Chapter 39

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"Kashi, have they ever taken us out for ramen? Like ever?" I asked, eyeing Sakura, Naruto and Sai skeptically. They insisted that they wanted to treat us for all the help we've given them. But I doubted it.

"I don't think so." Kakashi sounded just as skeptical.

"What do you three want?" I narrowed my eyes at them.

"N-nothing." Sakura stuttered. My eyes narrowed even more.

"We just wanted to thank you for helping Naruto with his jutsu." Sai added. He was much more believable, but I was too well trained. I saw right through him.

"Nice try, Sai, but I see through the facade." I said, tapping my fingers on the table.

"Are you in trouble or something?" Kakashi asked.

"No!" Naruto answered a little too quickly. I looked over to Kakashi and he looked as confused as I did.

"Well, I guess we shouldn't complain about free food." Kakashi gave up and turned away from the other three to face me with a closed eye smile. I smiled back at him. His closed eye smiles were my favorite. Unless he was using them to get out of doing something.

"You're right. Thank you guys!" I said. We were at the ramen shop, waiting for our food. I was sitting in my usual place by the wall, with Kakashi next to me, and then the three others next to him. Something was definitely up with them. I knew it. I just didn't know what. When our food came, Naruto and Sakura looked nervous, but Sai looked like nothing was happening, although he kept glancing over to Kakashi. Ah. I get it. They're trying to see under the mask! I giggled inside. Every so often they tried this, but it didn't ever work. I wondered if I should help them or not. It could be fun. I smirked. I'll help.

"Hey Sakura, could you come to the bathroom with me?" I asked, trying to tell her with my eyes that she should say yes. I saw Kakashi narrow his eye at me from the corner of my eyes. Hopefully this doesn't seem too weird. I mean, girls go to the bathroom together all the time, right?

"Sure, Mika." Sakura answered hesitantly. I gave a closed eye smile and we headed towards the bathroom. "Are you okay?" She immediately asked. So it is weird. Great. Hopefully Kakashi doesn't notice.

"I'm fine." I deflected. "You guys are trying to see Kakashi's face, yeah?" I asked with a smirk on my face. Her eyes widened.

"Oh, no! We really aren't!" She waved her hands in front of her making me laugh.

"It's okay, Sakura. I want to help." I gave a closed eye smile again. She gasped again.

"Really?! You'd help us?!" She asked excitedly. I nodded.

"What are your plans?" I was already scheming in my mind, but wanted to hear what they had so far.

"We were gonna try to watch while he eats." I shook my head. It won't work.

"I tried that for the first 20 years of our friendship. It won't work." I said flatly. "What else?" She put her hand behind her head.

"Well, we were just going to follow you guys around all day if it doesn't work. I mean, he has to take it off sometime!" She exclaimed. I sighed. They haven't planned well. Oh well! That's what I'm here for.

"He only takes it off at home. So here's what we're gonna do." I started. I had two different plans in mind. One could work, but relied on luck, the other would definitely work, as long as Kakashi didn't suspect anything. But if plan one failed, then the whole operation would fail.

After talking through the plan, we made our way back to the guys. I was ready more than ever to pull this off. Usually, when they tried this, I just rolled my eyes and ignored them, but it's been a long time coming. They deserve to know!

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