Chapter 29

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Before they could attack, I ran behind them, and went to hide in the trees. I didn't want to use the teleportation jutsu just yet. I wanted to keep that a surprise for when I actually needed it. As far as strategy, I needed to be careful for Naruto's shadow clones, but my wind scythe would take them down easily. For Sakura, I needed to be careful not to let her get a hit on me. She has far more strength than I do, and I'd like to live to see lunch. They would probably try to find my weakness and exploit it like they did with Kakashi. So they'll either use Sasuke or Kakashi in some form. I needed to remember that.

I activated my sharingan so I could sense them better, though having Kakashi's nose would certainly be helpful right about now. I could tell that they were close to the tree I was hiding in, but couldn't pinpoint their exact location.

Suddenly, the tree I was in was collapsing, probably because of Sakura. I jumped down, and was surrounded by at least 100 Narutos. I scanned them quickly, trying to find the real one. Apparently Naruto has gotten better at dispersing his chakra evenly. I can't tell which is him and which is shadow clone.

"Wind style: wind scythe!" I yelled and made wind blades come from my hand movements. That got rid of most of them, but the remaining Narutos attacked in the smoke, and I was left to defend myself. I blocked most of the attacks, and got rid of the rest of the shadow clones, only to be met with a rasengan above me. Shit. I dodged it, and kicked Naruto into a tree as I moved. The rasengan hit the earth and did some major damage. I stayed in a fighting stance and waited for Sakura. She ran in front of me and punched the ground as hard as she could, sending ripples of earth flying around me. I jumped up, and landed in a tree, throwing kunai at her as I went. She dodged all of them and went to help Naruto up. Naruto made several more shadow clones, and had them all attack me. Damn. This kid has stamina. His chakra wasn't as evenly dispersed this time, so I could see which was the real him. I didn't think Sakura knew though, so I decided to toy with her, and see what she would do. I grabbed a Naruto from the middle of the crowd, and put him in a head lock, with a kunai to his throat.

"I'll do it. Give up." I said, menacingly. He was a shadow clone, but it made Sakura stop in her tracks.

"Mika-sensei. Let him go." Sakura said quietly, making me smirk. I stabbed shadow clone Naruto in the throat, making her eyes go wide. I couldn't have Naruto interfering and telling her it was a shadow clone. When he poofed away, I jumped back into my tree.

"Ninja see through deception Sakura." I warned, and ran in an opposite direction. I needed to catch my breath. Fighting so many Narutos was challenging. No wonder he wins most of the time.

I sat on a tree branch and tried to catch my breath. They were doing their best, that's for sure. But I haven't even used my secret weapon yet.

Naruto came flying through the air, with a rasengan pointed right at me. Shit. If I did nothing, he'd hit me. I quickly threw my special kunai past him into another tree, and teleported to it, making Naruto hit the other tree instead. I took a deep breath, and went in after him, attacking with punches and kicks until he jumped off of the tree branch. Sakura followed him, and punched the tree I was standing on. I threw another kunai to a tree a little further away, seemingly confusing both of them. I teleported to it, and I could see Sakura's frustration levels growing. I have to admit, this technique was irritating to fight against. I remember sparring with Minato-sensei and I literally couldn't touch him. It was so irritating.

"Don't show me your emotions." I laughed and jumped back to Sakura, kicking her in the side, and spinning to face Naruto. He looked determined to stop me, but could he actually? He created even more clones, making me groan inside. How much chakra does this kid have? I couldn't tell the real one, so I decided to just go for a wide range attack.

He's Just My Best Friend | a Kakashi love storyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ