Chapter 28

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"Mika-sensei! Are you my opponent?" I heard a familiar voice ask as I walked into the Hokage's office. She wanted to see Kakashi and I for some reason, and Kakashi was late, as per usual. I looked around the room quickly to find who said that, and saw Sakura, Shikamaru, and Temari looking towards what looked to be Naruto. Is he really back? Naruto? Good lord, he's tall. I mean, I guess it has been almost three years since we've seen him.

"Naruto? You're back?" I smiled, and was immediately attacked with a hug from the boy. I returned it before letting go, and looking at him. He looked so much older! I was thrilled to have him back. I wonder what Jiraiya has been teaching him for three years.

"So, are you my opponent?" He asked, excitedly. I laughed, getting where this was going. I'd let Kakashi have the fun though.

"No, I'm not." I smiled. "I think I know who is though." I smirked at Tsunade. She nodded in understanding. I definitely wanted to watch the fight. Seeing Naruto and Kakashi battle would definitely be a sight.

"Then who?!" Naruto yelled, and looked angerly at Tsunade. I rolled my eyes at his antics. He may look grown up, but he's the same old Naruto.

"He's outside." Tsunade rolled her eyes, obviously annoyed with his outburst. Did Kakashi know about this and just want to surprise me? Probably. I rolled my eyes at the thought.

"Kakashi-sensei? You're my opponent?" Naruto asked, really excited. I was too. It would be a good fight!

"I'm both of your opponent." Kakashi answered with a closed eye smile. I couldn't help but stare at him. He was excited to see Naruto, and it made me happy to see. Also, he's just hot. I couldn't be blamed for staring.

"Both?" Sakura asked, shock on her face.

"Yes, both. We want to see how you've improved." He smiled at her.

"But why isn't Mika-sensei fighting? We never get to fight her!" Naruto complained. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"I'll make you a deal." I started. Both Naruto and Sakura's eyes were glued to me. "If you can beat Kakashi, I'll fight both of you." I smiled at them. I had fought Sakura before, when she was training with Tsunade, but it was difficult for me to hold back, so I won every time. Sakura has gotten close a few times though. Maybe with both of them, it would be fair.

"We'll win, believe it!" Naruto yelled and punched the air. I rolled my eyes. He's definitely still got confidence. "So when is this fight?" Naruto asked, and looked around the room expecting an answer. "Oh yeah! Kakashi-sensei, I got you something!" I raised my eyebrow. What could Naruto have gotten him? He pulled out a blue book from his jacket pocket and I immediately groaned inside. Of course. He has been with Jiraiya for three years, and surely Jiraiya has been "researching." "It's the new Icha Icha book! It's really boring though." Naruto handed it to him. I could see Kakashi's eye light up from here and I rolled my eyes. He likes those damn books way too much if you ask me.

"Thank you, Naruto!" Kakashi actually sounded excited. Great. I guess I won't be seeing him for the next few days while he reads it. Way to go, Naruto. "About the fight, we should wait until later. You must be exhausted from traveling. I wouldn't want you to not be at your best." He was still staring at the book. I scoffed.

"Yeah, right. You just want to read your book, idiot." I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest, giving him a knowing look.

"Hey, you benefit from these books, so don't complain!" Kakashi teased. My eyes went wide and I'm sure my face was scarlet. Everyone else was giggling at his response, making my reaction worse.

"I really hate you sometimes, Kashi." My wise eyes turned into a glare, and I intentionally used his nickname that most people didn't hear often, unless I was being mean to him.

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