Chapter 18

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I woke up to the familiar sights and sounds of a hospital room. I didn't know where though. Are we still in the Land of Waves? Or did we go back to the Leaf? I sat up a little bit and looked around. Kakashi was sitting in the chair by my bed with his feet up on the bed, asleep. I smiled at him.

"Kashi." I said hoarsely. I needed water. He stirred and opened his eyes.

"You're up." I thought I saw a smile under his mask.

"Water?" He nodded and got up to get me some water from across the room. "How long was I out for?" I grabbed the cup from him and took a sip.

"A few days. Not too long." 


"He's fine. He's been staying at my place." He smiled under his mask and sat back down in his chair. "I'm really sorry, Mika. You don't even know how bad I feel."

"Kashi, don't worry about it. I know you didn't mean to. Haku pushed me. It could have been so much worse." I smiled, hoping he would stop apologizing. "What's the damage anyways?"

"Well, it's obviously broken." I nodded. "Doctors said it should take a few weeks to heal." He looked pained by that.

"See, just a few weeks. I didn't lose my arm, I'm still alive, everything is okay." I sent another smile.

"The Chunnin exams are coming up." I welcomed the change in topic. I would never blame Kakashi for my arm. He didn't mean to do it, and I really will be fine. I hated that he blamed himself.

"I think they're ready." I shrugged. "They all showed good skills and growth on our mission, and they work well together."

"I agree. I worry about Sakura though. She's not very confident and I'm scared Sasuke will pressure her into it."

"Don't tell them they have to enter as a team." I shrugged. He was right. Sasuke isn't dumb. He knows Sakura likes him, and would do anything to make him happy. He would definitely pressure her into it.

"That could work. It's a bit manipulative, but it could work." He smirked at me.

"Do you have a better idea?" He just shrugged. "I thought so." I smiled. We sat in a comfortable silence for several minutes, before Kakashi broke it.

"Mika, I have to tell you something, because if I don't I never will, and I've been meaning to, but it never felt right, and now here we are and-"

"Kashi. Breathe." I laughed. What's going on? He's never flustered. Like never. Like, I can't think of a single moment that I've known him that he's been flustered and rambling. That's usually my job. "Start again." I laughed again.

"Mika, I'm in love with you." My eyes went wide and I blinked a few times. What did he just say? In love? With me? Kakashi? There's no way.

"What?" Was all I managed to say. Of course, I'd be thrilled if I heard what I thought I'd heard, but I didn't. Did I?

"I don't expect you to feel the same way, I mean, we've been friends for forever, and that's why I never told you, we can just pretend-"

"What did you say, Kashi? Cause I don't think I heard you right." I smiled at him, trying to be encouraging.

"I love you." He scratched the back of his head, and I could see a blush over the top of his mask. He loves me? Really? Me?

"I love you too." I was grinning from ear to ear, and utterly shocked. The boy I've loved for as many years as I can remember loves me too. What did I do to deserve this?

"Really?" He was grinning under his mask. He walked over and sat on the edge of my bed. I started to get a little nervous, but in a good way. He loves me?

"I thought I already told you that I love you." I smirked remembering the day after the massacre when I told him and he left.

"I thought you were sad, not serious." He shrugged, and grabbed my hand.

"I was sad and serious." I laughed. "You really love me? I thought that since you never brought it up again, you just wanted to be friends." He shook his head.

"I realized I love you when I thought Itachi killed you, but I couldn't do anything. You were grieving and figuring out your life. I didn't want to start anything like that. And I kept coming up with excuses not to say anything because I thought you wouldn't feel the same way. Then, I almost killed you." He put his head down and looked at the floor. I sighed. He's going to feel bad for a long time.

"Kashi, I don't want you to feel bad. I am fine. You didn't almost kill me. And even though we could have spent the last few years together, you're right. I needed to get my life together first." I put my hand on top of his head, hoping it would bring him comfort.

He looked up and stared at me, and I felt my face turn bright red. He looked like he was trying memorize my entire face. I felt butterflies in my stomach. Is he gonna kiss me? He started moving his face closer to mine, and I did the same. I was nervous, but in the best possible way. I reached up and pulled the mask off of his face. He was close enough that I couldn't see anything, but I was excited that he trusted me this much. He finally closed the distance between our lips, and it was completely intoxicating. Our lips moved together like they were made to be together. He put a hand behind my back to bring me closer to him, and I ran my hand through his silver hair. God this is perfect. He bit my bottom lip, asking for permission to deepen it, and I allowed it. His tongue danced with mine, and I never thought I'd feel something so amazing. Kissing Kakashi was everything I had ever dreamed it would be. I never wanted to stop feeling his lips on mine.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry, I'm leaving, sorry!" I heard Sasuke yell before the door closed again. We pulled apart and I scrunched up my face in embarrassment.

"Well I think he learned to knock." Kakashi teased. I was blushing so much.

"That'll be a fun conversation later." I laughed.

"Move over." Kakashi shoved me a little. I looked confused.


"I'm gonna lay next to you, idiot." Kakashi laughed. I smiled at him and moved over. He laid down on his back, and I laid on my side with my head on his chest. It was perfect. This was perfect. I kept thinking I would wake up from a dream any minute. I was amazed at how instantly comfortable we both were moving from friends to more. It felt right. Like we should have been like this for our whole lives.

"I love you." I said quietly. Kakashi kissed the top of my head.

"I love you too." I grinned a huge grin, and fell into the most restful sleep I had had in years.

He's Just My Best Friend | a Kakashi love storyWhere stories live. Discover now