Chapter 7

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The next day seemed to pass in a blur. I helped with the reconstruction of the village for the majority of the day, praying I wouldn't run into my father. Everyone else, I could handle, but not him. While it was boring work, it kept my mind from wondering to the grief I felt for Minato-sensei. The whole village was grieving, it seemed. The Third Hokage decided to take back over, as there's wasn't really a good candidate as of yet for Hokage. It was a good choice. Lord Third was a great Hokage, and I trusted him greatly.

The time I was dreading finally came. Minato-sensei's funeral. I had to go home and change into my black dress, and was hoping to avoid my father. I wasn't so lucky though. He was waiting for me as soon as I walked in the door.

"Where did you go last night? You never came home." He said flatly. I rolled my eyes, and tried to walk past him to get to my room and change. I was not in the mood. "Answer me!" He yelled, and I flinched at his tone. He hasn't been angry with me in years. Disappointed, sure, but not angry.

"It's none of your business." I glared at him. Angry or not, I was angry too. He had no right to treat me the way that he did yesterday, and I didn't see the need to forgive him now.

"Everything you do is my business, Mika. You're my child." He said sternly.

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes and began walking again, wanting to leave this conversation behind. He grabbed my arm hard enough that it hurt, and spun me around to face him. I was shocked. He's never laid a hand on me before. That was the one thing I could always count on with him. "I went to Kakashi's. Let me go." I glared at him, more angry than I'd been in a long time.

"And spent the night?" My father was seething, probably thinking something completely different from what was really happening. I decided to let him think what he wanted.

"Yeah, and?" I was still glaring. He let me go and glared right back at me.

"You're never to do that again. Understood?"

"I'll do what I want. At least I can have emotions there." I shot back, angry that he would try to take away the one place that I felt like I could not be perfect.

"Father, leave her alone. It's bad enough her sensei died, don't take her best friend too." Itachi stood between us, suddenly seeming way too old.

"Stay out of this Itachi." My father glared.

"No. You're the reason she's never home anymore, and I'm tired of it!" He yelled. Itachi is yelling at our father. This is not good.

"Tachi stop. I'm sorry. I'll be home more. Please don't yell at Father. It's disrespectful." I tried to reason with him.

"And what you're doing isn't?" Fair point, kid. I just looked down.

"Is that true, Mika?" Father asked.

"Yes, sir." I responded. He just looked away from me, and walked away. What just happened? Is he upset? Did I do something wrong?

"You should get ready." Itachi said and walked away towards Father. I sighed and ran my hands through my hair, confused about what happened.

I made my way into my room and pulled on my black, knee length dress. It wasn't anything fancy, just a plain black dress. I slipped on my black heels, and pulled my hair out of its bun to rest down my back in soft curls. I would want to hide myself in my hair later, so it's good for it to be down.

I ignored everyone in the house, and made my way to the KIA stone for the funeral. I was early, but it was okay. I could pay my respects to Obito and Rin while I was there as well. I stood in front of the stone, silently telling Obito and Rin what they're missing out on, and missing them. I found my thoughts drifting to Kakashi. He was right last night. To be scared, anyways. We're all that's left of our team. Even though I still had my family, I felt in a way that Kakashi was all I had. I couldn't bear the thought of losing him. Where would I be right now if it wasn't for him? Probably drowning in my own insanity.

"Thinking about the others?" I jumped a bit at Kakashi's voice. I didn't even sense him coming.

"Yeah." I lied, and blushed slightly. It would be weird if he knew I was actually thinking about him.

"I miss them too."

"We're all that's left." I said sadly. He just nodded and started at the stone blankly. "Please don't ever die on me."  I almost begged.

"Not planning on it." He responded, a smirk showing under the mask on his face. I rolled my eyes at his cockiness. He's definitely back to being normal, even if it's just for show. "You don't die either." He said quieter, so no one would hear that he actually cares about something. God forbid.

"Not planning on it." I smirked right back at him. He rolled his eyes at me, and we made our way to line up with the rest of the people at the funeral.

The funeral was a beautiful service, honoring all of the people who lost their lives. Several people went up and gave speeches about the people who died, but most of them were about Minato-sensei. I surprisingly held up pretty well, and didn't cry. I just wanted the whole thing to be over, if I was being honest. I could move on once the funeral was over, and start to put myself back together, yet again. I missed Minato more than I ever thought possible, but I knew that I would be okay. I knew that I could move past this like I had in the past, I just had to give myself time to heal.

I walked in line with the rest of the people, and placed a flower on the KIA stone in respect. I lingered a bit before sighing and finally moving away.

Goodbye Minato-sensei.

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