Chapter 54

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"Obito?" I asked in complete and utter disbelief. I knew that no amount of emotional training could help me here. My face was written with shock, and nothing I did could change that. I didn't know how to feel.

"Ah, Mika, glad to see you could join us." Obito said menacingly.

"You died." I said flatly, letting the information sink into the files in my brain. "We mourned your death." I said a little louder and more sternly. There was no expression on Obito's face. I didn't need to look at Kakashi to know that his face resembled mine. Shock, mixed with anger. I didn't know yet exactly why I was angry, but I was.

"Who is he?" I heard Naruto ask. I couldn't answer. I was still trying to wrap my head around the fact that Obito is alive and has been living as Tobi and as Madara. I feel like it can't be true. Obito is not the person who has done what Tobi did, right?

"He was our classmate. He's an Uchiha and was a Leaf ninja. We thought he died in the last war." Guy answered, probably seeing that neither Kakashi or I were currently capable of words.

"Wait, an Uchiha?" Naruto asked, confusion in his voice. It brought me back to the conversation for a second.

"Yes, Naruto. Obito and I are related." I said flatly. I couldn't expand any more than that. My brain was still taking everything in. Does this mean that he helped kill our clan? Did he cause the Nine-Tail attack like Minato-sensei thought? Why? Obito wouldn't do that. He was a pain in the ass, sure, but he was a kind person. He used to help old people! What the hell happened to him?

"If you survived, why didn't you come home?" Kakashi seethed. I knew he was angry without even having to look at him. His voice held nothing back. He always felt responsible for Obito's death. To find out that he's been alive all this time must be as shocking for him as it is to me.

"If you need an answer, it's because you let Rin die." Obito seethed. My eyes widened and then narrowed into a death glare as anger filled my body.

"How dare you say that!" I yelled at him. Kakashi never moved on from Rin's death. He always felt like he was the one who killed her, and in action I guess he's right, but Rin killed herself. At this moment, I was ready to fight Obito. He wasn't there when Rin died, so how the hell can he know what we went through? What Kakashi still goes though?

"Oh please, Mika, you're just as much to blame." Obito shot back. I shook my head in disbelief. He's wrong. He has everything wrong.

"No one is to blame, Obito! Rin killed herself! She jumped in front of him!" I yelled back, more angry than before. I could sense Naruto's confusion from here, and Guy was basically holding Kakashi up either from injury or shock. I honestly couldn't tell. Maybe both. Kakashi isn't taking this well, that much is clear.

"Is that what he told you? No matter. We both know that you would defend Kakashi to your death." Obito said. He sounded like he was better then both of us. I shook my head.

"Because he's done nothing wrong! You weren't there! How could you know?!" I spat.

"It doesn't matter. I have no more interest in a world that will cease to exist soon." He said and looked up at the moon. My eyes went wide. I looked over at Kakashi and he looked like he might break at any second. I moved over to him, and put my arm around his waist, trying to get him to respond in some way. His eyes didn't move from the ground. He was frozen. My eyes met Guy's and I knew that we were both concerned. Now is not the time for Kakashi to be broken.

"Kakashi-sensei! I don't know exactly what happened, but this isn't the time to be depressed." Naruto yelled, basically reading my mind.

"Naruto is right, Kashi. We can deal with this after we win the war, okay?" I said gently, hoping to elicit some response. Still nothing.

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