Chapter 8

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Years had passed, and I finally felt happy for the first time in a long time. I was just a regular Jonin, and I went on missions often, especially right after Minato's death. It was the Third's way of trying to distract me from my pain, and I was thankful for it. It helped me move forward and learn to be happy.

Kakashi was a different story. He threw himself into the ANBU, and pushed everyone away, including me to a certain extent. Once I started to be able to function normally again, I began to notice that he took on more and more missions, and when he came home, he was too tired to do anything. We still hung out pretty regularly, and it was always fun when we did, but something just wasn't the same. He wasn't the same. He was consumed by darkness.

I'm also pretty sure that he was working with Danzo, but had no proof, and didn't want to be wrong and accuse him of something that's not true. I'd have to do some research and see what I could find. I was worried about him, and more than that, I miss him. He's my best friend.

I could tell everyone else felt the same way. Anytime we were out getting dango, and Kakashi would walk by, Guy would invite him to come hang out with us, but he would just walk by like he didn't hear anything. He did. I know he did, he's not deaf. But he just ignored us. Today was one of those days.

Guy came back inside, sulking that Kakashi was ignoring him. I felt bad. Not only for Kakashi, but for us too. He was pushing us away, and we didn't want that.

"Let me try, Guy." I gave him a sad smile. Usually, I can get through to him, so maybe this will work.

"Kashi!" I yelled after him. He didn't even acknowledge that I spoke to him. I glared a bit, and ran to catch up with him. Still nothing. "Are you listening?" I asked sternly, tired of his attitude. Still nothing. I grabbed his arm and stopped him. He tried to fight me off, but I just gripped tighter and moved in front of him. "What's your problem?" I glared at him. He barely looked at me and then just looked back to his book, like I was nothing. My heart broke a little bit at the thought. "Kashi, talk to me." I was starting to get concerned instead of angry.

"Don't call me that." He glared slightly. My eyes went wide, before settling back into a glare.

"I've been calling you 'Kashi' since we were five." I pointed out.

"Yeah, well stop it. And leave me alone. I'm not in the mood right now. I'll find you later, maybe." He tried to move past me again. I pushed him back hard. Someone needs to knock some sense into him.

"I will not leave you alone. Clearly, that's not what you need." I said sternly. He sighed.

"It is. You're in my way. Move, and don't follow me." He looked bored and irritated that I was even speaking to him. I glared at him more, and finally moved, feeling defeated. He walked away without saying another word. What is his problem? I knew he could push everyone else away, but me? Really? What's his deal? I walked back to the dango shop, and everyone was standing outside, with a shocked look on their face.

"Well, if you can't fix him, who can?" Kurenai stated sadly.

"What do you mean?" Asuma asked. Me and him weren't really close. He hasn't been in the village for awhile since he was working at the Fire Temple, so we hadn't really gotten the chance to get to know each other. He didn't know that me and Kakashi have been friends for forever, only that we were on a team once. I'm honestly not sure if Kakashi and I have ever had a real fight. I mean, we argue, but he's never looked at me like he just did before.

"I mean, I've never seen them fight in the fifteen years they've been friends." Guy responded. I just looked down while thinking, and drowning out the conversation. Kakashi was pushing me away. Why now? What's happening to him? There has to be something we can do. If it were me, he'd do everything he could to bring me back, so I have to do the same. But he wants to be left alone, that much is obvious.

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