Chapter 58

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The spit out ten tails screamed and the earth started shaking again. I struggled for balance, but Sasuke swooped me up in his susano'o. I rolled my eyes. He's so flashy.

"That will kill your eyesight, you know." I mentioned. It's why I never used the susano'o. I could. I have the capability. But I prefer my eyesight.

"It won't." Sasuke said simply. "I had Itachi's eyes implanted. My eyes are now the eternal mangekyo sharingan." My eyes went wide. I inspected his eyes and they were a different pattern than before. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"You did what?" I scolded. He sent me a skeptical glare.

"Now really isn't the time for this." He stated and pointed in front of us. The ten tails was transforming again, and was shooting what looked like roots from its body while growing another one of those flower bud looking things. I gasped. The roots were picking people up and they were dying instantly. My heart sank. The susano'o started running to avoid branches, and I was suddenly grateful to have Sasuke here. This is the second time he's saved my life today, because I'd certainly be dead if I wasn't with him.

"They drain chakra." I said sadly, watching as people died left and right. My heart was breaking. If it's possible, I might hate Obito even more than before. He's causing so much death. And for what? Because a girl he loved died? I can't imagine ever doing this if Kakashi died. Why not just kill himself if he's in that much pain? That would have reunited him with Rin too. Why kill all of these innocent people? What is the point? Rin never would have wanted this.

We finally stopped running, and it looked like the roots had stopped attacking. Sasuke released the susano'o and we fell to the ground. Minato, and the Second and Third Hokage landed in front of us, with a hurt looking Naruto in Lord Third's arms. My eyes went wide. He must have gotten caught in the tree. He's okay though. Just tired. I hope so at least. I can't handle losing another person today. Naruto looked around at the scene before him and I could tell that he was breaking. Minato laid a hand on his head and said something to him that I couldn't hear. I decided to let him do it. I could comfort Naruto any day. Today, he needs his father.

Instead, I looked up at what the ten tails had become. A tree. The largest tree I have ever seen to be exact. It has to be at least 100 feet high. Maybe more. And it's circumference is huge as well. The bud from before is at the top of the tree, but it's closed. I imagine that if it opens, we won't like what happens. I sighed deeply. Is this night ever going to end?

"Are you worried about Kakashi?" Sasuke asked in a bored tone. I raised an eyebrow.

"Do you actually care?" I asked back in the same tone.

"No, I just want to know how distracted you'll be." He said back bluntly. I rolled my eyes.

"Such a caring brother you are. I'm not too distracted to fight. Don't worry about me."  I said with a slight edge to my voice.

"I wasn't." Sasuke replied, still sounding bored. I rolled my eyes. I can't wait until this is done and we can work on actually being siblings again. I don't even know what to say to him. He's always been difficult, but now even more so. I feel like I don't even know him.

"I'm going to go talk to Shikamaru." I stated bluntly and walked over to him. We needed a plan, and fast.

"What are you thinking, Shikamaru?" I said. He raised an eyebrow at me, confused. "You're our new strategist, right? Let's figure something out." I shrugged. I needed to do something to get my mind off of Kakashi. I can cry and break down over him when we win.

"Well, we need to defeat both Obito and Madara, and figure out what this new ten tails form is." Shikamaru started. I nodded.

"To defeat Obito, we need to get rid of the ten tails. We need to extract it from him." I mused.

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