Chapter 60

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I heard the steady beeping of a heart monitor, and I knew I was still alive. I wasn't ready to open my eyes though. At least, I guess I'm not. They won't open, no matter how hard I try.

"Mika, you have to wake up. I can't lose you too. I miss you." Kakashi's begging voice entered my head, and I wanted to oblige him. I missed him too. But my eyes were glued shut. I faded out again, and silence was all I heard.

Every so often, I'd hear the beeping of the heart monitor, and it reminded me that I was alive. I imagine that I'm slipping in and out of consciousness. That's why I'm alternating between hearing the beeping and silence. When I was conscious, I tried to remember what happened, but I couldn't. I remember the war. I remember that we won. Naruto and Sasuke saved us.


Sasuke stabbed me. I replayed the memory in my head. His words. His quick movement that I didn't have time to read. The sword entering my body. Sasuke's look of indifference. Kakashi and Sakura tried to save me.


He needs me. I'm all he has left. I miss him. Did we win the war? Or did Sasuke win? I should wake up and find out. But if I wake up, I have to face Sasuke and I'm not ready. I can't forgive him yet and I know I'll be asked to. More time was spent slipping in and out of consciousness and I was growing annoyed.

"Mika-sensei, you should wake up. Sakura keeps saying that nothing is wrong anymore. She keeps saying it's up to you. I don't really understand it, but you have to wake up. Sasuke is going to be tried soon. He'd want you to be there. And Kakashi-sensei needs you. I think he's falling apart, ya know. We don't really see him much. And Dad said you'd train me! You can't do that if you don't wake up." Naruto's voice entered my head now.

I mulled over his words. Nothing is wrong with me? It doesn't feel that way. Wouldn't I wake up if nothing was wrong? Sasuke? He wants me at his trial? I guess that means that we won, but why would he want me there? He tried to kill me. I would testify against him. Wouldn't I? No. He's my brother. I'd defend him. I have to. But, he tried to kill me. I can't face him. Maybe I can't forgive him this time. The thought of seeing him terrifies me. Minato told me to take it easy on him. But that was before he stabbed me. Would his opinion change? No. It wouldn't. Minato would still insist that I forgive him. He's family. Maybe I can forgive him. But not yet.

Kakashi is pushing people away again? Hopefully Guy will help him. Guy understands Kakashi, I'm sure he can handle it. Though, he couldn't last time. Only I could. I should wake up for him. He shouldn't have to lose another person. Plus, he'd never forgive Sasuke if he does in fact manage to kill me. If I'm thinking about forgiving him, I should help Kakashi to do so too, right?

I don't know how long I was drifting in and out of consciousness, but I was growing tired of it. I wanted to wake up.

"Mika Uchiha! You need to wake up! I have important things for you and can't do them if you're in a coma! As Hokage, I demand that you figure out whatever is keeping you asleep, and wake up!" Tsunade's angry voice filled my ears. She lived? Good. I wouldn't want Tsunade to die. Hokage's orders, huh? I would love to wake up, Tsunade, but I guess I'm not ready yet. I don't know what's holding me back.

"Mika, I don't know what's keeping you in the coma. I've run every test, and checked every wound. Nothing is wrong. There's something keeping you asleep though. Figure it out, okay? I know you can. You're as smart as Sasuke or Kakashi-sensei." Sakura said. I was happy to hear her voice. It was soothing for some reason. I'm as smart as Kakashi or Sasuke? I could have told her that. I'm very smart, I just don't like to apply myself.

"I have a letter from Sasuke." Sakura said again. I didn't know how much time had passed, but I was glad to hear her voice. "He can't come to visit because he's still in prison, but he wanted me to read this to you. Mika, I've been trying to figure out what to say for a long time, but I can't. No matter how I phrase things, the words aren't right. I guess, I'm trying to say that I'm sorry, and you know I don't apologize, so I hope you believe me. There's a lot that I'm sorry for, but I guess the main thing is for stabbing you. Sakura told me that you are still in a coma. I hope you can forgive me. In the moment, I meant it, but I realized that I was wrong. I'll understand if you don't forgive me, but I hope you will. He wants you to wake up, Mika. He's not good with words, but I've been to see him a few times, and any time I talk about you he looks really sad. He regrets doing it. I hope you can forgive him too. He needs his sister." Sakura said before I faded back into silence. I couldn't deal with the idea of forgiving him just yet.

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