Chapter 62

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"So much paperwork." I complained as I looked around Tsunade's office. We were working on the transition from her being Hokage to me taking over. About one week had passed since I woke up, and she was already working me to death.

"I keep sake in the bottom drawer for when it gets overwhelming. I'll leave you a bottle." She smirked at me. I groaned. In one month, I'll take over as Hokage. Only one more month of freedom before I'm responsible for maintaining peace in a village.

I had a plan, and Tsunade approved of it. The current elders would be asked to retire. They were both old and going senile. It was for the best. That, and I can't stand them. Looking at them reminds me of Itachi and I wanted no part of working with them. They would be replaced with Tsunade and Kakashi. Tsunade has the experience of being a former Kage, so she will be beneficial in advising from that perspective. Kakashi knows me better than anyone, and Tsunade said it herself, if both of us could be Hokage, she would have done it that way. We've always been a team, and I needed him to continue that trend and help me make decisions.

Shikamaru approached me and asked if he could also be an advisor, with the idea being that he would learn from me because he wanted to help Naruto when he became Hokage. I agreed. It would be better for Shikamaru to get his bearings in this job with someone who was somewhat confident before having to help Naruto. He was a tactical genius anyways, so I was glad to have him.

Sasuke would take over Danzo's position as the behind the scenes Hokage of sorts. This was for several reasons. One, I could keep a close eye on him. I still didn't fully trust him, and he knew that. Two, he's not well liked in the village yet and the job I have him doing is mostly outside of the village. It made everyone more comfortable. And three, with his rinnegan, he is able to look for more clues from Kaguya's clan to see if there is any more danger. He's perfect for the job. Sakura wasn't thrilled that I was sending him away like this after we spent so much time trying to bring him home, but I knew she'd eventually understand. Plus, it's not like he'll be gone all the time.

After a long day of helping Tsunade, I was finally home. I kicked off my shoes at the door and flopped onto the couch. Kakashi was making dinner, and I was excited. It seemed like it had been forever since I had his cooking.

"What are you making?" I asked in an excited voice. He turned around and smirked at me.

"Your favorite." He teased and turned back to the stove. My eyes lit up and I walked into the kitchen.

"Ramen?" I asked hopefully and snaked my arms around his waist. He laughed and nodded. I grinned and leaned my head on his shoulder. I was glad for things to be going back to normal. It helped me to get over the traumas of the war. I still had nightmares, but the pills Tsunade gave me a long time ago helped a lot. So did having Kakashi with me. We helped each other recover, just like we always did.

After dinner, we were both sitting on the couch reading books. Kakashi was reading his gross porn book that I think he's read a hundred times, and I was reading a new fiction book that I found the other day. It was good, and it kept me distracted from the negative thoughts I'd been having since I woke up. Without missions to distract me, I had to grieve like a normal person, and I didn't like it. I felt sad all the time, and the books helped.

"Can I ask you something?" Kakashi asked. He sounded nervous. What would he be nervous about. Maybe Sasuke. He's coming home tomorrow. I closed my book and gave him my full attention.

"Sure. What's going on?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He took a deep breath, and I got more confused. Kakashi isn't one to be nervous. That's usually my job.

"I love you." He started, and I smiled.

"I love you too!" I said. "But that's not a question." I said slowly. What is he up to?

"Let me finish." He laughed. I nodded, and looked at him, waiting for him to continue. "You are the most important person in my life, and the last month of you being gone showed me that I can't live without you. You are kind, and compassionate, and frustrating, and stubborn as hell." I laughed. He's not wrong. "I love you. And I want to spend the rest of my life with you." My eyes widened, seeing where this was going. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the most beautiful ring. My eyes lit up and I grinned at him, waiting for him to finish, even though I wanted to tackle him instead. "Will you marry me?" I nodded excitedly, and pulled him in to kiss me.

"Yes! Yes, yes, yes!" I yelled and kissed him again. His lips were formed in a smile against mine and I grinned again as he slid the ring onto my finger. Excitement filled every bone in my body.

I get to marry Kakashi Hatake.

I get to marry my best friend.

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