Chapter 13

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"Mika, wake up!" Sasuke yelled in my ear. I groaned in protest and looked at the clock. 4:30. What the hell? Oh yeah, they're supposed to be there at 5.

"Go on ahead, I'll meet you there." I said, knowing I'd go right back to sleep when he left.

"Hn. Don't be late." I heard my door close and knew he was gone. As soon as I heard the front door close, my head hit the pillow and I was fast asleep again.

My alarm went off at 8, telling me that I actually had to get up now. I stretched and got out of bed, making my way to my closet. I grabbed my usual outfit, which was basically a normal Jonin outfit, but my green flack jacket had the Uchiha crest on it instead of the village one. I strapped on my kunai pouch, and grabbed a book to read while the fight happened. I would watch part of it, but if I wasn't allowed to make decisions today, then what was the point of focusing? Finally, I grabbed an apple for breakfast, and went to make sure Kakashi was actually awake.

"Come in!" I heard him call after I knocked. I opened the door and was met with the smell of eggs and bacon, and my mouth started to water. I still hadn't gotten the hang of cooking, and I knew an apple probably wouldn't be enough.

"Got enough to share?" I gave him my best closed eye smile, hoping he would agree.

"Why don't you just learn to cook? It's not that hard." He set a plate down for me at the table, which I was grateful for.

"I tried! It's the one skill I just can't learn!" I complained, shoving a piece of bacon in my mouth. It was delicious.

"One day, I'm gonna say no and not share my food." I saw a smirk form under his mask.

"You wouldn't!" I put a hand over my heart dramatically, like it would be the end of the world. We both started laughing, and we kept up our jokes until we finished eating, and began walking towards the training grounds. It was 10:00, just like I thought. They were gonna be so mad at us, but oh well. Patience is a good skill for a ninja to have.

"You're not fighting, right? Just me?" Kakashi asked.

"Yep. I'll watch from the trees."

"More like you'll read in the trees." He grumbled.

"Hey! You're the one who said I can't make decisions today, so don't complain." I teased. I was usually the one to fight the Genin during the bell test, but since it would be harder for me to not go easy on Sasuke, and to make a clear decision on their abilities, we decided that it was best to change roles today.

"Whatever. Just try to pay a little bit of attention. You need to know their abilities too."

"I know, I'm not an idiot," I rolled my eyes. "I'll be up here. Have fun!" I called and jumped up onto a tree branch. He sent me a mock glare and continued on to the training fields. From here, I could still see the whole training field, so it was a good spot to watch from.

"You're late!" Naruto and Sakura yelled. I shrugged. I guess they didn't have patience.

"Where's Mika?" Sasuke asked.

"Even though she's your sister, call her Mika-sensei." Kakashi said flatly. I honestly didn't care that much, but whatever. "I don't know where she is, but it doesn't matter. You'll be fighting me." I rolled my eyes.

"Fighting?" Sakura asked.

"Yes." At this point I started to zone out. Kakashi explained the bell test, and the fight started, pulling me back in. Naruto ran right at Kakashi, which was a mistake, and Sasuke and Sakura ran to hide and plan. So far, no teamwork. I sighed, and opened my book to start reading.

"They're not bad, actually." Kakashi startled me, jumping up to the branch I was sitting on after what seemed like forever. I jumped and scooted away a little, realizing how close he was to me.

"Oh yeah? I didn't see much teamwork or helping each other, but they don't give up." I shrugged. I hoped he would decide to pass them. I knew it came down to what they did here though. Would they share lunch, or do as they were told?

"We'll see. I have hope. If Sasuke is as smart as I think, he'll figure it out. If he does, Sakura will follow. Naruto is an idiot, but you're right, he doesn't give up." We observed the three of them. They seemed to be arguing about something, but I couldn't tell what. I activated my sharingan so I could read their lips.

"They're trying to decide if they should listen or not." I whispered.

"You're cheating. You can't eavesdrop with your sharingan." He whispered back. I could feel his breath on my neck and I felt chills go down my spine. I shook the feeling. Nothing will happen. I need to get over it. He sounded uninterested, so I knew he was probably using his sharingan as wel.

"Then what are you doing?" I teased.

"Shut up." He shoved me a little bit. I laughed, and kept watching the Genin.

"He's gonna do it!" Sasuke handed Naruto his his food! And just like Kakashi suspected, Sakura followed suit! Yes! "Will you pass them?" I asked, hopeful.

"You'll see." And he poofed away, showing up in front of the Genin in a puff of smoke and a lightening cloud. I tried not to laugh and give myself away just yet, but he looked ridiculous trying to be so serious. "You. Pass." I heard him say with a smile in his voice. I let out a small scream, because I was excited that we actually got to keep this team, and I ran out of the trees and to my new team.

"Mika-sensei, how long have you been there?" Sakura asked.

"The whole time." I gave her a closed eye smile. "Congratulations you guys! You did it!"

"Why didn't you help?" Sasuke asked, giving me a glare.

"It would have been even more unfair if you had to fight both of us, so one of us had to watch." I explained.

"Let's go get lunch guys. We'll get our first mission tomorrow." Kakashi started walking away. I untied Naruto from the pole, and we followed them. I was overjoyed. These kids definitely had something special if they could pass our test, and I can spend more time with Sasuke now. Maybe it will help bring him out of the darkness.

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