Chapter 14

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For about a month, we had been doing D-rank missions, and I was tired of them. I know, with new Genin they're important. It teaches them teamwork, and kindness, and whatever, but wasting two Jonin's time for babysitting, or catching a cat? I didn't think I could take much more of it.

We were in the Hokage's office waiting for our next mission. I could tell Naruto shared my feelings about the lame missions, as he was more antsy than usual. This kid had more energy than any person I had ever seen.

"Let's see, you guys could have babysitting, or pulling weeds, or-"

"No!" Naruto yelled. "I'm tired of these lame missions! We're real ninja, we should go on real missions, believe it!" I facepalemed. Kakashi smacked the back of his head, earning a glare from Naruto.

"Naruto! Don't be disrespectful!" Iruka yelled at him. Apparently the two were close when Naruto was at the academy.

"We're not little kids! We want a real mission!" Naruto continued.

"Naruto. Clearly you don't understand how these missions work. Let me explain." Lord Third began. Great. Here we go again. Thanks a lot, Naruto. "We have the missions assigned according to rank" the Hokage continued, but everyone else pretty much stopped listening. Naruto started talking about ramen with Sasuke and Sakura. I was zoned out, as was Kakashi. No one was listening.

"Listen!" The Hokage suddenly yelled. Great. Kakashi and I are gonna get in so much trouble later. I sighed. "You want a real mission? Fine. I'll give you guys a C-ranked mission." I breathed a sigh of relief. Finally! Something not totally meaningless! "You'll be escorting someone to the Land of Water."

"Who? A princess? A feudal lord? An actress?" Naruto yelled, way too excitedly. This time, I smacked the back of his head and earned a glare. Did he really think that's what we would get?

"Bring him in please." The door opened and in walked an older man, who was definitely drunk. He smelled horrible, and had a snarl on his face. Fun. He should be great company. "Tazuna, these will be the ninja who will escort you home."

"These punks?" Great. He wasn't friendly either. I rolled my eyes. "What's with the short, weird looking one." I facepalemed again. He was talking about Naruto.

"I'll kill you!" Naruto yelled and lunged for him. Kakashi caught the back of his jacket and held him back.

"We cannot kill the client, Naruto." Kakashi said with his best bored voice.

"We'll meet at the gates in an hour." I said, nervously. This would certainly be interesting.

I spent the hour making sure I had everything I'd need, and everything Sasuke would need. He packed his bag himself, but I wanted to be sure he wouldn't forget anything. Who knows how long this mission would be?

"You've checked my bag a hundred times. I'm sure I have everything. Let's go." Sasuke said flatly.

"Sorry that I want you to have everything." I rolled my eyes and threw my bag over my shoulder. I was excited to get out of the village. I love it here and all, but traveling for missions was one of my favorite things.

We arrived at the gates and were just waiting for Kakashi. Typical.

"Mika-sensei?" Sakura asked.

"Yes?" I turned my attention to her.

"Why is Kakashi-sensei always late?" I rolled my eyes a bit. This was difficult to answer. I didn't know honestly. He just never seemed to care to be on time.

"He's been that way basically as long as I've known him." I shrugged. That's wasn't entirely true, but we didn't need to get into the Obito story right now. His tardiness started after Obito's death.

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