Chapter 26

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We were finally back from the Land of Iron and were in the Hokage's office giving a report on our mission, and something felt off. Tsunade wasn't making eye contact with me, and the others in the room looked nervous. I was curious about it. Did something happen?

"Lady Tsunade, is something wrong?" I asked carefully. Kakashi turned to me and raised an eyebrow. He noticed too, but wasn't going to ask. Oh well. I wanted to know. Tsunade closed her eyes tightly, and then looked at me with some of the most serious eyes I've seen her have. What's going on?

"Sasuke left the village. We think he's joined Orochimaru?" My eyes went wide, and my heart stopped. He what? He left the village? Why the hell would he do that? I tried my best to keep everything about my body language neutral so they wouldn't have a reason to not let me help, but on the inside, I felt like breaking down or punching something. We talked about this! I told him exactly what would happen if he went to Orochimaru. Why?

"Well, we have to go find him!" I said, trying to hide my panic, and expecting her to send me right now to look for him. Kakashi sighed next to me. He knew this wouldn't be good. He saw right though me, and I knew it. Damnit. He better not keep me from going.

"We've sent a team already. They should be back soon. Naruto is with them. He will bring Sasuke back." Tsunade said calmly, trying to keep my emotions in check. Naruto would try his best, I knew that, but I wanted to help. Sasuke would listen to me, I'm sure of it. Unless he's lost his mind. Then maybe not. But I could at least drag him back here. Or put him in a genjutsu and make him come back. I had more options than Naruto did.

"I'm going to look for him." I said flatly. I wouldn't just sit around and wait for him to come home. Orochimaru wanted to kill him! How stupid could he be? For a supposed prodigy of his class, he sure was making stupid decisions lately.

"No, you're not Mika. I'll go." Kakashi said sternly, and looked at me seriously. I scoffed and raised an eyebrow at him. What the hell?

"I can go too! I can't just sit here and-"

"No! Absolutely not. You'll stay here." Kakashi yelled. My eyes went wide again. I was taken aback a little bit. Kakashi doesn't yell at me. I felt anger start to fill my body, and I let it. How could Sasuke do this? And why is Kakashi being so unreasonable? I can go look for him. I have to save him!

"You don't get to tell me what to do Kakashi! He's my brother! If I want to go look for him, I will!" I yelled back. I was starting to lose it and I knew it. I could feel Tsunade watching me, judging if I was fit to accomplish this mission. I felt anger and tears starting to rise in me, and I fought to keep them down. Letting them out certainly wouldn't help my case to go. Kakashi ignored me and turned to face Tsunade. I grabbed his arm to stop him from saying what I thought he was going to say, but he just glared at me, telling me to stop, and turned back to her. I was stunned. Kakashi hasn't been this upset with me since I made him leave the ANBU.

"Lady Tsunade, last time Mika and I talked about this, she said that she would willingly trade places with  Sasuke as Orochimaru's vessel if she had the choice to save him. She should not go on this mission." Kakashi said pointedly. I scoffed.

"He's right, Mika. I can't send you, just like I couldn't send Sakura. You're too involved. And if what Kakashi is saying is true, that's even more reason. You'll stay here." I glared daggers at Kakashi. I had never been this angry with him before, but he was keeping me from saving my brother. How dare he?!

"Look, you can me mad at me all you want to, Mika, but I won't lose you too. Stay here. I will do my best to bring him home, okay?" Kakashi put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me with sad eyes. I was still glaring at him, and I was still angry, but I understood. Or at least I tried to. I knew I wouldn't win this fight. I couldn't disobey orders, and Kakashi knew I wouldn't. "You can yell at me when I get back, okay? I'll try to find him." Kakashi basically pleaded with me to let him do this without a fight. I just nodded, and he turned and walked out the door. Tears were building in my eyes and I didn't know if I could control them. 

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