Chapter 57

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"Who is that?" Sakura asked, obviously throughly confused.

"My name is Minato Namikaze. Brace for an impending explosion." He said matter of factly. I smirked and shook my head. That's so like him. Playing a huge explosion off like it's nothing after saving us all. I heard and felt the explosion, but it was nowhere near as deadly as the ones we felt before this. "I sent the ten tails' attack back towards the sea." He said with a closed eye smile.

"He has reanimation eyes. Who are you!" Sakura asked more firmly.

"It's okay, Sakura." I reassured. "He's on our side. Isn't that right, Minato-sensei?" I smirked.

"Sensei?!" Sakura asked in a shocked tone. I nodded.

"Thank you for healing Naruto." Minato said, ignoring her question. "Are you Naruto's girlfriend?" He asked with a smile on his face. I shook my head. That would be his first question.

"You could say that." Naruto said, laughing. I smacked the back of his head, making him flinch.

"Don't lie to your father!" I scolded, earning a laugh from Minato, and a grateful look from Sakura. She was probably about to do the same thing, if we're being honest.

"Being a sensei suits you, Mika." Minato said, still laughing. I smiled at him, happy for the compliment.

"So why did this happen so suddenly?" Sakura asked, getting back to the main point. Why is Minato here? Who reanimated him?

"Somethings coming!" I heard one of our sensory ninja call. I was immediately on guard, ready to attack, when another familiar face jumped next to Minato.

"You're as fast as ever, Minato." The person said.

"Lord Third?" I questioned. He looked back at me, smiling.

"It's good to see you three alive." He said. Another two people joined them, and I noted them to be the First and Second Hokage. What is going on? All of the Hokage? Did Tsunade do this? Is Tsunade even still alive?

"Fourth, you're better at teleporting than I am." The Second Hokage said with a fond tone to his voice.

"Oh, that's nothing. You should see Mika. I bet she's even better than I am." Minato teased. I blushed a thousand shades of red, but I doubt anyone could see due to the layer of dirt and blood I'm sure to be covered in.

"Oh no! I'm nothing compared to either of you! There's no way I would have been able to teleport that bomb away." I said, trying to deflect attention away from myself. Minato rolled his eyes at me.

"Shall we get started." The First Hokage said, looking out onto the battlefield. There was a mix of people out there. Some were excited to see the Kage and were screaming for them in admiration. Some were shocked and not moving at all. The rest were looking as confused as I felt.

"Who reanimated you?" I asked, finally. The need for the answer outweighed the concern for the battle. Things seemed to be calm right now anyways.

"Orochimaru." Lord Third said. I raised an eyebrow at him in obvious concern. He's definitely supposed to be dead. Why are so many dead people coming back to life? This definitely isn't how things are supposed to work. "No matter though. We need to stop the war quickly." He added on, seeing the concern on my face. Obviously I wasn't going to get more answers than this for now. I'd just have to be satisfied, I guess.

"But wait! Didn't Orochimaru die? I'm so confused." Sakura said, obviously overwhelmed.

"More help is coming, but they're taking a little longer. I sensed them in sage mode. It'll make sense, Sakura." Naruto said.  Now I was confused.

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