Chapter 6

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The next year, Kakashi and I were pretty much inseparable, unless one of us were on a mission. We did literally everything together. We trained together when we could, we ate together, and most importantly, we leaned on each other. I grew accustomed to sleeping at his place many nights out of the week, because both of us needed someone.

I couldn't show weakness at home. Itachi needed a role model for how to be the heir to the clan, and I couldn't do that if my emotions got in the way. He was advancing much faster than I wanted him to, and I worried that he would have to face the harsh realities for being a ninja, even though he's only 6. Not only that, but Sasuke needed a role model too. Even though he's not a year old quite yet, I knew he looked up to me, and I needed to show them both that I was fine. My father tried to prepare Itachi for what could happen in life as a ninja much better than he did me, and I was grateful for that. I guess seeing how I reacted to Obito's death at least taught my father something. I tried my best to hold it together at home, and I'd say I was successful. No one suspected that I was still grieving the loss of my teammate in my dreams each night, and my father seemed proud that I was able to move on.

In reality, I snuck out most nights and stayed with Kakashi, because it was the only time I could allow myself to feel. The nightmares never stopped, and I was afraid that Itachi would find out that I'm not okay. Kakashi wasn't okay either, and it was good for us to be together. We both had nightmares that kept us from sleeping, and we both had to put on a brave face all day, albeit for different reasons. We took turns sleeping on the couch, and would wake the other up if we had a nightmare. He just got me. He knew what I needed, and he never faltered. I tried to do the same for him.

Eventually, I finally started to move on. It got easier to talk about Rin, and I was able to actually feel something other than sadness. Kakashi on the other hand, didn't move on so easily. People weren't so kind to him once they learned what happened. He earned the nickname "Friend Killer Kakashi" and it made me feel terrible. He didn't mean to do it, but no one seemed to understand. All of us tried to cheer him up, Guy especially. He would challenge Kakashi to these weird challenges, but he never agreed. He just ignored all of us and kept walking. Any time I talked to him about it, he tried to push me away, so I eventually just let it happen. If he pushed me away, he'd have no one, and I wouldn't let that happen to him.

It was evening in the fall, and Kakashi and I were walking around town, trying to agree on where to eat. I wanted ramen, but he didn't. Apparently we eat ramen too much.

"My eternal rival and his youthful friend!" I heard someone call us. It could only be one person. We stopped and turned around to see Guy running towards us in his green jumpsuit. I rolled my eyes. How is he going to get turned down today?

"What is it Guy?" Kakashi asked, and we all walked together.

"I want to challenge you!" He yelled. I laughed a bit at his antics. Say what you will, but Guy is hilarious.

"I'm not in the mood, Guy, maybe another time." Kakashi said sternly.

"But we're eternal rivals! We have to challenge!" I laughed more.

"Come on, Kashi, it won't kill you to challenge him!" I teased him, and sent him a smile. He glared at me. I'm not sure if it's because I agree with Guy, or because I used his nickname around another person.

"You challenge him then." Kakashi mumbled.

"He's not my eternal rival." I teased him. He rolled his eyes at me. I stuck my tongue out at him in protest.

"What shall we do? A race? Rock paper scissors? A duel?" Guy started getting excited, jumping up and down. I couldn't help but giggle at him.

Suddenly the atmosphere in the air changed. It was cold, and almost evil feeling. I stopped in my tracks, and so did Kakashi. Guy kept walking until he noticed that we stopped.

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