Chapter 53

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The battle was over for the night. At least, I hoped it was. I wanted to curl into a ball and cry for all of those who lost their lives today, but there was more to do before I could do that. Unlike last time when I could afford to cry after a battle, in this war, I had to make the plans, not just follow them. Kakashi and I set up a guard rotation among those who could still manage the task, and the two of us got to work. We requested information about the seven swordsmen and their swords from HQ and we're going over it now. We eliminated the executioner's blade, the hammer blade, and the twin sword. The one called Samehade wasn't here. It was Kisame's blade.

"So we need to get rid of the lightning blade, the explosive blade, and the needle blade." Kakashi stated, pointing out the blades on our paperwork. I nodded.

"If we do something similar to what we did today, it shouldn't be too hard. I was able to get to the swordsman with no problem, and while defeating them was hard, if we coordinate better, I could have help, and sealing them would still be possible." I suggested.

"I agree. We need to keep them separated, and us together. We will divide what's left of our people into three groups with me and the sealing teams at the center. I'll direct the sealing team, and you teleport between the swordsmen." Kakashi confirmed. I nodded, liking our strategy. "Then, we hope that no one else shows up, and we can move on to help Kankuro's unit."

"Sounds like a good plan. Hopefully it doesn't all fall apart." I said with slight exhaustion in my voice. It had been a long day, filled with fighting. I was ready to cry and then sleep. I could tell that Kakashi sensed this and he grabbed my hands, holding them in his own. We were far enough away from the group that I wasn't particularly worried about it, plus it was comforting.

"Sai did excellently today." Kakashi said fondly. I smiled at the thought. He really did.

"I knew he could. He just needed a push." I shrugged. "Having another person who can use a sealing jutsu is helpful." Kakashi nodded.

"You should get some sleep before it's time for your watch." I looked down at my crossed legs and nodded. I should sleep, but I knew I probably couldn't. My mind was in a thousand different places. It was with the thousands that we lost at my command today. It was with our strategy, hoping it would be enough. It was with Naruto, hoping he was okay and still didn't know about this war to protect him. It was even with Sasuke. What is he doing? Is he really a part of this? Is this moon genjutsu what he wants? Does he think it will bring Itachi and our parents back? Kakashi brushed my hair behind my ear, and brought face up so my eyes met his.

"I'll sleep if you'll stay with me." I bargained. He rolled his eye at me.

"I wasn't planning on leaving, idiot." He said like it was obvious. I looked at him and nodded slowly before laying down on the ground. Kakashi joined me, and I put my head on his shoulder, using it as a pillow of sorts.

"We lost so many people today." I said, hardly above a whisper before finally letting myself feel everything. I felt the hurt and sadness and anger of the day and started crying, trying not to be too loud. We were far enough away from the others that I didn't mind crying, but I didn't want them to hear my sobs. I needed to be strong for them.

"I know." Kakashi rolled so he was facing me and pulled me into his chest so I could cry it out. I knew he was just as upset as I was, but he wouldn't cry. "Remember that this is war. We can't bring them all home. They wanted to save the world, and that's what we're doing." Kakashi said, trying to comfort me. I knew he was right. Every single person here knew what they were getting into when they came onto this battlefield, but it didn't make me feel less responsible for them.

"You scared me today when you went after Zabuza. You're not usually so reckless." I commented. I felt him stiffen next to me before relaxing again, and pulling me closer.

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