Chapter 51

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"You're sure she's still in a coma, Sakura?" I asked, looking down at Tsunade's unconscious body. I hoped she wasn't. "She's not faking it?" Sakura looked at me like I was crazy, and I might be.

"No, Mika. She's not faking it." Sakura answered obviously annoyed at my suggestion. I groaned in protest.

"Give it up, Lady Sixth. You're going to be Hokage." Kakashi teased. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Don't call me that." I sighed. "I guess I'm going to meet with the council then." I said, defeated. I stood up and left the tent, making my way to the building where the council meeting was being held. The one where my fate would be decided. Where I could be named the Sixth Hokage before preparing for war.

"We received your scroll, Mika." The lady elder spoke first. I nodded.

"Yamato told us about Danzo. Too bad. The best ones go early." The other elder said sadly. I nodded, and tried to look sad, but I didn't feel it. I was actually pretty happy that Danzo was dead and not on this council anymore.

"We will have to hold a meeting to confirm you as the Hokage, but it appears that everything is in order. You meet the qualifications, and we need to act quickly." The lady elder said again.

"Yes, I agree. Time is of the essence here." I confirmed as professionally as I could. My first act as official Hokage would be to get rid of these two. I didn't know exactly who I wanted to replace them with yet, but I knew I couldn't work with them. I had seen Tsunade struggle with them, and knowing the place they had in my family's death just didn't sit right with me. I wanted to start over.

"Are you sure you're prepared, Mika?" The lady elder asked me. I nodded. I knew the underlining question she was really asking me, but I chose to ignore it. I was not ready to face the fact that Sasuke would be officially able to be hunted in a matter of hours.

"I am. I will do my best." I confirmed, though anxiety filled me. I could feel my hands starting to shake, so I shoved them into my pockets.

"We will call the Feudal Lords then, and set up a conference. We will call you when it's time." The male elder said. I nodded and turned to leave. I knew exactly where I wanted to go before taking this job. "Oh and Mika?" He continued. I stopped, but didn't turn around. "Think what you will of Danzo, but the system we had worked well. One working in view of everyone and one working in the shadows." I held back a laugh.

"That doesn't excuse his behavior." I said pointedly. I had nothing to hide from them.

"No, but it is something to consider. You can't do this job alone. Think of who you might want working alongside you." I rolled my eyes. I already knew. There was only one person in my mind for the job. Kakashi. I nodded and walked out the door. I needed be alone and think. I made my way to the KIA stone, which thankfully was still standing after Pain's attack. It was the only place I wanted to be.

"Well, Minato-sensei, I'm living your dream." I sighed. "They'll officially name me Hokage today." I knelt down and continued to speak, but not aloud. I never did like speaking aloud when I was here. 'I don't know why you wanted me for this job, but I'll do my best. I wish you were here to guide me. I plan to get rid of the council and start over. I wish you could be on the new council. You always knew what to do. I don't know exactly who to pick. Kakashi is an obvious choice. He's smart, dedicated to the village, and he knows me better than anyone. He'll be able to help me make good choices. He also knows how to deal with Naruto who will take over after me. Other than that, I'm thinking about Shikaku Nara. He's a good strategist, and he's levelheaded. He'd be useful. I don't know who else though.Tsunade is another obvious choice, but she's in a coma. I just don't know. I hope I continue to make you proud.'

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