Chapter 45

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"Mika-sensei, wake up!"

"Youthful flower! Are you okay? Can you hear me?"

"It's the springtime of youth, Mika-sensei! Wake up!"

I groaned and opened my eyes. I felt like I had just been hit by a truck. I looked around and saw Sakura leaning over me, green chakra flowing from her hands. She saved me? I was dead. I definitely remember dying. My eyes fluttered around the room I was in and I also saw Guy and Lee looking concerned on my right side.

"I thought I told you not to call me sensei, Sakura." I said hoarsely. My throat must still be damaged. Her eyes met mine and widened. She looked like she wanted to cry. "What happened?"

"You died, youthful flower, but Naruto defeated Pain and brought everyone back!" Guy exclaimed, and held my hand for comfort. "Such youthfulness!" He was crying now, making me shake my head.

"Naruto did?" I asked, shocked. Sakura nodded. Suddenly, panic went through my veins. I sat up quickly and looked around the room. "Where's Kakashi? Is he okay?" My heart rate was quick and I knew my eyes held the panic that I felt.

"He's fine, Mika. Lay back down, youthful flower." Guy said and pushed me back so Sakura could continue healing my throat.

"He went to go get Naruto. He should be back soon." Lee added. I nodded, and tried to slow down my breathing. I wouldn't believe he was alive until I saw him myself.

"Pain really did a number on you, Mika." Sakura said in a sad voice. I nodded. "Both of your legs were broken, and I'm surprised you can breathe with the damage done to your throat." I winced at the memory.

"He tried to strangle me three times. He succeeded on the last one." Lee and Sakura gasped, and Guy looked at me with sad eyes.

"Well, I think that's all I can do. I fixed your legs, and most of the damage to your throat. You should just have a bruise and it should fade in a few days." Sakura smiled at me.

"Thank you, Sakura!" I smiled at her. "I really appreciate it!"

"Come on, let's go wait by the gates. Kakashi should be back with Naruto soon." Guy smiled at me and helped me up. I was still a little dizzy, but glad to be up and moving. "Don't be too hard on him, youthful flower, you died too." Guy teased me. I rolled my eyes at him.

"He died first." I teased back. I just wanted to see him. I needed to to know that he was okay.

"Don't you have a seal on him, Mika? Why don't you teleport to him?" Sakura asked.

"Since I died, I'm not sure if it's still there." I shrugged. We made it to the gates and waited. There was a group of villagers already here, probably waiting for Naruto, and while I was incredibly proud of him for saving the village, I just wanted to see Kakashi. I could thank Naruto with ramen later. I started growing impatient and tapping my foot nervously.

"Mika, Kakashi-sensei really is okay. He'll be here soon." Sakura tried to reassure. Guy laid a hand on my shoulder as well, but nothing was calming my nerves.

Finally, I saw them. Kakashi was carrying Naruto on his back, and Naruto looked utterly exhausted. I don't blame him. Taking down Pain alone would be exhausting. Guy's hand tightened on my shoulder and I looked back with questioning eyes.

"At least wait until he puts Naruto down." Guy rolled his eyes at me. "Wouldn't want his youthfulness to be crushed."  He said with one of his giant smiles. I rolled my eyes and turned back to look at Kakashi. He looked good for someone who died not long ago. Finally, he set Naruto down, and the other villagers ran to him to congratulate and thank him for saving the village. I'd do that later. I ran to Kakashi as fast as I could and jumped into his arms. My arms wrapped around his neck, and my legs wrapped around his waist like a koala. He didn't argue and hugged me back. I felt tears running down my face and I did nothing to hide them.

He's Just My Best Friend | a Kakashi love storyWhere stories live. Discover now