Our Secret Place

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"River come on." Edward yelled for River to hurry up and catch up with him.

It was proving kinder hard as River curiously kept stopping to admire every single detail, every flower, every small creature,"coming."

Edward smiled as her eyes and face fill with curiosity and innocence. River placed her hands on her hips and breathes heavily,"come on, River. Stop playing." Edward smirked.

"I'm tired carry me." River said pretending to be tired just wanting to ride on Edward's back as he ran through the forest with his inhuman speed.

"Hop on." Edward smirked, he knew if he didn't carry her it will take them forever to reach their destination. River took on Edward's back and Edward ran. Everything around them became a blur. Suddenly he stopped and placed River down. River giggled as she felt dizzy, Edward chuckled,"are you okay?" He asked a little worried.

"Yeah." She said as she kept walking thoughtlessly. Edward no questioned followed.

When they were both free, they loved to hike and Edward loved to see the child in front of him. He loved watching her grow and experience.

"Let's rest here for a while." Edward smiled as he grabbed River's hand pulling her to a clear meadow.

River looked around the small clearing. River wondered to the middle of field leaving Edward behind. She looked up with her eyes towards the sunrays,"it feels like it been forever." She said enjoying the warmth that came from the sun. She turned toward Edward who was hiding in the shade away from the sun. She corked her head to the side,"you know what my favourite thing about the sun?" She asked walking towards him.

Edward smiled slightly,"what?" He asked.

River held out her hand for Edward to take. Edward took River's warm, soft hands into his cold hard ones. River pulled him away from the shadows to the light in the middle of field,"the way it makes your skin glow." She said as the sunrays hit Edward's skin.

"You mean sparkle." Edward joked.

"It beautiful." River said placing her hand between his neck and cheek.

Edward leaned into her touch,"you shouldn't say things like that."

"Why?" She asked, frowning.

Edward stepped back before he could let himself feel things, he shouldn't be feeling,"this is the skin of person or something who has done bad things and hurt people."

"Maybe he did it for a good reason. And I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose." River said,"you're a good person Edward."

"That doesn't right all the wrongs I've did in the past. That doesn't make me less of a monster, a soulless monster." Edward sadly said.

River smiled sadly,"well than...you're my monster." She cleared that what,"in my eyes you will always be good. And I strongly believe that you do have a soul all of you. I don't why but I know you have a soul."

Edward chuckled. River always had a way of cheer him up and make him feel better about himself,"you truly are something else River Accalia Cullen." He whispered to himself.

River blushed at her full name from Edward's lips. Edward gripping her hand. They both stared at they hands before they turned to each other and looked into the other one's eyes with longing lust. Edward placed his hand on her cheek and caressed it. They both inched towards each as, they eyes closed. Edward brushes his cold, hard lips in River's, testing her. The blood rushed into River's head and become flushed. Having enough of his teasing, she wrapped her fingers around his neck, pulling him down to her height before she pressed her warm, soft lips on his.

Edward quickly pulled away, he wanted to be sure they both wanted this. He rested his forehead on River's forehead. Yes! He wanted this and River did. He leaned in to capture her lips in he's once more. In Edward's mind he reminisced and savoured every moment of it and how it made him feel.

Her lips felt soft, warm, sweet, he could almost swear she was breathing life into him. He took in every sensation and savoured it. All that time waiting, longing for someone to walk into his life and make him feel whole again, worthy, loved and most of all alive, even with all his flaws and faults. His hand rested on her waist bringing her closer to his body, while River's arms circle around Edward's neck. Her warm hands rested his shoulders to brush his exposed cold, neck sending goosebumps on his cold, dead skin. She made his back hairs stand up. He kissed her longer because he wanted to know, to be sure this was indeed real.

River pulled away to catch her breath as she rested her forehead on his. Their eyes still closed. River felt like her heart was going to explode. River let's out a giggle which was soon replaced by a wide smile as she opened her eyes to see Edward's golden brown eyes. She blushed before looking around and her eyes widen.

The meadow they were standing on has changed from plain to magical. The perfectly round meadow was flourish with fresh grass and beautiful colourful wild, violet, yellow and soft white flowers. The stream near was clear as it ran to a river with water lilies of colours.

Edward just stares her and smiles,"we should head home." He said as he offered his hand to River who grabbed it with no hesitation. Edward threw her on his back while River grinned,"hang on." He said before they ran through the forest back home.


After a while Edward placed her down as they were near the house. Edward's face dropped, losing it smile as it

River frowned when she saw a police cruiser car. She tangled her fingers with Edward's. Edward looked down at they hand intertwined before looking up and smile at River as they walked up to house.

They were welcomed by voice, one which was unfamiliar to River. As they walked in the living, they saw their parents, Carlisle and Esme and unfamiliar man in a police uniform, on his forearm said,'sheriff.'

"Hey, we're home." River announced as she walked in Edward behind her,"I'll be in my room." She said wanting to give them so privacy and space.

"Honey we were wanting on you, we need to talk you." Esme said worried making her nervous.

"I'll be upstairs." Edward said squeezing her hand for comfort but she was just too nervous to notice. He let's go of her hand and walked upstairs.

"Sweetheart this is Charlie Swan. He's the sheriff." Carlisle smiled as he explained.

"Whatever you think I did. I didn't do it especially not enough to provoke the police." River defended herself before she could know the real reason.

River reached out her arm and shook his hand,"River." She looked at Carlisle and Esme.

"You can relax River. You're not in trouble." Esme smiled,"River, sheriff here wanted to meet you."

"You look so much like your mother. Do you know anything about me? Has your mother ever told you anything about me."

River frowned confused,"mom?" She looked at Esme.

Esme looked at her before looking at a stranger,"River was a baby when we last saw her and she never mentioned anything about you." Carlisle answered.

"Why would Katherine mention anything about you?" River asked confused.

"Charlie is your..." Carlisle hesitated,"is your..."

"Father. I'm your father, River." Charlie finished.

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