Chapter 34

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I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. I'm definitely in a hospital. But it's not a Leaf hospital. I must be in the Sand. I groaned and tried to sit up, but my body was too exhausted.

"You shouldn't try to move yet." I heard Sakura say, and she pushed me back into the bed. She had a sad look on her face that I couldn't read. Did something happen while I was out? I looked at her curiously, trying to figure it out. Suddenly I was filled with panic.

"Is Kakashi-" I started, panic filling my voice.

"He's fine." She cut me off and smiled at me. I breathed a sigh of relief. "He's with Naruto and Gaara." I nodded. Good.

"Wait. Gaara?" I questioned. He was dead last I heard.

"Yeah." The sad expression came back on her face. I raised my eyebrow at her. "Kakashi is asking if you can stay here for a few days and have an escort back since you can't walk well. It would slow us down to carry both you and Kakashi-sensei, and you need to heal." She explained. That wasn't the reason she was sad, but I let it go.

"You don't have to do that. I'll give him a special kunai and teleport to him when you guys get back." I shrugged. Her eyes looked shocked.

"You can do that?!" I laughed a little bit.

"It's takes a fair amount of chakra, but yeah. I can." I smiled. "How does my leg look?" I grimaced at the memory of the scrubbing process.

"It looks better! When we got here I put some antibiotic ointment on it and cleaned it really well. It's not ready for a full healing yet. I can do that when we get back. There shouldn't be much scarring either." She smiled at me.

"Thank you, Sakura." I smiled. "You've become an amazing medical nin. I'm proud of you, kid." Her eyes lit up at my compliment and I smiled at her.

"Lady Chiyo wanted me to tell you a couple of things." Her face fell again. I raised my eyebrow. Then why didn't she just come tell me? "She wanted me to tell you that she was wrong about Uchiha. Apparently it's just the boys that are arrogant." I laughed at that. How true. I shook my head. "And she wanted me to tell you that she understands now why you and Kakashi-sensei are on a team. She said the amount of trust you have in each other and the way you work together is better than most partners she's seen." She gave me a small smile. I was smiling too. Even though Lady Chiyo and I  didn't get along, I was glad to hear her words. My opinion of her had certainly changed since meeting her.

"She didn't make it, did she?" I said softly. Sakura looked like she wanted to cry. I nodded.

"She gave her life to save Gaara." She had tears falling now. They must have gotten closer than I realized. I grabbed her hand and held it in mine. I knew the pain she was feeling all too well. I felt bad for her. But Lady Chiyo did the right thing. Gaara is Kazekage, and he's young. He has a whole life to live. "I'll go find Kakashi-sensei." She wiped her tears and left the room.

I sat up slowly and looked at my leg, and it was bandaged up to my knee. I didn't feel much pain, but I didn't risk it by moving it. Whatever Sakura did while I was asleep worked wonders. I thought back to what I said to Naruto, and I felt horrible. Sure, I was in pain, but I could have controlled myself better than I did. I have before. I sighed. I owed him a major apology. And a lot of ramen on me.

"Hey, youthful flower!" Guy said excitedly and basically carried Kakashi into my room. I smiled and shook my head at him. Idiot.

"Hey Guy! You okay there, Kakashi?" I teased. He rolled his eye at me.

"You're one to talk. I'm not in the hospital." He teased back.

"Yet." Guy added. I laughed. "I'll come back in a little while. I'm gonna go check on my team." He smiled and left. Kakashi sat in the chair by my bed and looked sadly at me.

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