. What did he do to deserve such a girl in his life. How did he become so luck,"I love you." He said. He rested his hand on her waist.

River smiled lifting herself up to her toes and leaned in to place a kiss on his smiling lips.


River knocked on Charlie's door but nobody responded. She reached out under the carpet and found a spare key and opened the door.

It almost 4 o'clock. She thought everyone would be home before she arrived. She couldn't go back and couldn't sit there wait. She could at least cook some dinner.

Soon the door opened and in came the Forks' chief office,"hey." He greeted coming into the kitchen,"sorry I'm late."

"Hey, it fine." River greeted back with a smile,"I made dinner."

"You didn't have to but thanks." Charlie said kissing her temple before grabbing a beer,"Bella hasn't arrived yet?"

"No." River answered.

"Oh, I forgot. Bella and her friends went dress shopping for prom." Charlie said in realisation,"I'm sorry I completely forgot."

"It okay. We can always reschedule for another day." River said a little disappointed,"what?" River asked when she noticed the look Charlie gave her.

"I don't want you missing out on these kind of things. I want you to go to school, make friends, explore, go dress shopping with your sister and your friends." Charlie said.

"I know, I'll think about it." River quickly dismissed the conversation. River was nice person, she liked to have fun but she had a really bad short temper if annoyed. If one of the kids annoyed her, bad things might happen.

Charlie frowned as looked at the text in his phone."What is it?" River asked concerned.

"A friend of mine was attacked by a wild animal. He died." He said shocked,"I need to head down there." He said grabbing his keys.

"I'll come with you." Only River and family knew that it wasn't an animal. It was another vampire terrorising the people of Forks. To her surprised she saw Carlisle's car parked outside.

Charlie goes inside and leaves River behind. She trailed slowly behind until she got to Carlisle who was kneeling down and examining the body in the bag,"dad." River placed her hand on Carlisle's shoulder.

Carlisle turned to her,"River what are you doing here?"

"To help." River simply answered. She's was there to comfort Charlie, it was Charlie's friend who died,"what happened here?" She asked.

Carlisle closed the body bag before the paramedics took him away. He led River out of the crowd, away from prying ears.

"Carlisle." Edward said coming towards them, Bella trailing behind.

"What happened?" Bella asked.

"Animal attack. Bella, River you two should go inside. Wade was your Charlie's friend." Carlisle said.

Bella turned to Edward,"I'll see you later." Bella said before walking inside.

River stayed behind,"where do you come from?" River asked.

"Ah, I was around, met up with Bella and we thought we'll stop by here, see what going on. What are you doing?" Edward quickly changes the subject.

"I was with Charlie when he got the call." River said.

"Oh." Edward nervously nodded.

"I should go."

"I'll wait for you in the car."

River doesn't respond before going inside,"River." Charlie said,"I also want you to carry this." He gave her a pepper spray can.

"That won't necessary." River said.

"It will give your old man some piece of mind. And I'm sorry about tonight. We can go to the diner for dinner say on Thursday." Charlie said.

"Works for me." River grinned.



Nighttime River woke up from someone shifting away from her and the bed. She opened her eyes and saw Edward,"where are you going?"

"I'm a little hungry, I'm going hunting." Edward said.

He has been like that a lot for the past few weeks but didn't pay much thought to it,"okay, be safe." River said before turning away from to her side.

"I will." he whispered while looking at her. He leaned in and placed a soft kiss on her temple before covering her up,"I love you." He said before leaving.

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