Chapter 43

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A few weeks later, Kakashi and I decided to go on a lunch date. Naruto was training with the toads, and Sakura was working with Shikamaru to try and decode what the message that Jiraiya left could mean. I had some theories, but Shikamaru didn't agree with them, and he is much more intelligent than I am, so I let him do his best. It meant that Kakashi and I had some free time, so I wasn't complaining too much, although I was bored. Missions were slow, and I was still too angry with Sasuke to actively search for him, especially with the knowledge that he didn't want to come home.

"We should ask about getting a new genin team! I miss having something to do." I complained while eating my ramen. It was my turn to choose where to eat, and I almost always chose ramen. It truly is the most superior food. Kakashi raised an eyebrow at me.

"Why? We just got rid of ours." I laughed. I knew he loved Naruto, Sakura, and Sasuke, but he never wanted to be a genin sensei, so I kind of understood his response.

"And they turned out okay, for the most part!" I responded. Kakashi raised an eyebrow again.

"Are you sure? Last I checked, one was a rogue ninja, and the other two left us to train with other people." Kakashi responded. I rolled my eyes.

"Naruto and Sakura left to train with legendary sannin, so can you blame them? Could either of us have taught them that well?" Kakashi sighed, probably at my ignoring his mention of my brother. I had ignored talking about Sasuke since I last saw him, and I knew Kakashi was getting concerned. I usually don't hold things like this from him, but I was still angry, and I didn't want to let go of that anger just yet. I wasn't ready.

"Why don't you get a genin team? You were the better teacher anyways." Kakashi pointed out. I shook my head.

"The reason we work together is because we're a team. I may be better at explaining things and showing that I care, but not demonstrating or toning down in a spar so they can keep up." Kakashi sighed again, knowing I was right. We balanced each other perfectly; it's why Lord Third allowed us to work together, and why Tsunade kept us together.

"But it's so much work." Kakashi sighed. I laughed at him. Always so lazy.

"You've been spending too much time with Shikamaru." I laughed at him. He pretended to look offended. "Fine, we'll just be bored most of the time and only take high ranking missions where we might die." I said sarcastically. Recently, that's a lot of what we've been doing, and I was reeling for a break.

"Yes. Good plan." Kakashi said smugly,  ignoring the obvious sarcasm in my voice, and making me roll my eyes. As I was about to respond, I heard an explosion coming from somewhere in the village, making my eyes go wide. What's happening? My eyes met Kakashi's, and we both nodded and jumped up, running outside.

We ran towards the explosion and arrived just in time for Kakashi to prevent Iruka from being stabbed with a black rod of some sort. The guy holding the rod had bright orange hair, and purple eyes. Pain. The one who beat Jiraiya. My heart rate quickened at the idea that we're going to have to fight the guy who brought down a legendary sannin.

"Iruka, get that guy and get out of here. We've got this." I said with more confidence in my voice than I felt. This guy beat Jiraiya. Could we win? Of course we could! It's me and Kakashi. We can beat anyone.

Iruka nodded and grabbed the unconscious man off the ground before jumping away. Kakashi broke the black rod, and lit up his hand with chidori, moving to stab Pain. Pain dodged somehow and stabbed Kakashi in the shoulder instead. He winced but pulled away. He'd be fine. I stood, analyzing the situation with my sharingan, trying to figure out how we could beat this guy. Kakashi made a mud wall, trying to limit the arena we were in, and hopefully hiding a few shadow clones in the process. I didn't have my special kunai. I left them at home, not expecting a battle today. Shit. I'd have to try to get close enough to touch him to land a seal.

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