Chapter 16

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When I woke up the next morning, I felt something against my back, and draped over my waist, and was confused. I looked down to see an arm draped over my waist and I blushed intensely. I don't know which of us initiated it, but Kakashi and I were cuddling.

The only time I had ever been this close to him was when one of us was sad and needed a hug, or to cry it out, but it felt nice. I felt safer, and more relaxed being in his arms than I did anywhere else. I decided that breakfast could wait, and I didn't want to leave this moment, even if it meant more to me than it did to him.

I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. Part of me knew I'd fail, but part of me didn't care. Just being here was enough. And this was exactly why I didn't want to share a bed. I knew if this happened, I would want more. I always did when it came to Kakashi.

"Mika, Kakashi-sensei!" I heard Sasuke yell as he opened the door. Neither of us reacted quickly enough, still being tired, and just like that, we were caught. I sat up first, my face turning redder than it had in a very long time. "What are you two doing?" Sasuke looked grossed out.

"Sleeping." Kakashi answered grumpily.

"Like that?" Sasuke was also grumpy, but when is he not these days.

"What do you want, Sasuke?" I snapped.

"Breakfast is ready." He turned and closed the door. I rubbed my eyes trying to wake up more before dealing with mostly Naruto. Sasuke and Sakura respected that mornings were for quiet. Naruto on the other hand, did not, and I am not known for being a morning person.

"Sorry." Kakashi mumbled. I turned to look at him, and thought I saw a blush under his mask. I smirked, deciding to tease him.

"Is Kakashi blushing?" I smirked. "I never thought I'd see the day." He rolled his eyes.

"I take it back, I'm not sorry." He glared at me.

"Whatever. Close your eyes." I got up and pulled out my ninja outfit so I could change.

"Really though, I'm sorry, Mika. I don't know why I did that."

"We were sleeping, it's fine. It happens, Kashi. It's not like you haven't held me before." Now I was blushing, and very glad I was changing so he couldn't look at me.

"I guess that's true. Are you done yet? I'm starving." He changed the subject.

"Yeah, you're good." I pulled on my flack jacket, and started brushing out my hair, and pulling it into a bun so it would be out of my way.

After breakfast, I went with Tazuna to the bridge he was building and sat against the wall, mostly alert to what was happening. Zabuza wouldn't attack today, that much I knew. He was in bad shape before the hunter-nin came out, so he would be recovering. That made me feel a little better. I did not want to take him on alone. I was sure that I could win, but it would certainly be easier to do with help.

After a couple of hours, I saw Sakura walking towards me. She must have good chakra control already. Doesn't surprise me. She actually has a lot of talent, just not a lot of guts. She'll get there though, I'm sure of it. We made small talk, and then just sat in silence for awhile, waiting for Tazuna to be done for the day.


"Yes, Sakura?"

"Do you like Kakashi-sensei?" I choked on my spit. What? I am not having this conversation with a child. "I just see the way you guys act and thought that you might." She shrugged. "You can tell me. I won't tell anyone." She smiled. I sighed. Maybe it would be good to talk about it. And it would help me connect with Sakura more, which was good, right? Aren't teachers supposed to connect with their students?

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