Chapter 51: New Arrangement

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"The Court of Owls is back, then what's our next move?" Batgirl asks the group in front of her, being Jason Todd, Cassandra Cain, Caleb Millz and his mother Christi Millz.

"I was hoping you'd know." Caleb tells her while holding Cass in his arms.

"What do we know?" Batgirl says.

"Follow me." Caleb says as he pulls away from his hug with Cass before leading Batgirl to the main computer in the bunker. "The Court's gotten bold since we last saw them and I don't know what to do next." Caleb tells Barbara who still hasn't taken her mask off.

"What do you mean bolder?" Barbara asks as she takes a seat in front of the computer.

"They sent my dad to my house to kill my mom and they had William Cobb following me." Caleb tells her as he sits on the railing next to the computer.

"Are you sure Cobb was following you?" she asks.

"I'm sure." Caleb tells her, pulling out his knife before saying, "Plus he's who I fought on the roof."

"So what do you want to do next?" Barbara asks him.

"I don't know, but I need somewhere safe for my mom to stay before I can do anything against the Court." Caleb tells her.

"Ok so step one is to find somewhere safe for your mom and we figure out what step two is going to be when Dick gets back." Barbara says turning to look at Caleb.

"Sure, ya, sounds good." Caleb says fiddling with his knife.

"I could get my dad to put her into protective custody?" Barbara suggests.

"No. when it comes down to it you're dad can't stop the court from controlling the GCPD." Caleb tells her.

"We can probably talk Bruce into letting the two of you stay at the manor if that's safer." she suggests.

Caleb thinks it over for a couple seconds before saying "Ya, that's probably our best bet to keep her out of reach of the Court."

"I'll call Bruce then." Barbara says, calling Batman through the computer in front of her. As Barbara talks to Bruce Wayne, Caleb swings his legs over the railing and jumps off landing in the garage portion of the bunker. Caleb then walks over to talk to his mother who is still waiting in the bunker because she can't go home.

"Hey, you doing ok mom?" Caleb asks.

"I'm tired. How long are we going to need to stay here?" Christi asks her son.

"I think we've found somewhere for you to stay while we deal with the Court. You'll be safe there." Caleb tells her.

"What about you won't you be in danger?" Christi asks her son.

"I will, but in order to do what I need to, I need to know that you're safe." Caleb tells her.

"Fine but where will we be staying?" she asks.

"I think you're going to be staying at Wayne Manor." he tells her.

"But doesn't he work with the Court of Owls?" Christi asks.

"It's a long story but, no Bruce Wayne doesn't work for the Court." Caleb says.

"Are you sure because i thought he did." Christi says.

"Ah, screw it, Bruce Wayne is Batman." Caleb says.

"Are you sure?" Christi asks.

"I am." he tells her.

"Ok, as long as you know what you're doing." she tells her son.

"I just need to know that you're safe." Caleb responds.

"Ok." Christi says before hugging her son. As the two pull apart from the hug Caleb walks back over to where Barbara is sitting in front of the computer.

"How'd it go?" Caleb asks as he takes his place on the railing again.

"Bruce will let your mother stay at the manor." Barbara says turning towards Caleb.

"Good, that's good." Caleb responds.

"Are you doing ok, Caleb?" Barbara asks.

"I'll be ok, just give it some time." Caleb tells her.

"What wrong?" Cass asks walking up to the two.

"I'm just stressed with the Court being back and them coming to my house." Caleb says. "I just don't know what to do any more." he continues.

"You need sleep?" Cass asks.

"Probably but I don't think I can sleep right now." Caleb tells her, causing Cass to nod in understanding.

"What are we doing?" Jason asks as he walks over to the three other vigilantes.

"We're just waiting for Dick to get back, then we figure out our next move." Barbara tells him.

"So am I needed or can I go back to the outlaws?" Jason asks.

You never had to be here in the first place." Barbara says.

"So now we wait." Caleb says, causing the two girl vigilantes to nod. 

(A/N) thank you to every one for being patient with me over the month I took off from writing and I know this chapter isn't much but it's mainly to help me get back into writing this story and I hope you enjoy where this story is going. 

I've had this story planed out for a while, I've known where everything has been leading almost as long as I've been writing this. and just so you know the first part of this story will be reaching it's inevitable end soon, but the story of Cassandra and Caleb is far from over. 

Happy New Year


Trained Weapons (Cassandra Cain x OC)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora