Chapter 59

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I dropped to the ground on my knees, unsure of what I could do. As I looked around, I saw that our worst fears had come true. Hanging from the tree were white cocoons that were large enough to hold people. We lost. We really lost. I couldn't even cry. I was just in disbelief.

"It will be okay. Kaguya will be defeated by the two saviors." An unfamiliar person said. I snapped my head in their direction. A new person was sitting among the former Hokages. I raised an eyebrow.

"Kaguya? Saviors?" I asked. I was very confused.

"It turns out Madara and Obito were being manipulated as well. Come join us" Minato said, giving me a closed eye smile. I did as I was told and walked over to the group of people in front of me. I sat myself between Minato and Lord Third, and waited for some kind of explanation of what was going on.

"Who are you?" I asked the person in the group that I didn't know.

"I am the Sage of Six Paths." He responded, like it should be obvious to me.

"But you're a myth." I said flatly. Now I'm wondering if I got caught in the genjutsu. But that can't be, right? It's supposed to allow you to live in your perfect world and this is definitely not mine.

"Am I?" He responded with a smile on his face. I raised an eyebrow.

"It's true, we all thought so. But he is not a myth." Lord Third responded. I nodded, somewhat understanding, somewhat still processing this new information.

"Who is Kaguya?" I asked.

"Ah, yes. To understand that, you must understand everything." He said. He spoke in a tone that demanded respect, and he was green with horns, just like them ten tails jinchuriki, so I assumed that he was right about his identity. I'd believe him until I couldn't, anyways. "To make a long story short, Kaguya is my mother." I raised my eyebrow. "She is the first being to have chakra after she ate the fruit off of the divine tree. She gave birth to my twin brother and me, and gave us chakra as well. Eventually, she became power hungry and wanted all of the chakra for herself. My brother and I defeated her after seeing what she was doing with the divine tree. She was using human sacrifices, much like she is now with these people." He pointed to the cocoons around us.

"If you defeated her, why is this happening again?" I asked. It didn't make sense.

"Because of her will, or as you know it, Black Zetsu." My eyes widened. That plant thing has been behind this the whole damn time? "Anyways, that is Kaguya. She wishes to steal all of the chakra on earth. But, I am certain that the two saviors will stop her." He said with a smile.

"Saviors?" I questioned. This was all overwhelming.

"Yes. Naruto and Sasuke. They are reincarnations of my sons Asura and Indra." He said like it should be obvious to me.

"Naruto? And Sasuke?" I clarified. He nodded. "Then why did the other three go with them?" 

"I am not sure. But don't fret, I gave Naruto and Sasuke some of my power before they left. They will be fine." He offered a closed eye smile to me. I raised my eyebrow.

"Sasuke? Like my little brother? You gave him more power?" I was shocked. He didn't need more power. He needed less power and a good smack to the back of the head for being an idiot.

"Mika, you just have to wait and see. Maybe Sasuke will surprise you." Lord Third said. I rolled my eyes at him. He's has done more than surprise me in the last three years.

"You've been gone for awhile now, Lord Third. Sasuke left the village. He's tried to kill me and Naruto and Sakura. He doesn't need more power." I explained. Minato sighed.

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