Chapter 22

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The next few weeks passed more slowly than they ever had before. Guy brought Sasuke back, but not before Itachi could torture him again with his sharingan. I hated Itachi more than I ever had in that moment, and it reminded me that he was no longer my little brother, but instead a criminal with no feelings. How could someone do that to their little brother? Sasuke was in the same kind of coma as Kakashi, and I was almost inconsolable, though I hid it well. After my breakdown with Asuma and Kurenai, I reverted back to choosing not to feel or show anything. If I didn't feel the emotions, they wouldn't be real. I just had to wait for Tsunade to come back and she would fix them.

In the meantime, I didn't leave their hospital room. I was discharged after a few days, but I refused to leave. Sakura was there with me often, and she would cry every now and then, worried for Sasuke. I honestly didn't know how to help her. I found mild comfort in knowing that if anyone could fix them, it would be Tsunade, but Sakura didn't feel the same way. She questioned why Itachi did this to them, but I didn't have an answer. I'd been looking for that answer since the massacre. As far as I was concerned, he had no reason. That didn't make it better for Sakura though.

"Are they okay? Did we get here in time?" Naruto burst into the hospital room and looked frantically between all four of us in here. I didn't see Tsunade though. Did they bring her back? If not, who was going to heal Kakashi and Sasuke?

"Where's Tsunade? Did you find her?" I said, panic filling my voice. I hadn't felt emotions in two weeks, and they were all threatening to come out now. If Tsunade wasn't here, they might not wake up. I couldn't handle that.

"She's here! Don't worry Mika-sensei, I always keep my promises, believe it!" Naruto yelled, and gave me a smile that reminded me so much of his father that I wanted to cry. I let out a sigh of relief and allowed myself to go back to my emotionless state, not wanting Tsunade to think I'm weak.

"Alright Naruto, who am I healing? I have stuff to do." Tsunade walked into the room, and I was in awe. I had never met her, but had heard all about her from others, and idolized her for her strength and abilities.

"These two first! Start with Kakashi-sensei so Mika-sensei will stop panicking, ya know!" Naruto shot me another smile that I met with a glare. Tsunade sent me a look that was full of confusion, probably at why I'd be panicking about Kakashi. I didn't know if she should be aware that we were dating, or how close we had been for most of our lives. Lord Third made an exception for our team to be together and I knew that. Usually best friends, siblings, and former sensei's children didn't get to be on a team together because of emotions, but I think we had proven that we could handle it. Hopefully she would see it the same way if she asked questions.

"Naruto, did you forget that I'm related to Sasuke. I'm worried for him too." I said, almost in a bored manner, trying to not let my feelings slip. Good thing I had a lot of practice.

"But Kakashi-sensei always makes you feel better, so we should heal him first, believe it!" I blushed heavily at the fact that even Naruto noticed that Kakashi is the best at making me feel better. Naruto didn't even get the hint I tried to give him. He's so dumb, I could hit him, but I won't. Not with Tsunade here. I just sent him a glare instead.

"Mika, is it? Before I heal them, I would like to talk about your team's composition." Tsunade started. I gulped. "As the new Hokage, I need some reassurance from you. I am concerned about the decision Lord Third made." I closed my eyes, and prayed for the best. I didn't want our team to be split up. I loved working with each of them, and didn't want that to end just yet. When I opened my eyes, Naruto and Sakura were both looking confused, like they didn't understand that our team wasn't exactly normal.

"What are your concerns, Lady Tsunade?" I asked with a small smile on my face, though if she was good, she'd see the panic filling my eyes.

"Your brother is on your team, correct?" I nodded. "And I'm gathering now that you and Kakashi are closer than just co-sensei of a genin team?" I nodded again. "How does this work?" I gulped. Surely she was about to split us up. I mean, Lord Third had his reasons for keeping us together, but Tsunade could do whatever she wanted to. I looked back to Naruto and Sakura and they looked concerned. They had obviously never thought of the fact that it was weird that we were on a team together. I sighed, and decided honesty was the best policy at this point. Anything else would only make it worse later.

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