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"Hey dad." River greeted as she entered Carlisle's hospital office.

"Hey." Carlisle greeted back,"you're late."

"Sorry about that. I had to stop at school."

"To meet her." Carlisle asked referring to River's older sister.

"I saw her but I didn't talk to her. I still don't know if Charlie has told her about me yet."River said.

Carlisle nodded,"come on."


After her lesson with Carlisle she waited outside the hospital for Edward to come and pick her up just like they planned but he never came

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After her lesson with Carlisle she waited outside the hospital for Edward to come and pick her up just like they planned but he never came.

"You're still here?" Carlisle asked coming out of hospital carrying his briefcase and his files.

"Yeah Edward was supposed to pick me up but I think he forgot." River said worried.

"You can ride with me if you want?" Carlisle offered.

River nodded before following him to his car. The car ride was silent. She couldn't stop wondering why Edward didn't show up or called to let her know, he was running late.

She knew deep down something was wrong. She shook her head from the negative thoughts. She was a deep thinker, something she hated but loved at the same time. If she didn't stop now she was going to drive herself crazy and think the worst.

She slammed the door shut after she stepped out of the car. She looked around for Edward's silver Volvo. She frowned when she doesn't see it.

What if something happened to him? She thought. She chewed the flash from inside her cheek to distract her from her thoughts. Running inside the house looking around for him. When she didn't find him, she turned to her siblings and mother.

River calmed herself down not wanting to make a dramatic thing out of nothing,"Where is he? Where is Edward?" River asked over the hushed tones.

She noticed how everyone was avoiding eye contact with her. She tried to swallow a large lump that recently formed in her throat.

"Mom? Rose?" She looked at them for answer but Esme looked at Carlisle while Rosalie pretended as if she didn't hear,"Emmy, Jess, Allie. Please, can someone tell me what's going on." Her voice rose annoyed and frustrated. She turned to the one person who can convince them to tell her,"dad, tell them to tell what's going on." She begged tears whelming up in her eyes.

"River, calm down." Carlisle said instead.

"River." Alice began but she didn't know how to continue.

"Edward has..." Rosalie started.

"Rose don't." Emmett warned.

"Don't what? Emmy, what going on?" River said panicking.

"It not our place to say anything." Jasper added.

"Fine, if you won't tell me, I'll have to find out myself." She walked away and grabbed a phone and dial Edward's number,"pick up, pick up." She repeated as she paced back and forth in the passage way.

On the last ring he finally picked up,"River." Edward's voice said from the other line, he's car's engine rumbled in the back.

River breathed a sigh of relief,"Edward?" he was alive but she didn't know why he bailed on their date and why he wasn't here,"Edward, where are you?" She asked.

Edward hesitated choosing to chose his words carefully,"I'm sorry." He began.

River frowned,"what happened, Edward? Where are you?"

"I'm so sorry. I wish I can tell but I can't. Know that I would never hurt you intentionally."

"Are you dying? Cause if you die, I'll kill you myself." River said in a dead serious tone.

Edward breathed out a chuckle,"I'll be away for little while, okay?"

River ran her hand through her face to her hair,"Where are you going?"

"Try not to worry. I'll be home soon. I love you." Edward said before hanging up.

River frowned not satisfied with the explanation he was giving her,"Edward, you better turn around and get back here and you don't have tell me now. Just come back." he doesn't responding,"Edward? Edward?" River groaned when she noticed the line was dead,"I love you too." She whispered before also hanging up.

"River, honey are you okay?" Esme asked coming to stand beside her, her hand on her shoulder as comfort.

River forced a smile,"I'm fine." She said wiping the tear that fell before facing Esme and everyone else with a fake small smile.

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