Chapter 27

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Today was the day that Naruto was leaving with Jiraiya to train. I was sad to see him leave, but excited to know that he was closer to achieving his goal. I would certainly miss his antics, but he had to learn to protect himself against the Akatsuki, and Jiraiya was honestly a better choice to teach him that. Plus, he's Naruto's godfather, so he should get to be involved in his training. Kakashi, Sakura and I were all there to see him off, plus some of his friends from other teams. I knew we'd all miss him, but it was for the best.

"Mika-sensei, I want to make the same promise that I made to Sakura to you." Naruto started. I laughed softly and shook my head. He promised Sakura to bring back Sasuke no matter what it took. I wouldn't let him promise me that though. He would not bear that burden alone. "I'll get strong enough to bring him back, believe-"

"No, Naruto." I smiled at him, and put my hand on his head. "We'll bring him back together. He's my brother, and I'm responsible for him. You won't be alone in saving him." Naruto smiled at me and swatted my hand away from his head making me laugh. "Go train and get stronger. Kakashi and I will search for information." I pulled him into a big hug. "Be careful, okay?" I whispered.

"I will, believe it!" I laughed and shook my head. He said his goodbyes to everyone else, and then he and Jiraiya were off. He didn't say how long they'd be gone, but I imagine it will be awhile before we see him again. Kakashi held my hand and we watched him leave the village.

"Mika-sensei, Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked, tentatively. Kakashi hummed in response, and I turned to look at her. She looked nervous. I raised my eyebrow for her to continue. "I wanted to know if you would allow me to train under Lady Tsunade. I still want to train with you two, but I want to learn medical ninjutsu, and neither of you can teach it to me." I smiled at her brightly. She was becoming more like Rin everyday.

"I think that's a great idea, Sakura!" I responded to her with a smile on my face. Her face brightened at my response, and I was excited for her. Who would have thought that all of our students would train with a legendary Sannin? Even if I wasn't happy with Sasuke's choice, there was no doubt that he would become stronger.

"Yeah, having another medic around would be great." Kakashi shrugged, looking bored, but I could tell he was proud of her. She's never shown as much interest in training as the other two, and she was obviously interested in this.

"We can still train you, mostly with sparring, but I think it would be great if Tsunade taught you her strength as well. It would certainly be useful, and you have the ability for it." I sent her a closed eye smile. Her excellent chakra control made her a prime candidate to basically become a mini Tsunade, and it would be great if she did. Sakura complained to me a few times about feeling like she was leagues behind the boys, but this was the first time she ever really cared to change that.

"I'll go ask her right now!" Sakura yelled, and ran off. I was glad she was so excited about it. She needed something to take her mind off of Sasuke leaving, much like I did. I accepted it more now, but I still felt like I failed him. I know it was his decision, but I can't help but think that I could have changed his mind.

"What are we going to do with all of our free time?" Kakashi asked me as we walked back to my apartment. Kakashi basically lived there now, especially with Sasuke gone. I didn't like to stay by myself.

"Missions." I laughed. It was true. Now that we didn't have genin to look after, we'd be assigned to more high ranking missions, which I was pretty excited for. I missed doing them, and they were a good way to keep my mind off of everything. "I also want you to teach me chidori." I added. I had wanted to learn it for years, but Kakashi never would teach it to me. I honestly think he just didn't want me to be better than him, but I wanted to learn it!

"Can you even use lightening?" He asked sarcastically. I couldn't. I could easily use fire and wind, and had started to get the hang of water, though I wasn't very good at it.

"No, but I can learn!" I responded excitedly. I could learn lightening if I wanted to, and I did. Kakashi laughed at my response and shook his head at me.

"Learn a lightening jutsu, and I'll teach it to you." He bargained.

"Deal! It'll be easy!" It wouldn't be. Learning a new element always took time. I could always try to copy a jutsu, but I knew it wouldn't work. I'd be reading for hours tonight I guess, trying to figure it out.

"If I do it, I want to copy your wind scythe." I nodded. It was a fair trade. Wind was the only element that Kakashi couldn't use easily, and as far as I know only Asuma and I used it well. I didn't think that Asuma used wind scythe, but I could be wrong.

We were now back in my apartment, making lunch. And by we, I mean Kakashi was making lunch, and I was watching him and drinking tea. I still didn't like to cook. I could make decent tasting things, but I just didn't enjoy it. My thoughts kept going back to how Kakashi basically lives here. Maybe he should just move in. I mean, he spends more time here than he does at his apartment, and it would make it easy when we were called in for missions. But we haven't been dating for that long. Only since the Land of Waves, which wasn't even a year ago. But, we had been friends for over 20 years, so that had to count for something, right? Even if we broke up, which I don't see happening, we would still be friends. He was literally all I had left at this point, so he couldn't leave my life. I decided to just go for it.

"Hey, Kashi?" I sipped my tea, trying to be as normal as possible. He hummed to tell me he was listening, but focused on cooking. "Why don't you move in?" I said a little nervously. What if he didn't want to? What if living with me was horrible? Maybe that's why Sasuke left. He glanced back at me, with a confused look on his face, telling me he wanted me to explain. "I mean, you spend most of your time here anyways. And I like you being here." I shrugged. He nodded. I was getting nervous by his lack of response. "Kashi, can you say anything, or just nod?" I said a little irritated. He laughed a little.

"Of course I want to move in, Mika. I just like teasing you." He smiled at me. He rarely wore his mask when he was here, and I loved it. Seeing his whole face was one of my very favorite things. I glared at him for teasing me, and he came over to where I was standing and kissed me, making my heart rate increase dramatically. This was definitely going to be fun.

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