Chapter 52

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"Alright, everyone has their positions and formations. Get some rest before we assemble." I commanded before dismissing everyone. Kakashi and I just finished meeting with our division and going over our general strategy. For the most part, we tried to put people around others who would complement them. Putting fire and wind users next to each other for instance. The sensory ninja would be in the middle, so they could be protected. We hoped that this would increase our effectiveness, but honestly, I expect most of our strategy to go to crap once the fighting starts. I've seen the front lines. It's about as unorganized as it gets. We made very clear that the sensors were to be protected at all costs though. We couldn't risk losing them.

The next few hours were spent talking with the heads of the other divisions and Gaara to confirm our overall strategy and any last minute details. Then, it was time for the assembly. All five divisions met together for the first time. This was certainly a war of many firsts. In the last war, we fought against each other and here we are, all five nations working together. It's amazing really, even if it's a bit sad that a threat of the end of the world is what it took to get here. Kakashi and I stood with the other division leaders on a balcony that overlooked all of the divisions. It seems it was too good to be true. I sighed. People from rivaling nations were arguing with each other already. If we don't do something, we may very well lose this war. They need to be able to work together, not kill each other. I sighed again.

"They don't get it, do they?" I asked to no one in particular. Kakashi moved his hand ever so slightly, so that he could hold my pinkie in his. As leaders, we both agreed that in front of the division, it was to be like our relationship didn't exist. We had bigger things to worry about. So, the gesture made me smile a bit, and brought me the comfort I needed to ease my anxiety, while still remaining unnoticed by anyone who wasn't looking for it. Gaara would handle it. He was chosen for this role for a reason. That's what Kakashi's holding of my pinkie told me. Gaara sent his sand into the crowd to break up fights that were spreading through the crowd, effectively gaining everyone's attention. I smirked. Good job, Gaara.

"I too was once full of hatred and power." Gaara started. I listened closely. Where is he going with this? "I was a jinchuriki, and I was no different than the Akatsuki is now." I raised an eyebrow. I feel like that's not entirely true, but who knows? "However, a shinobi from the Leaf stopped me!" Naruto. I get it. What can unite all of us? Naruto. I smirked again. Even when he's not here, he's an influence. "He shed tears for me as his enemy. Even though I hurt him, he called me a friend. We must understand each other's pain for the hatred to disappear. We all share something in common. We have all been affected by the Akatsuki. Forget your village affiliation for now. We are all shinobi!" I heard gasps from the crowd. He's certainly making an impression. Hopefully one that will unite everyone. "If you still cannot forgive the Sand, when this is over, I will give you my head." I heard gasps from the crowd, which accompanied my own. Gaara. It seems to be working. Everyone looks more determined than they did before. "I want to protect this world! However, I am too young and naive to do it alone! I need every one of you to give me your strength!" Yells started erupting from the crowd, putting a smirk back on my face. They're starting to understand. We have to act as one. Not as a Leaf shinobi. Not as a Sand shinobi. Just as shinobi. For the sake of this world, it's what we must do. "If you are with me, let's do this!" He yelled, earning more yells from the crowd. He did it. He actually united all of these people and convinced them to work together. I guess he's not the Kazekage for nothing.

"Alright. Let the fourth shinobi war begin." Kakashi said grimly. All of the other commanders and I nodded, and we jumped to the front of our groups, and began running. Anxiety filled me as we ran. I didn't want to fight in a war again. Ever since the first time I went to the front lines, I wanted nothing more than to put war behind me and never go back. I didn't want to see these people die. I didn't want to kill others. We knew that we'd be fighting against Zetsu in mass numbers, so that did help some. Zetsu is hardly a person, and I can live my life knowing at least that he doesn't have a family who I'm taking him from. But I can't say the same for my comrades. I'm in charge of them, and I know that no matter how hard I try, I cannot save them all. That thought is almost as difficult to deal with as killing them myself would be.

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