Chapter 2

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Several years had passed, and Team Minato was doing really well! Both Kakashi and I had just been promoted to Jonin, but Obito and Rin weren't as lucky. I knew they took it harshly, but to be fair, both Kakashi and I were considered to be prodigies.

I was waiting to pick up one of my younger brothers, Itachi, from the Academy. He's 5, but he'd already be graduating soon. I didn't want him to, because I felt like he was growing up too fast, but apparently he's something of a prodigy too. Our other brother, Sasuke, was only a few months old, but I was already obsessed with him. I couldn't wait until I could take him to school and pick him up!

"Hey Itachi, how was school?" I asked as he ran up to me and jumped on my back. I smiled at him. My little brother is literally my favorite person. I never knew I could love someone like I love him.

"It was great! I already knew a lot of stuff, but I'll be graduating soon, and then I'll be just like you!" Itachi yelled. I smiled at him. He looks up to me more than I'd like him to, but Father was much easier on him than he was me, and for that I'd be forever grateful. Itachi will be the heir to the Uchiha clan, so he still had to grow up quickly, but nowhere near the speed that I did. I was entrusted with teaching him what I learned from Father about the clan, and I was never as rough with him. Father also naturally favored Itachi over both me and Sasuke, so he just had it easier I guess, but I was grateful. He deserves to have some kind of childhood.

As we neared our compound, I saw a hawk above me, signaling that the Hokage needed to speak with me, probably for a mission. I set Itachi down, much to his dismay.

"I've just been summoned, probably for a mission. I'll be home soon okay? Go home, and take care of Sasuke." I smiled. He adores Sasuke more than everyone, so I knew it would cheer him up to be "in charge" while I was gone.

"Be safe Big Sister!" He called as I walked to the Hokage's tower.

As I was walking, I ran into Kakashi, probably also heading to the Hokage, meaning it'd be a team mission.

"Hi Kashi!" He sighed. He no longer corrected my nickname for him, but still didn't like it. I smirked at my teasing of him. It's just how we work.

"Mika are you always gonna call me that?" He asked. I nodded, smiling at him. He rolled his eyes. "I wonder what the mission is."

"Me too. I'm kind of excited though. It's our first mission as Jonin, so maybe we'll get to do something cool!"

"Maybe. Hopefully Obito is actually on time."

"Don't get your hopes up. I'm sure he saw the same hawk I did, and he's nowhere to be seen." I rolled my eyes. Sure, we got along better, but he still irritates me sometimes. Okay, most of the time. Either way though, he's family, and I did care for him.

We finally made it to the tower, and went inside to see the rest of our team, minus Obito already there. I smiled at Minato-sensei, and glanced at Rin, who was glaring at me. Typical. After several minutes of talking amongst ourselves, Obito finally showed up.

"Would it kill you to be on time? Ninjas shouldn't be late" Kakashi asked. I elbowed him, and he glanced sideways at me. Ever since his father died, Kakashi was the worst about rules. Everything had to be by the letter, and sometimes it was too much.

"Sorry! I was helping and old lady carry groceries!" Obito explained, clearly flustered from running.

"It's quite alright, Obito." The Third Hokage spoke, making Kakashi glare at the floor. I rolled my eyes at him, something I did frequently. "For your mission, you will work together for part, and be split up for the other." I was intrigued. Usually this isn't how things work, so it must be important. "You will walk to the border together, and then split into groups. Minato and Mika, you two will go to the front lines and assist where you can." I gulped a bit. The front lines were not a place I wanted to go during the war. I tried not to show that I was scared, but I'm pretty sure everyone saw right through me. "And Kakashi, Obito, and Rin will go and successfully destroy this bridge." He pointed at a bridge on the map. Why does their mission seem so much easier? "Minato will lead himself and Mika's team, and Kakashi will lead the others. Understood?" We all nodded, anxiety filling my every being. The front lines. "Good, you leave in an hour." We nodded again, and left the room. I released a breath I didn't realize I was holding, and Minato seemed to notice. He put a hand on my head, and gave me one of his famous smiles.

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