Cullen Family

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Carlisle opened the door slowly trying not to make a sound and wake River up. When he took a look inside, he saw that she was wide awake. His smile widen a he opened the door wider and walked up to her. He kneed in front of her,"morning sweetheart." Carlisle cooed.

River stood in her crib waiting for someone to come and get her,"daddy." River giggled as reached out her arms and grasped the air, signaling him to pick her up.

Ever since River could talk she called him daddy and Esme mommy. At first they were shocked and unsure of how to handle that situation. She was too young to understand and he didn't have the heart to rob her of that and normal as possible childhood.

She has grown a lot since the day she came into their lives. In a period of two years River has grown to look like a four year old. It wasn't a surprise considering Katherine went through the same process but hers was much faster that River's. Something Carlisle and everyone were aware and prepared for. They were glad she wasn't going to grow into a full adult in 7 years like Katherine but slower. They didn't want her to grow up too fast. They loved her and they wanted to have as much time with her as they can possibly have.

Carlisle smiled while lean forward to grab River in his arms. He placed her on his hip and carried baby River to the kitchen where his wife Esme was preparing River's breakfast. She kisses River's forehead,"good morning." She said before kissing her husband and hands him River's baby food.

Carlisle smiled widely as he fed River. River has bought nothing but joy into his dead heart. River's carefree and happy personality has rubbed of on everybody. The mood and atmosphere has been less tense and gloomy. Carlisle has really tried to be there for River as much as he possibly can. He couldn't be there for his sister Katherine but at still he could try to be there for River.

Esme smothered River. Even though she could never replace Katherine in River's heart but stills tried to make an effort to try and fill in for her during her upsent. Though she has grew to love River as her own.

She smiled when she saw Carlisle feeding River. The joy she brought into their lives it was overwhelming. The impact she had over everyone was incredible.

Carlisle checks his watch,"I have to get to work." He said.

"Give it here, I'll do it.." Rosalie took over as Carlisle needed to get ready to leave for work. Rosalie has been a second mom to River. If Esme couldn't do something, she would gladly step in and do it. She had a chance to be a mother. She wasn't going to let River down.

Emmett is a best bigger brother River could ever wish for. Emmett was her walking teddy bear. Emmett playful, goofy and dangerous, powerful personality reflected on River. River was fearless. Emmett was happy that he had someone to play and goof around with and share the effects to strike fear. Specially when River has one of her tantrums.

Jasper was River's peace and quiet. When it felt no one understood her feelings Jasper was the best person to come to. With his ability to feel emotions he knew just what she felt. Though Jasper was uncomfortable being around her because his bloodlust. He was still very new to animal diet. He also didn't want to hurt her. He had grown really fond of her and would hate to see her hurt. River didn't seem to mind that, she loved being around him.

River took over Alice's bossy, bubbly, fun side. Though she hates playing dress up but does it out of love for her sister. Sometimes she secretly enjoyed. When two of them were together, there were like in their own world. The room was always filled with giggles and never a dull moment.

Edward and River were inseparable. Though barely words were exchanged between them but you can tell they were in deep unknown, unspoken conversation. It was the first time Edward affected by someone, he was more happier than he ever thought possible. For once in over a century Edward didn't feel like a monster he was but felt more alive when he was with River. He didn't feel like he was judged for what he was. River didn't judge him. Now he only lives to protect her. River was he's reason for his existence.

Carlisle came over to kiss his wife and River goodbye. "Bye daddy." River said.

Carlisle smiled at feeling in his heart, whenever River showed that daughterly affection towards him,"Bye sweetheart." He placed a firm kissed the top of her head before ruffled her hair and leaving.

Emmett came down and ruffled whatever was left of her hair, making it more messy.

"Emmy." River giggled reaching over head to slap Emmett's hand away from her hair.

"Emmett." Rosalie warned trying to feed River who was no longer paying attention to her.

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