Chapter 55

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The ten tails looked like a monster that appears in a book. It had gray skin, rows upon rows of teeth, one large red eye, ten tails, and it was larger than both the Eight and Nine Tails. I forgot all about my anger and sheer fear entered my body instead. It looked to be uncontrollable and wild, which didn't fare well for us. We don't only have to deal with Obito and Madara, but with this beast as well. Where the hell are the reinforcements? The five of us will lose this war alone. I'm absolutely sure of it.

Obito and Madara jumped away from us, and went to the top of the ten tails. It looked like they were attaching themselves to it. Maybe to control it? That would make the most sense. I was confused though. We didn't sense it's chakra. So what is this thing?

"It is natural energy. That's why we couldn't sense it." I heard Nine-Tails say. Naruto immediately left tailed beast mode and sat on the ground, entering sage mode instead. "It won't help, kid. You'll just see how immense it's power is." Nine-Tails continued. Naruto's face contorted in shock, and I knew he was right. This thing has immense power. And right now, all of that power is running straight for us. Shit! What do we do? Suddenly, Nine-Tails was picking me up and putting me inside of his chakra with the others. Will this be enough to save us?

"Watch closely, and see what we can hit him with!" Nine Tails instructed. I wasn't too keen on listening to a fox, but he had a better plan than I did, so I can go along with it for now. He ran at the ten tails, ready to strike him, but was hit out of the air so quickly that I didn't have time to observe and plan a counter attack.

"So fast." Guy said in awe. I agreed. There's no way we can be faster than this thing.

"I have a plan!" Kakashi yelled. Of course. He always has a plan. Hopefully it's a good one. Hopefully it's not a reckless one. Both Eight and Nine Tails created beast bombs to throw at the ten tails, and finally launched them. I waited, hoping they would hit, but the ten tails shot some form of explosion from its mouth like a laser beam. Kakashi used the cover of this explosion to suck up the Eight tails into his Kamui space, and both he and a shadow clone of Naruto jumped towards the ten tails. I was shaking with anxiety and fear. This is the most reckless plan I think Kakashi has ever had. Guy held my hand in support but it honestly didn't make me feel any better.

Kakashi released the eight tails, and it looked like he landed the attack for a second, but instead he was thrown aside like he was nothing. My heart sank into my stomach and I prayed that Kakashi would be fine. With my sharingan, I saw Naruto push Kakashi out of the way of one of the ten tails' tails and he was falling to the ground.

"Nine-tails, can you save him?" I yelled desperately. He couldn't die. I can't watch him die a second time.

"It's Kurama, brat!" The Nine-Tails spat at me and then launched into action. He sprinted as fast as he could and grabbed Kakashi out of the air, bringing him back into the safety of the chakra.

"How could you do something so reckless, Kashi? You almost died!" I yelled and flung myself onto him in a hug. He hugged me back, but didn't say anything. I imagine that he was too exhausted to speak, and I didn't mind. Just knowing he was okay was enough for now. Suddenly, Kurama's chakra was gone, and we were all falling to the ground. I landed on my feet, as did Naruto, but the others didn't look so good. Bee retracted the Eight Tails back into him, and both Guy and Kakashi looked like they were going to pass out at any second. Shit. Shit, shit, shit.

"Looks like it's you and me, Naruto." I said flatly. He nodded, and I came home with a plan. "Naruto, go into sage mode and create three clones." I instructed. I hated using shadow clones, but I could, and I'd need to for this plan to work. Naruto did as I asked and began getting into sage mode.

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